
Your Weekly Tarot Horoscope Wants You to Own Your Power & Take Control of Your Life

Whenever you’re confused about a situation and you’re looking for answers, it’s always a good idea to ask the Tarot for guidance! Whether you steadfastly believe these cards can tell you your future or you simply love the ritual of it all, your Tarot horoscope for the week of January 30 to February 5 will give you the guidance you’ve been needing.

A deck of Tarot consists of 78 cards, each one full of endless possibilities. Between the Tarot’s thought-provoking imagery and the symbolism associated with the Major and Minor Arcana, these cards always have a way of shining a light on something that needed to be brought to your awareness. And believe it or not, Tarot is used by people who come from all walks of life and follow all sorts of different belief systems. Whether you see the Tarot as an opportunity to connect with your spirit guides or as a lighthearted tool for stimulating your intuition and making decisions, this form of divination is always at your disposal. And since you don’t always have the time to pull out your deck and give yourself a full reading, your weekly Tarot horoscope can be a quick source of insight whenever you need it! And remember, the future is never set in stone, so think of a Tarot card reading as a chance to understand something from a different angle and ponder a unique possibility you hadn’t considered before.

Related: Get a Free Tarot Reading For Further Insight

The Emperor Tarot

Modern Witch Deck © Sterling Publishing Co.

Card of the Week

The Emperor

While every zodiac sign is receiving its own Tarot card pull, we’ve also pulled a card that will describe the overall energy that is impacting the collective. And for this week, that card is a sign that you’re on the verge of something big, because it happens to be the Emperor. The Emperor is encouraging you to have total ownership of your true power! Your life experiences have helped you gain valuable wisdom and insight. How can you use this to help yourself? How can you use this to help others? This week you might be asked for guidance or advice from someone close to you—don’t shy away. Alternately, you may be faced with a difficult personal decision. Don’t worry, you now have the kind of knowledge and perspective that will help you navigate either of these scenarios with positive results.

If you’re searching for answers regarding your past, present and future, your weekly Tarot horoscope has got you covered. Here’s what the universe wants you to know about your current situation, according to your zodiac sign:

Your Zodiac Sign’s Weekly Tarot Horoscope

Page of Pentacles Tarot

Modern Witch Deck © Sterling Publishing Co.


Page of Pentacles

The Page of Pentacles represents enthusiasm for new beginnings and new ventures. This week, you are being encouraged to express your creative talents in some way. Have you been thinking about starting something but haven’t taken the first steps to get it off the ground? This card wants you to take those imaginative ideas you’ve been toying with and start working toward manifesting them. By remaining focused and applying a strong work ethic, you give yourself the ability to turn your dreams into a reality.

Read Your Full Aries Horoscope For February 2023

7 of Cups Tarot

Modern Witch Deck © Sterling Publishing Co.


7 of Cups

Have you felt like you’re juggling too many things at once? This week, the 7 of Cups recognizes you have many competing priorities, and while it’s noble to lend your energy to so many different things, it has proved impossible to give the right amount of attention to any one of them. As a result, one or more of those areas have suffered. Choice can be our friend, but it can also be our enemy. Now is the time to figure out where your time and energy is best spent.

Read Your Full Taurus Horoscope For February 2023

9 of Pentacles Tarot

Modern Witch Deck © Sterling Publishing Co.


9 of Pentacles

This week the 9 of Pentacles is inviting you to savor the fruits of your labor. You’ve been putting your blood, sweat, and tears into your goals, and you are now seeing deserved success as a result of your efforts. This is the time to take advantage of the material comfort you’ve created for yourself. So, go ahead and book an expensive spa package. Take yourself on a trip. Buy that expensive bottle of wine you’ve been eyeing. You’ve more than earned the right to splurge!

Read Your Full Gemini Horoscope For February 2023

Strength Tarot

Modern Witch Deck © Sterling Publishing Co.



The Strength card is signaling that you have the inner fortitude needed to gracefully navigate a difficult situation in your life. It’s easy to get lost in emotions like anger, sadness, fear, or shame, but you’re being called to rise above that this week and remain calm in this time of adversity. Don’t act on your base instincts. Instead, embrace your more compassionate and forgiving side. This allows you to become a silent warrior who remains in control not only of yourself but the situation as well.

Read Your Full Cancer Horoscope For February 2023

8 of Cups Tarot

Modern Witch Deck © Sterling Publishing Co.


