
Your July 2022 Career Horoscope Predicts Major Shakeups In The Workplace This Month

Even though you probably wish you were on summer vacay, your July 2022 career horoscope is proof that a job well done can feel even more satisfying than a day at the beach! After all, it’s knowing you’ve worked hard that makes taking time off feel *so* good. And if you want to take advantage of every opportunity at your disposal this month, your horoscope will point you in the right direction. After all, there’s room for everyone at the finish line!

This month is marked by dramatic changes that will unfold on both a micro and micro level, so get ready to feel inspired by the changing tides. As the month begins, you may try a new approach as competitive Mars enters reliable and committed Taurus on July 5, which will be a major energetic shift from Mars in driven and impulsive Aries. With Mars moving through this fixed earth sign, this month may feel slow-moving at times. However, it’s also giving you the opportunity to think before you make a decision you’ll regret. Take your time on a project and make sure it gets done right! And if you need an extra pick-me-up, try bringing an energizing crystal such as carnelian or clear quartz into your work-space.

When was the last time that you asked yourself what you *truly* wanted out of your career? If it’s been too long, the full moon in Capricorn on July 13 will reignite your desire to achieve. When it comes to the zodiac, nothing screams “ambitious” louder than Capricorn, so use this surge of lunar magic to set career goals and do whatever it takes to make it happen! Capricorn scales even the tallest mountains, much to the chagrin of their competitors. Now, it’s time for you to show your enemies what you’re made of.

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Photo: House of Intuition.

House of Intuition: Carnelian Sphere

Mercury—planet of communication—will enter fiery and creative Leo on July 19, spicing up your correspondence and increasing your level of confidence. Leo season will also begin on July 22, reminding you to have faith in yourself and in your talents. If anyone’s gonna believe in you, it might as well be you! Leo believes that everyone was born with irreplaceable gifts, so spend time honoring yourself for your unique skills.

With all of this powerful energy demanding your attention and paving the way for greatness, how will you step into the lead role in your own life and make your dreams happen? The new moon in Leo on July 28 will be a potent opportunity for you to set your intentions on what a fully confident and happy life in your line of work would look like. 2022 is not a year to mess around, with it being a numerological “6” year (2+0+2+2) we are aligning with who and what we are meant for… even if it takes time for these aligned connections and opportunities to actualize. In numerology, a 6-year is all about hard work, discipline and responsibility, so step up to the plate and prove why you’re worthy of the success you desire.

With revolutionary Uranus joining forces with the North Node of Destiny in Taurus as of July 31, the month is ending on quite the cliffhanger. This may lead to changes that shake up your professional priorities. Prepare for financial ups and downs, because there’s never been a better time to start thinking outside the box when it comes to making more money!

Every zodiac sign can expect something interesting from their career during the month of July. Check your horoscope for both your sun sign and rising sign in order to get full clarity on what July has in store for you:

How The Planets Will Affect Your Career This Month

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Aries, you are being double-blessed this month. The sun will be in fellow cardinal sign Cancer, then it will sashay into fellow fire sign Leo! The planets are asking you to put yourself out there this month, as it will lead to so much growth. Start getting comfortable with putting your ideas out there in a big way, and remove the self-doubt that inhibits the way you show up. You’re ready to take the next step, and even though it might feel scary, it’s leading you to exactly where you want to go. If you’ve been wanting a career with greater responsibility and even more cash flow, that opportunity will present itself to you this month. However, you need to be willing to embrace your value and get shameless with self-promotion too!

Related: Aries Horoscope For July 2022: Return To Your Roots

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iMaxTree; Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.


Taurus, this month will lead to major breakthroughs, especially when it comes to your sense of self. With Uranus and North Node of Destiny forming a conjunction in your zodiac sign at the end of the month, you may feel an energetic “pull” that leads to a climactic bang. Embrace something ending so that something else can begin. Be open to changing the direction of your life. And if you’re worried, don’t be—your stubborn and down-to-earth persona doesn’t exactly make you the biggest fan of change, but what if you knew the universe was supporting you every step of the way? What if you knew that you had support when it comes to following your dreams? You may be worried about how others will perceive this new version of you. Once you let that go, it will feel much easier to move toward your goals. This is the month where you let go of shame, fear and doubt. Don’t overthink it; just do it!

Related: Taurus Horoscope For July 2022: Gaining Momentum

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iMaxTree; Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.


Gemini, you’ve been working so hard lately and it shows. However, it’s time to prioritize rest! Remember that it is while you’re resting that you can dream about the life that you desire. It seems you’ve been giving one hundred percent and you are being called to dial that back to seventy. During the month of July, create more space for your blessings to flow through. Although this might feel uncomfortable at first, you’re gradually adjusting to what a life with a stronger work-life balance would look like. Although you’re probably judging yourself harshly, getting used to this new normal will take time. Stop assuming your life will go to ruin if you take a break and let others step in to pick up the slack. Remember, you can exhaust yourself in the pursuit of happiness. Life sometimes moves in the right direction, even when you’re not paying attention. Trust that and good things will come. 

Related: Gemini Horoscope For July 2022: Looking For Love

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My dear little crab, you are being called to release old habits that are keeping you stuck. It seems that you’ve been filling a void rather than fixing that gaping hole in your life, once and for all. If you keep relying on the opinions of others in order to create a sense of worthiness, you will continue to crumble the moment someone’s validation isn’t readily available to you. While you’re undercutting your potential, you’re also depleting your worth! As much as it may seem that playing small benefits someone else, there is a universal law at hand that states if it’s wrong for one, it’s wrong for all. Speak up, ask for what you want and stop over-extending yourself when you’re running on low. Turn your phone on airplane mode after 5 o’clock and let everyone know that you are *not* at their beck and call. Oh, it’s time for a raise. It is your solar season after all!

