
Your Weekly Love Horoscope Says Mars Retrograde Is Ending & Your Sex Life Is Heating Back Up

The way we want to love and be loved can perfectly align with the way we express our desires this week. Your love horoscope for the week of January 9 to 15 says Venus will be at a perfect trine to Mars on Monday, encouraging us to connect the dots of our love lives in a way that should ultimately get us what we want.

On Thursday, Mars retrograde will finally station direct at 8 degrees Gemini. During this time, we may begin to realize that as we try to meet our own desires, we can become prisoners of our own minds at the same time. Now that Mars—planet of power and drive—is back on our side, we’re not only beginning to understand there is a better way, but we’re genuinely ready to take actionable steps to get there. It will also make it easier to connect with our passion and feel energized by our libidos. If you’ve been feeling bored in the bedroom, get ready to reconnect with your mojo, because there’s a good change things will start getting spicier soon.

That said, we should get ready for a romantic plot twist as Venus—planet of love and luxury—squares off with erratic and unpredictable Uranus on Saturday. Some of us are craving more excitement and are willing to shake things up in matters of the heart to get what we want. Liberation is the new love language!

Related: Get a Free Tarot Reading For Further Insight

Here’s what your love horoscope for the week of January 9 to 15 is bringing to your attention, according to your sun sign, Venus sign and/or rising sign:

How The Planets Will Affect Your Love Life This Week

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Your voice and your mind are both your own this week, allowing you to think straight about any current romantic matter. Mars, your ruling planet, turns direct on Thursday in your communication sector. You’ve likely been rehashing thoughts and outmoded ideas connected to your love life, as well as the story you tell yourself concerning matters of the heart. Over the last several weeks, you may have come to realize that this story needed some serious editing. In some cases, it required a total rewrite! In any event, you can finally let Mars embolden you to walk your new talk—straight into success.

Read Your Full Aries Horoscope For January 2023

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Be careful—you might act against your own best interests this week when it comes to your love life! On Saturday, Venus will make a tense square to Uranus, with the planet of instability and excitement currently in your sign. While it’s true that this can help you wake up and revolutionize a situation in your love life that has gone stale, at the same time, it might lead to extremely reckless behavior on your part. Since Venus is at the top of your chart, there is a very real danger that whatever crazy romantic thing you do this week could damage your reputation. Forewarned is forearmed. Think it through!

Read Your Full Taurus Horoscope For January 2023

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After months of potentially feeling out of sorts, you can finally get your mojo back! You’ll feel stronger, sexier, and more capable of getting what you want than you probably have since late October, when assertive Mars slowed down to spin retrograde in your sign. This Thursday, Mars turns direct, and it’s time to GO! If a love situation has been on hold or in limbo for some reason, you may notice that this static feeling is starting to break apart. You’re free to get back into the driver’s seat of your love life. No matter how different the road to true love looks, you can get excited about taking this new path.

Read Your Full Gemini Horoscope For January 2023

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All’s fair in love and war, but all isn’t fair in love and friendship. Do yourself a favor and keep your friends out of your love life this week! Venus will make a harsh square to Uranus, the planet of sudden chaos and currently in your friendship sector, on Saturday. With Venus sliding through the deeply erotic 8th house, things might seem incredibly delicious in your personal life. The fun train may crash to a halt when Venus zaps Uranus this weekend, so be careful! One of your friends might reveal a secret you trusted him or her with about your love life. Regardless of the specifics, you could feel blindsided by betrayal. Ouch!

Read Your Full Cancer Horoscope For January 2023

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There’s no telling what will happen in your love life this week, but it’s sure to make some waves! Venus is currently dancing through your partnership sector and will make both a positive and difficult connection this week. She’ll first exchange a sexy vibe with Mars on Monday, making you feel like you’re finally going to get what you want in love. But then, by Saturday, Venus will square Uranus. Be careful what you wish for! Once your hopes become reality, you could encounter a moment of electric clarity. If you realize you don’t want this after all, you’ll have to navigate the situation with care—whether you’re single or coupled.

