
Kourtney Kardashian & Travis Barker Wedding: The Astrology Of Their Marriage

When the eldest sibling of the Kardashian clan and the drummer of Blink-182 made their relationship public, many people were shocked at the connection these two shared. However,  if you’re into astrology, you know Kourtney Kardashian and Travis Barker’s zodiac signs might have something to do with it! Kourtney, who rose to fame through her family’s eponymous reality show Keeping Up With The Kardashians—now titled The Kardashians—is the last person society expected to date tatted rock star Travis Barker. However, when the pair decided to take their relationship to the next level last year, the hearts of their fans melted as the two found their soulmate in the other. And when Kourtney and Travis finally said “I do”, social media downright exploded.

While most people were commenting on the news of their unexpected marriage, astrologers were taking note of the fact that they got married during Mercury retrograde and on May 15, the day of the total lunar eclipse in Scorpio. Make no mistake—this is a big deal! However, many people in the astrological community began to throw shade at the wedding date and future of this pair. And as a professional astrologer, I’m here to bust some of the myths you might have heard about the astrology of their marriage.

Kourtney Kardashian, Travis Barker

Lexie Moreland/PMC.

First of all, getting married during Mercury retrograde is not all doom and gloom. Is it the most ideal time to sign a contract, particularly one that binds you to someone for life? No. But, you have to keep living your life and you can’t let the cosmos control when the feeling strikes. However, this does not mean their marriage will end in divorce. When people start a relationship, sign a contract or get married when a planet is retrograde, all it really denotes is that there will be a lot of controversy, scrutiny and bizarre energy surrounding the couple. And in case you haven’t noticed, there already has been!

You probably didn’t see this relationship coming because the they seem *so* different from each other on the surface. But in reality, they’re actually quite similar. That right there is such an indication that Mercury retrograde is at work here! The fact that people view this relationship one way, while the truth of their love is exactly the opposite of what everyone thinks, is the Mercurial twist of getting married during a retrograde. And being that the couple got engaged during Mercury retrograde in Libra last year, there seems to be a theme of impulsivity in their relationship—let’s see what happens!

Kourtney and Travis got married during Mercury retrograde and on the day of the total lunar eclipse in Scorpio.

Because they had their “first” wedding in Las Vegas during April 2022, this is their second chance at getting married during another Mercury retrograde. I wouldn’t be surprised if they had a third wedding after Mercury turns direct in June with all their family and friends in attendance. Their initial wedding was a top secret ceremony, the second wedding took place in Santa Barbara with their children present and the third one will likely involve their whole posse. This is very common for a mercury retrograde wedding, as the ceremony and reception may occur more than once. After all, Mercury is a planet who likes to do things several times and will continue to throw a party until they get it right!

Now, the fact that they were married during a total lunar eclipse doesn’t represent the demise or downfall of their marriage either. A lunar eclipse is a very energetically heightened full moon. When the moon is full, we are able to understand and see our emotions from a different perspective. Repressed feelings may surface, making your emotions known.

As most people do during eclipses, this star-studded couple probably made an impulsive decision to get married because they were really feeling each other over the weekend. In fact, this lunar eclipse aspected Travis Barker’s sun in Scorpio and his North Node of Destiny, which also happens to be in Scorpio. With all of this in mind, it’s clear this is a marriage that was always fated to happen. It represents the beginning of the dream life that Travis has always wanted. As for Kourtney Kardashian, her Uranus—planet of rebellion—also formed an alignment with the lunar eclipse in Scorpio, pushing her to jump head first into this marriage. Dreamy and romantic Neptune also formed an aspect with her ascendent, urging her to lean into the love.

To all the celestial naysayers on the Internet who believe that the astrology of their wedding will affect their future, I sincerely disagree. Looking at the aspects that were at play in both of their birth charts can help anyone see that their marriage on May 15 was destined to happen—even with Mercury retrograde and a lunar eclipse stirring the pot. TBH, they’re incredibly compatible astrologically! For example, Kourtney’s sun in Aries forms a conjunction with Travis’ moon in Aries, which denotes a long, happy and fulfilling marriage. I, personally, am rooting for them and I definitely believe they’ll have a lasting partnership.

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