Related: Cancer Horoscope For July 2022: Happy Solar Return

12-Month Life Planner by Freedom Mastery

Photo: Amazon.

Freedom Mastery: 12-Month Goal Planner

Buy: 12-Month Goal Planner $26.95

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Dear Leo, you are being called to take action this month. Let go of the parts of yourself that have been feeling stagnant, bored and uninspired lately. Embrace a career that works for you, not against you! When you switch your perspective on what your job entails, new opportunities that align with your dreams will appear out of thin air. Some of you may be stepping into something more creative. Some may even commit to something philanthropic; something that betters your community. You may be taking a path that is quite different from what the people around you are used to, and that’s OK! You will lead others by example with your career path, reminding yourself and those around you that you can never dream too big.

Related: Leo Horoscope For July 2022: Lovers & Friends

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iMaxTree; Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.


Virgo, the month of July is filled with buried treasures and countless opportunities to step into the limelight. Whether you are working from home, in a small office, a corporate space, traveling for work or somewhere in-between, it’s your time to shine! Take your career to the next level by writing down everything you’re ready to leave behind on the full moon in Capricorn on July 13. Watch how your life starts to come together by the time a new moon in Leo takes place on July 28. The amount of time it takes you to get the job done doesn’t have to be as lengthy any more, so start believing that you deserve a life in which you’re blessed in the same way that you’ve watched others be blessed. It’s your turn now!

Related: Virgo Horoscope For July 2022: Saying Goodbye

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Lovely Libra, the month of July is asking you to step out of your comfort zone and stand up for yourself in new ways. Your boundaries are no longer allowed to be crossed on a nearly daily basis from your co-workers, boss, clients or colleagues. You are someone of high-value, and until you start to show up with confidence in yourself, people will continue treating you like a doormat. Take back the reins by saying “no” when something doesn’t feel right. Remember, you’re only human, and you have different expectations and desires than the people around you—and that’s OK! If you want to start a new chapter in your life, there doesn’t need to be a big explosion in order for destruction to take place. Blow the top off of your last chapter by starting the new one now. I see many of you re-writing your entire resumé this month, because you may be starting something completely different than what you’ve been doing!

Related: Libra Horoscope For July 2022: Feeling Ambitious

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Scorpio, the month of July is bringing you out of your shell and into the line of fire. Some of you may be releasing an old line of work in favor of a new venture. There may be breakdowns before there are breakthroughs, and it’s important that you keep your eyes on the prize. Do not lose sight of your goals just because there are hiccups or challenges that arise along the way. You are not being punished by being given the opportunity to prove yourself. Remember, you are destined to achieve greatness, but even a cocoon must be broken in order for a butterfly to climb out and unfold its wings. Take these challenges and ask yourself: “Is the answer to my prayers in devotion or in discernment?” After all, you will be the one to make the final choice on whether to stay or go.

Related: Scorpio Horoscope For July 2022: Open Your Heart

Spray The B Away by Frankie & Myrrh

Photo: Amazon.

Frankie & Myrrh: Spray The B Away

Buy: Spray The B Away: Aromatherapy Spray $21.95

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Centaurs, the month of July is leading you toward opportunities to expand your horizons, especially when it comes to your career. You will be meeting, networking and connecting with new people this month and the brainstorming sessions you stumble into will lead to opportunities down the line. Your life is shifting in a beautiful and mysterious way, so don’t shy away from the unknown! Open your mind and realize that all negative work experiences you’ve had have been holding you back from the life that you desire. That’s old news! For every failure, there is an even sweeter success. You do not need to play small in your life anymore—work and finances can actually shift in your favor if you allow them to.

Related: Sagittarius Horoscope For July 2022: Be Kind To Yourself

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Capricorn, this month will bring a full moon under your sign on July 13, so get ready to make magic happen at work! This full moon will affect you in a major way, helping you release your old self and shed skin you’ve outgrown. If you don’t make space for the life and blessings that you want, they may pass you by, looking for a better landing space. If there are people in your life that continue to suck away your time and energy without warning, it’s time to set boundaries or step away altogether. Your life is not meant to feel like a punishment. Be OK with letting go in order to move ahead. Work doesn’t have to be this difficult and you don’t have to put up with BS.

Related: Capricorn Horoscope For July 2022: Say What You Mean

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iMaxTree; Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.


Aquarians, you’re the most visionary and revolutionary zodiac sign of all. This month is asking you to think bigger in terms of your professional undertakings and to let go of your need for other people’s approval! Remember, you’re a trend-setter, not a trend-follower. If something is going in a direction that feels inauthentic for you, now is the time to course-correct in order to point your life in the right direction once again. If you’re working closely with others to finish a project, you will need to step into the role of a leader in order to get things done (or at least to get them done well). It’s important for you to see your own potential this month.

Related: Aquarius Horoscope For July 2022: Looking Inward

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iMaxTree; Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.


My dear Pisces, July is filled with the right kind of conflict for you; the type of conflict that makes heroes out of the workplace. Embrace pushback, because it’s brings you to a beautiful high point in your career. When someone rejects your offer, it’s only inspiring you to do even better next time. You’re stepping into uncertain territory, but it’s during times of uncertainty that your wildest dreams can be realized! It’s always the moment right before someone reaches the finish line they’ve been digging for that they feel ready to throw the towel in. So instead of giving up, keep going, knowing that at any moment, you might just strike gold. Oh, and remember to celebrate the small victories along the way. Life is no fun if you’re only focusing on the end-goal, so spend July enjoying the journey instead.

Related: Pisces Horoscope For July 2022: Feeling Imaginative

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