
How Valentine’s Day 2023 Will Affect Each Zodiac Sign

Happy Valentine’s Day! Cupid’s arrows will be flying on February 14 and knowing how Valentine’s Day will affect each zodiac sign is key to understanding whether you’ll feel lovestruck or lovesick. Will you be one of the lucky zodiac signs who will be showered with sensual affection, red roses and touching love letters? Or will you be one of the not-so-lucky zodiac signs who feels like their love fern has finally died? No matter what happens, keep in mind that the cosmic magic of V-Day will be whatever you want to make of it!

V-Day will be undeniably mushy-gushy since there will be an applying conjunction between exalted Venus in Pisces and Neptune in Pisces all day long. When the planet of love melds with the planet of dreams, Valentine’s Day will feel like a romance movie has come to life. An immense sense of hope will be prevalent, allowing us to believe that our wishes for love will come true. The intuitive transit could bring fated soulmates closer together through moments of unconditional love and compassion!  

But if mushy-gushy isn’t your style, then there will be plenty of chemistry beaming from the fiery moon in Sagittarius. The moon will make several spicy aspects throughout the day, which can help everyone achieve their V-Day wishes and goals.

STYLECASTER | Zodiac Signs Valentine's Day

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If you’re looking for a sign from the universe to ask your friend out, then look no further when the bold moon in Sagittarius sextiles Mercury in Aquarius. The friendly sextile is auspicious and action-oriented, so you may feel like it is now or never to shoot your shot! Ask your friend out in a cute but quirky way, like giving them a homemade Valentine’s card or a box of heart-shaped candies. 

New horizons for singles and couples will surely unfold as the excitable moon in Sagittarius trines enthusiastic Jupiter in Aries. Singles will be ready to mingle since this courageous transit could help singles get out of their comfort zone to find “the One” while couples may feel like it is time to take the next step in their relationship. 

New horizons for singles and couples will surely unfold as the excitable moon in Sagittarius trines enthusiastic Jupiter in Aries.

Get ready for a sexy evening when the brazen moon in Sagittarius opposes flirty Mars in Gemini! Heighten the sexual drama by sending naughty messages to your lover while preparing the bedroom with rose petals, candles and mood lighting. When the late evening rolls around, our sexual appetites will be larger-than-life! Go beyond your comfort zone by paying attention to your partner’s erogenous zones while experimenting with dirty talk. 

However, the moon’s opposition with Mars and fiery trine with Jupiter could enhance fertility, so don’t forget to use protection in the heat of the moment unless you want to have a cute Scorpio baby in about nine months.

What can you expect on Valentine’s Day? Keep reading to see what’s in store for your sun sign and/or rising sign on this romantic holiday!

How Valentine’s Day Will Affect Each Zodiac Sign

STYLECASTER | Aries Zodiac Sign

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Who will catch your eye on Valentine’s Day, Aries? A secret admirer may finally shoot their shot since the intuitive conjunction between Venus and Neptune will create a subliminal romantic vibe. You may feel like your crush or lover is paying more attention than usual, so don’t be surprised if you find yourself daydreaming about what they could be planning for you! 

Your hope for your journey in love will become enhanced by the fiery moon in Sagittarius. Although there is no telling where your love life will go or who will be along for the ride, the lunar energy will help you take a leap of faith. If you feel ready to do so, consider today the perfect time to share your true feelings. Tell your cutie how much they mean to you and what you love about their quirks when the moon sextiles friendly Mercury in Aquarius. Although the flow of the conversation could be unpredictable, you may fall more deeply in love with your partner!

Read Your Full Aries Horoscope For the Year 2023

STYLECASTER | Taurus Zodiac Sign

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Valentine’s Day will bring you and your lover closer together, Taurus. There will be a natural alignment between you and your soulmate as sweet Venus conjuncts dreamy Neptune. Unconditional love and friendship from this budding conjunction will create an unmistakable acceptance in your love life. Dreams of where your love life will lead will be prevalent, especially if you want to be vulnerable about where you want your relationship to go in the future.

Your desire for emotional and sexual intimacy will deepen as the V-Day continues to unfold, so you might feel like it is time to take a leap of faith by letting your lover into your secret world while the moon is in adventurous Sagittarius. Dare to use the lunation to get to know your partner better by opening up to them. Luna will also feel feisty,  which will bring out your inner kinkiness. Experiment with toys, lingerie, and even hooking up in a new place during this fiery moon! Your lover won’t know what’s come over you, but this could be a fantastic way to spice up your sex life.