8 of Cups

This week you’re being called to separate yourself from a disappointing situation or unfulfilling relationship in your life. The 8 of Cups acknowledges that this split will be painful, especially since you’ve devoted so much time and energy to it. In fact, this could be one of the reasons you haven’t moved on already. Rather than focusing on what the situation could have been or hoping things will change, accept reality for what it is. Remember, leaving will hurt you temporarily, but staying could hurt you more in the long run.

Read Your Full Leo Horoscope For February 2023

5 of Wands Tarot

Modern Witch Deck © Sterling Publishing Co.


5 of Wands

It could feel like you’re caught up in conflict this week! The 5 of Wands indicates you’ve been trying to work toward some type of goal but are being met with obstacles that get in the way of your progress. Perhaps you feel as though your point of view is being challenged, or it could be you’re finding it difficult to work with a specific person. Either way, you’re being challenged this week to truly listen to others’ opinions. You might find that what initially seemed like criticism was actually constructive feedback that will help you in the long run.

Read Your Full Virgo Horoscope For February 2023

8 Of Wands Tarot

Modern Witch Deck © Sterling Publishing Co.


8 of Wands

The 8 of Wands represents high energy and forward momentum, signaling a time of getting things done and making things happen. You might feel as though a lot is coming at you this week, and it could become difficult to figure out what you should pay attention to. Combat these distractions by homing in on a single goal and removing any distractions so you can focus on it. By using this energy to your advantage, you will turn this into a period of great productivity and progress.

Read Your Full Libra Horoscope For February 2023

8 of Swords Tarot

Modern Witch Deck © Sterling Publishing Co.


8 of Swords

The 8 of Swords is indicating that you are feeling trapped right now, believing there isn’t a way out of your current circumstances. This week you’re being called to question whether you’re truly stuck … or if you’re simply in a prison of your own design. Insecurity, fear, and doubt are often feelings that keep us in situations far longer than we need to be. Examine this matter more closely. You may find that self-imposed limitations have been holding you back this entire time.

Read Your Full Scorpio Horoscope For February 2023

6 of Pentacles Tarot

Modern Witch Deck © Sterling Publishing Co.


6 of Pentacles

You may feel compelled to go above and beyond for others this week! The 6 of Pentacles is a card of generosity, charity, and giving and receiving. This could be in a literal sense, indicating that you may give someone a loan or some other kind of financial support. However, this could also be a time when you are generous in spirit, helping someone move, lending advice, or offering much-needed support to a loved one going through a tough time. Some of the most treasured gifts we give to others are free.

Read Your Full Sagittarius Horoscope For February 2023

10 of Cups

Modern Witch deck © Sterling Publishing Co.


10 of Cups

Everything is coming up roses in your domestic world this week! The 10 of Cups is a very positive card, signifying uplifting emotions and successful relationships. You may end up spending more quality time than usual with your family, or it’s possible you’ll see things blossom in matters of the heart. Take the time to look around you and give thanks for all the blessings that are coming your way. It’s not very often we get to float on cloud nine, so enjoy every second of it!

Read Your Full Capricorn Horoscope For February 2023

9 of Wands

Modern Witch Deck © Sterling Publishing Co.


9 of Wands

You could find yourself approaching the finish line this week! The 9 of Wands recognizes the persistence and dedication you’ve put into a personal goal you’ve been working toward. Your initial goals and ideas were planted and have grown, and you are so close to finally reaching your destination. While the road may have been long and weary at times, this is no time to give up. Resilience is your greatest asset right now, so put on your battle armor and keep moving forward no matter what life may throw your way.

Read Your Full Aquarius Horoscope For February 2023

The High Priestess Tarot

Modern Witch Deck © Sterling Publishing Co.


The High Priestess

The High Priestess is primarily a card about intuition. This week, you’re being called to work on your perceptive skills, so that you can fine-tune your ability to hear your inner voice and receive messages from your unconscious mind. Have you been out of balance in a certain area of your life? Are you unsure if you’re on the right path regarding a specific situation? This card is encouraging you to connect with your internal wisdom, because the answer you’re seeking is already inside of you.

Read Your Full Pisces Horoscope For February 2023

StyleCaster | The Manifest Issue 2023

Remi Bader. Design: Sasha Purdy / StyleCaster


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