
Your Weekly Love Horoscope Wants You to Prioritize Trust, Loyalty & Commitment Above All

Your love horoscope for the week of January 16 to 22 offers us authenticity, even if it isn’t particularly passionate! Sometimes, the most genuine form of love doesn’t seem obvious. Instead of flowers and grand gestures, it looks like doing your partner’s laundry or picking them up from work; it looks like making your lover breakfast because you know they had trouble sleeping last night. This week’s astrology is calling on you to strengthen the trust and support in both your romantic and platonic relationships.

Mercury stations direct in pragmatic Capricorn on Wednesday after having been retrograde since December 29. As a result, we’re able to focus on thoughts about love that have meaning and purpose, rather than fairytale notions. Then, a New Moon in Aquarius on Saturday will remind us that the best romantic connections are forged from deep friendship and mutual respect. Meeting our friends and loved ones as they are allows us to instantly improve existing relationships—or begin brand-new ones. Last but not least, a Venus-Saturn conjunction on Sunday could heavily test our commitment to love. We may have to remind ourselves that reality matters more than our fantasies. Don’t overlook the love sitting right in front of you because it doesn’t arrive in the way you expected it to.

Related: Get a Free Tarot Reading For Further Insight

Here’s what your love horoscope for the week of January 16 to 22 is bringing to your attention, according to your sun sign, Venus sign and/or rising sign:

How The Planets Will Affect Your Love Life This Week

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Romance is best when it’s mutual. If you’re single, romantic potential might start to get serious between you and a formerly platonic connection. A New Moon in your friendship sector on Saturday is followed up with a Venus-Saturn conjunction in the same area of your chart on Sunday. Although you or your friend might be paralyzed in fear over potentially ruining your friendship, you could also realize that this connection has genuine potential. Great benefits can come from taking a calculated risk in matters of the heart. If you’re in a love connection, then you and your sweetheart might achieve an aspiration you’ve both worked very hard for. Celebration is in order!

Read Your Full Aries Horoscope For January 2023

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You may have a spectacular career opportunity this week, but it might cost you something in terms of your romantic situation. Perhaps you’ll need to put your love life on the back burner for a stretch of time in order to pursue this once-in-a-lifetime prospect. A New Moon in your career sector on Saturday brings professional possibilities, while a Venus-Saturn conjunction in the same area of your chart on Sunday stalls romantic matters because of it. You might have to choose between love and getting ahead in the worst-case scenario. You’re ready to make the decision that’s right for you.

Read Your Full Taurus Horoscope For January 2023

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You can expect to make great strides with having any uncomfortable conversations with your current or possible future mate. Mercury turns direct in your 8th house of Depth on Wednesday, helping you talk about the more difficult matters connected to your relationship. You’re capable of handling these talks responsibly and respectfully, which should ultimately improve your connection. There might be a positive decision you make connected to your joint financial or intimate life. In other news, if single, you might feel deflated in matters of the heart. Venus and Saturn meet up in your 9th house on Sunday, blocking your ability to have faith in love. Fortunately, the pessimism is temporary.

Read Your Full Gemini Horoscope For January 2023

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You’re in it to win it this week! Those with partners may feel this powerfully—in fact, your mutual dedication to your relationship borders on obsession. The attachment between you and your mate should be incredibly strong, thanks to the conjunction between the Sun and Pluto in your partnership sector on Wednesday. You’re also capable of practically communicating with a love interest thanks to Mercury turning direct. Get ready to share your desires and have them fulfilled! If you’re single, it’s possible that you have attracted someone with intense vibes who also has a strong presence of authority. This doesn’t threaten you, though—it has you interested.

Read Your Full Cancer Horoscope For January 2023

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You might have a serious love offer coming your way this week. A New Moon in your partnership sector on Saturday, followed by a Venus-Saturn conjunction in the same area of your chart on Sunday, is all about commitment and longevity in a new love connection. This could be signaling an engagement or marriage for some of you Leos! If you’re single, then this could be a fated karmic meeting with someone who you know has long-term love potential. Still, take things slow with this new person in your life because nothing great was built in a day. This love is worth waiting for.