Read Your Full Taurus Horoscope For the Year 2023

STYLECASTER | Gemini Zodiac Sign

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Where do you see your love life heading in the next few years, Gemini? Usually, you tend to be in the here and now instead of planning for the future. But daydreams of commitment, marriage, and more will linger on your mind this Valentine’s Day as Venus conjuncts Neptune. The magical conjunction will encourage you to have a more whimsical approach to love, so you will feel more hopeful while aligning yourself to what you want to create with your soulmate in the years to come.

Fools won’t be the only ones who rush in since you may feel driven to take a leap of faith while the moon is fired up in your opposite sign, Sagittarius. This isn’t the time to hesitate! Luna’s bold energy will make you practically crazy for love, so don’t be afraid to let your crush or lover know how you truly feel since the moon will trine lucky Jupiter in Aries. The fiery trine could even be your cosmic cue to take a special friendship to the next level!

Read Your Full Gemini Horoscope For the Year 2023

STYLECASTER | Cancer Zodiac Sign

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How can you make the most of your Valentine’s Day, Cancer? Since sweet Venus will be conjunct with magical Neptune, it might be time to consider what you believe in when it comes to your love life. Love isn’t always easy, but the conjunction will be an intuitive reminder to keep your chin up. As a romantic at heart, you should lean into the hopeful vibe of this transit to restore your faith in your journey in love.

Find moments of magic throughout your Valentine’s Day by looking on the bright side while the moon is in exuberant Sagittarius. Given that the moon is illuminating your sector of work, you could shower your work wife or work hubby with a little bit of love. Surprise your work bestie with a coffee from their favorite cafe, or you could bring Valentines into work to hand out to all of your coworkers. Then spend the rest of this holiday prioritizing your self-care. Grab a lush bottle of wine, put on your favorite romcom, and pamper yourself!

Read Your Full Cancer Horoscope For the Year 2023

STYLECASTER | Leo Zodiac Sign

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Valentine’s Day has never been so intimate quite like this, Leo. Sharing your body, mind, and soul with someone else will feel incredibly natural as loving Venus conjuncts intuitive Neptune. As the conjunction builds throughout V-Day, you may feel like your desire for love will transcend beyond the mundane. Lean into your intuitive desire to go deeper than ever before with your lover!

Speaking of going deeper… If you know what I mean, wink, wink! Not only can Valentine’s Day be sweet, but it could also be naughty since the moon will be in steamy Sagittarius. You may feel cheekier than usual since you may want to spend V-Day rolling around in bed with your lover as the fiery moon amps up the passion. Sex is one of many ways to show how strong love is, so consider this horny lunation a fantastic opportunity to enhance your intimate bond. But be forewarned, know that this can be a fertile lunation, so proceed with caution (or lack thereof).

Read Your Full Leo Horoscope For the Year 2023

STYLECASTER | Virgo Zodiac Sign

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What kind of commitment are you looking for, Virgo? The question of love will manifest on Valentine’s Day when amorous Venus conjuncts imaginative Neptune. Whether you’re single or in a relationship, the conjunction will draw your attention to all of the possibilities that could come to fruition in your love life. Let go of the logistics of love during this imaginative conjunction by visualizing what you want to happen. Don’t be surprised when you watch your dreams come to fruition!

It might be more romantic to celebrate Valentine’s Day with your partner at home since the moon will be in Sagittarius. There’s nothing more romantic than a home-cooked, candlelit dinner complete with bubbles while slow love songs play in the background. You could even make the trending “Marry Me Chicken” from Tik Tok, or cook their favorite meal as a thoughtful surprise. After dinner, heighten the sensual intimacy of your private V-Day festivities by drawing a warm bubble bath for you and your partner to enjoy together. 

Read Your Full Virgo Horoscope For the Year 2023

STYLECASTER | Libra Zodiac Sign

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Put yourself out there, Libra! Valentine’s Day will surely feel extra magical since loving Venus will be in harmony with whimsical Neptune. You may feel like there’s a rosy tint to your day as this magical transit will amplify the romantic vibes. Love will be everywhere you look, so let it inspire you to take a leap of faith in your love life.

No matter if you are single or coupled up, the courageous moon in Sagittarius will be your cosmic cue to speak up. Expect to feel braver than usual since the lunation will illuminate your communication skills, allowing you to say what’s on your mind and in your heart. Since the moon will form a feisty trine to Jupiter in Aries, a seemingly simple conversation could lead to a new journey in partnership and commitment. Don’t be afraid to let your crush or lover know exactly how you feel since it may lead to what you’ve been waiting for!

Read Your Full Libra Horoscope For the Year 2023

STYLECASTER | Scorpio Zodiac Sign

Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.