Read Your Full Leo Horoscope For January 2023

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You might go completely rogue in your love life or in how you express your romantic needs. If you’re in a relationship, then your partner is likely to be absolutely thrown off their game. Your mate could expect to please you with ease by doing what they’ve always done—only to experience a cold vibe of indifference from you. You’re allowed to change your mind about things you once enjoyed, but try to update others with kindness. If you’re single, you might send a mixed message to a crush by going out of your way to do something nice for them and then acting as if they’re invisible to you. Think twice: it’s not sexy to confuse people!

Read Your Full Virgo Horoscope For January 2023

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Romance could feel like a roller coaster ride this week, thrilling one moment and terrifying the next! Venus is moving through your true love sector, which is a strong place for supporting romantic happenings. She’ll be at a gorgeous angle to sexy Mars on Monday, which might help spark interest from someone. This is exciting, but by Saturday, you might wish you’d declined the offer. Venus will square Uranus, letting you know loud and clear if this person is moving way too fast for you. If you’re already in a relationship, you might find out that your sweetheart has been spending money erratically. Either way, you probably won’t be pleased.

Read Your Full Libra Horoscope For January 2023

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You may feel like you’re getting your sexy back this week in a major way! Mars, your traditional ruler and the planet ruling desire for everyone, will turn direct on Thursday after having been retrograde since October last year. With Mars getting back into motion in your 8th House of Desire, you might feel yourself waking up in a major way. Perhaps you intentionally shut yourself down for some time to deal with a romantic dry spell. It’s also possible that you went through an emotional shutdown because you needed to deal with a painful romantic situation in your past. Whatever the details, you’re now ready to move forward and heal—especially when it comes to your intimate life.

Read Your Full Scorpio Horoscope For January 2023

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You may have been in a rough spot with love and relationship matters for quite some time. Fortunately, you’re about to recover the knowledge of where you’re going. Mars, the planet of assertive drive, turns direct in your partnership sector on Thursday after having been retrograde since October 30, helping you take decisive action. You might have struggled with anger issues about your current love life situation or a past one that remained unresolved. In some cases, this means realizing that you and your current partner are not meant to be on the same path after all. Ultimately, you’ll have the strength to make whatever move you need to.

Read Your Full Sagittarius Horoscope For January 2023

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Whoever said that love doesn’t cost a thing wasn’t paying attention to what’s happening in your love life! Venus is moving through your 2nd House of Self-Worth, and on Saturday, she’ll make a difficult link to Uranus, presently in your romance sector. There might be sudden interest from someone that makes you feel great one minute but then shocked the next. It may become clear that this person has an agenda—and you’ll know about it sooner rather than later. If you’re in a relationship, then you might need to literally stop spending so much money on date nights. Don’t break the bank, even in the name of love.

Read Your Full Capricorn Horoscope For January 2023

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You’re gorgeous, Aquarius—unfortunately, that doesn’t stop your love life from turning into a hot mess if you’re not careful. Venus in your sign gives you a lovely edge of allure. She’ll make a gorgeous link to Mars, now in your romance sector, on Monday, and then Mars will turn direct on Thursday. If you’re hoping to get a recent romance off the ground with someone special, the light is finally turning green! On the other hand, those already in relationships may have a problem. Venus squares Uranus on Saturday, inviting a family member to insert themselves into your love life when they really shouldn’t. Watch out!

Read Your Full Aquarius Horoscope For January 2023

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You might be trying to keep your love life a secret—whether or not you are, the cat’s almost definitely out of the bag this week! Venus is tucked away into your hidden 12th house, supporting a more reclusive kind of love. Perhaps you’ve got good reason to be quiet about romantic matters. Maybe your lover wants you to stop posting pictures all over social media and just focus on being in the moment together. Or you could be involved in a salacious affair, and if someone finds out, there will be trouble. Whatever the details, private matters of the heart can become public all too quickly when Venus squares Uranus on Saturday. You’ve been warned.

Read Your Full Pisces Horoscope For January 2023

Zodiac Signs Travel | Culture Issue 2022

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