Read Your Full Leo Horoscope For January 2023

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Everything about your love life may finally start to make sense again. Mercury turns direct in your romance sector on Wednesday. You might have been confused about whether or not to give a new person a chance. It’s also possible that you’ve been torn between two people or whether or not to reconcile with an ex. Whatever the details, the planets are helping you comprehend what you need to make a coherent decision about matters of the heart. If you’re in a committed partnership, then you and your sweetheart can feel an intensified bond, thanks to the Sun conjoining Pluto in your romance sector on Wednesday. You might be obsessed with each other in the best kind of way.

Read Your Full Virgo Horoscope For January 2023

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Your soulmate could be just around the corner! If you’re single, be ready for your first meeting with “the one.” A spectacular New Moon lands in your romance sector on Saturday, boosting new love potential between you and someone you feel a genuine sense of affinity and respect toward. Then, Venus will make an exact conjunction to committed Saturn on Sunday in the same area of your chart. You’ll quickly realize that anyone new who comes into your life is playing for keeps. So are you! If you’re in a relationship, then you and your partner can feel free to get out and ensure that the “fun factor” in your relationship is alive and well.

Read Your Full Libra Horoscope For January 2023

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You might be so busy with family matters that it leaves little time for romance this week. A glorious New Moon centers your domestic 4th House on Saturday. This will likely bring news about family or a living situation. No matter how progressive or exciting the information is, there probably seems to be a damper in your love life as a result of it. Things don’t get easier over the weekend, due to Venus and Saturn hooking up on Sunday in the same area of your chart. These two planets are inviting more domestic responsibilities for a while and taking more time away from romance. Fortunately, it should be temporary.

Read Your Full Scorpio Horoscope For January 2023

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You might be so logical about matters of the heart this week that it completely kills any romantic vibes. There will be a gorgeous New Moon in your communication sector on Saturday. If your mind is on your love life, however, you could easily end up overthinking or spiraling about romance. This is because Venus will make a precise alignment to Saturn in the same area of your chart on Sunday. You might feel downright hopeless about a current romantic situation. On the other hand, your mind might be swimming with so many inventive ideas that you aren’t even thinking about love this week. It’s all possible!

Read Your Full Sagittarius Horoscope For January 2023

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You may not be feeling like yourself lately. In fact, your mind could have been incredibly uncertain, and as a result, you might have been second-guessing all of your decisions—especially those connected to your love life. Mercury Retrograde could be to blame! Since December 29, the planet of communication has been hibernating in Capricorn. Thankfully, this Wednesday Mercury will turn direct, and you may realize that you’ve known what to do all along. You’re ready to do so with intensity, thanks to the Sun also making a conjunction to Pluto in your sign. In fact, you won’t miss a beat.

Read Your Full Capricorn Horoscope For January 2023

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You’re not messing around this week when it comes to love! There is almost nothing lighthearted, superficial, or even playful about your approach to romance. The universe could even be inspiring a “do or die” mindset in you regarding your love life. It’s nice to have fun with people, but you’re allowed to focus on things like overcoming all sorts of obstacles with someone you know will always be by your side. Sometimes you have to go through the trenches together! If you have this kind of connection, then you are blessed indeed. If not, you may feel a little bit more of an ache than usual.

Read Your Full Aquarius Horoscope For January 2023

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At long last, it’s possible that a friend’s advice about your love life will begin to make sense. Mercury turns direct in your friendship sector on Wednesday and, although you might not have wanted to hear your pal’s practical words of wisdom, suddenly they could begin to ring true. You might decide that the best course of action is to take a simple approach to love where you get rid of all the noise and just focus on your love connection. Venus and Saturn help you do so and encourage romantic healing this Sunday, as they meet up in your hidden 12th house on Sunday. This should set you up to achieve wonderful long-term improvements.

Read Your Full Pisces Horoscope For January 2023

Zodiac Signs Travel | Culture Issue 2022

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