What will help you feel secure in your search for love, Scorpio? You’re one of the lucky zodiac signs who will be struck by Cupid’s arrow since the conjunction between romantic Venus and dreamy Neptune will bring you closer to your heart’s desires. Woo your soulmate by setting up a magical date to surprise them. Don’t be afraid to go big or go home with all of the V-Day works like red roses, champagne, and more!

The warm moon in Sagittarius will be your cosmic reminder to feel secure in your romantic endeavors by taking a leap of faith. Although it might be kind of scary to open up to your lover, it could be worthwhile. While you’re enchanting your lover on your date, you should use this as an opportunity to deepen your bond with them since the moon will oppose Mars in Gemini. Ask thought-provoking questions to strengthen the emotional intimacy that you have with your partner. You won’t regret it!

Read Your Full Scorpio Horoscope For the Year 2023

STYLECASTER | Sagittarius Zodiac Sign

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Valentine’s Day will surely feel close to home, Sagittarius. Expect to have a quiet holiday while Venus conjuncts Neptune in introverted Pisces. Usually, you like to be on the move with your lover! But you and your partner may enjoy an easygoing yet intimate V-Day. The imaginative conjunction will bring the life you want to build with your lover to mind, so this could be the perfect time to share your dreams about having a home and family with your partner.

But Valentine’s Day can still have its fiery moments since the moon will be in your sign! Although the Venus-Neptune conjunction will be subdued, the lunar energy may inspire you to plan a fun activity for you and your partner to do together! You may even have enthusiastic conversations about the life you two can have together. Children will likely be one of the many topics that could come up since the moon will trine happy-go-lucky Jupiter in Aries.

Read Your Full Sagittarius Horoscope For the Year 2023

STYLECASTER | Capricorn Zodiac Sign

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Roses are red, violets are blue, and someone has their eye on you, Capricorn! Even a stoic earth sign such as yourself will melt as Venus conjuncts Neptune is sweet-talking Pisces. The watery conjunction will soften your sharp edges, allowing you to be a bit more vulnerable in conversation with someone you like. If you want to be extra cute, consider writing a little poem on the back of a Valentine to give to your crush or lover!

It might even be time for someone (including you) to do something risky on V-Day since the moon will be in brave Sagittarius. Luna’s bold energy could encourage a secret admirer to make their move, especially in an adorable way like sending a flowergram. Since the moon will sextile Mercury in Aquarius, you may feel inspired to think of a unique way to show your love. Create a one-of-a-kind Valentine’s Day experience for the person you can’t stop thinking about. Trust me, your crush will never forget receiving such a special V-Day surprise!

Read Your Full Capricorn Horoscope For the Year 2023

STYLECASTER | Aquarius Zodiac Sign

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Is it time to go from friends to lovers, Aquarius? You can be notorious for sticking someone, even yourself, in the friendzone out of fear of being rejected in love. Luckily, you may feel more hopeful than usual that Valentine’s Day is the perfect time to test the waters since Venus will conjunct Neptune. Your chances are cosmically aligned since you will feel more secure as the magical conjunction enhances the romantic vibe throughout V-Day.

Do something extraordinary to make your intentions clear while the moon is in exuberant Sagittarius. Luna’s courageous energy will be just what you need to set yourself up for success when you shoot your shot. But you will need to come up with a game plan to avoid feeling disorganized or anxious since the moon will oppose Mars in Gemini. The best way to handle getting out of the friendzone is by being authentic in your expression of love. Go with whatever feels natural so that you can feel confident when you put yourself out there!

Read Your Full Aquarius Horoscope For the Year 2023

STYLECASTER | Pisces Zodiac Sign

Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.


It’s time to go public with your love life, Pisces! All eyes will be on you since your personality will be positively amplified as Venus conjuncts Neptune in your sign. Given that the moon will also be in feisty Sagittarius, you may feel like you’re receiving more recognition than usual on Valentine’s Day. Since you’re in the spotlight, this could be the perfect time to open up about your love life. 

If you’re in a relationship, then consider V-Day the perfect time to post about your lover! You could use V-Day as an excuse to hard launch your new boo, or show off how cute your V-Day is with them on social media. If you’re single, then you could think of Valentine’s Day as the time to put yourself out there. Get back on the dating apps, go to your favorite local hangout to meet new people, or do a fun GRWM story time about your love life on TikTok. No matter what, you should make the most of this cosmic attention since it could attract someone!

Read Your Full Pisces Horoscope For the Year 2023

Zodiac Signs Travel | Culture Issue 2022

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