
Your Weekly Love Horoscope Predicts Trouble in Paradise—Here’s How to Overcome Conflict

Your love horoscope for the week of January 30 to February 5 predicts trouble in paradise this week, but even the strongest partnerships have their hiccups every now and then! In fact, being able to overcome conflict and find a solution rather than allow the situation to blow out of proportion is the mark of any healthy relationship. And if you do allow things to intensify, there’s always enough space to find your way back to each other.

We might not have the easiest time getting our romantic and physical desires met this week. A testy square between love planet Venus and passionate Mars on Saturday leaves us caught between a rock and a hard place. Intimacy will probably be difficult to navigate—even if we’re with the love of our life. Perhaps there’s love, but not sexual compatibility, and we haven’t wanted to admit this to ourselves or each other. We could also stumble into great chemistry in a way that’s bound to end in flames. As the cherry on top, the Full Moon in playful Leo sounds like it’ll be a dream come true on Sunday, but Luna’s square to erratic Uranus has different ideas. While this lunar event could be great, at the same time, it might turn into a romantic curveball that gets thrown right into our faces. Be ready to be shocked by a lover or to uncover a major plot twist in a romantic scenario. We might even be the one making a sudden pivot toward—or away from—someone.

Related: Get a Free Tarot Reading For Further Insight

Here’s what your love horoscope for the week of January 30 to February 5 is bringing to your attention, according to your sun sign, Venus sign and/or rising sign:

How The Planets Will Affect Your Love Life This Week

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Whatever you think will happen in your love life this week, think again! A testy Full Moon in your true love sector on Sunday means that anything goes, especially when it comes to emotions. It’s possible that you’ll abruptly break it off with a lover or lose interest in someone you’ve been crushing on. It might seem like the universe is telling you to be careful what you wish for. Once someone expresses interest in you, you could realize you have zero feelings toward them. If you’re in a solid commitment, then you and your partner might feel more disconnected than usual. Be sure to ask yourself why you aren’t talking to each other before picking any fights.

Read Your Full Aries Horoscope For February 2023

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Family drama can speedily get in the way of romance right now. You might be preparing for a sweet evening at home with your lover or a new love interest, only to have it ruined by a domestic crisis you didn’t expect. For example, your plans to “Netflix and chill” with a hot date could be tripped up by a literal alarm from a smoke detector or siren. Try to be flexible regarding potential visits from the police or fire department. Hey, it could be worse! If you’re in a committed relationship, then one of your relatives might suddenly vocalize a strong opposition to whatever’s happening in your love life. Yikes!

Read Your Full Taurus Horoscope For February 2023

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Professional opportunity might get in the way of your love life. Venus is at the top of your chart, creating lovely prospects for you in career matters. As Venus picks a fight with Mars in your sign on Saturday, however, you might have to choose between working through the weekend on a major assignment or having romantic fun. Being annoyed at the fact that timing is a critical issue here would be understandable. Potentially the professional project has an upcoming deadline, but your ideal sweetheart is only available this weekend to spend time with you. You’ll have to choose — ultimately, it’ll come down to what you want more.

Read Your Full Gemini Horoscope For February 2023

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The price you’ll need to pay for love might not be worth it. A testy Full Moon in your 2nd House of Self-Worth on Sunday will be at a harsh angle to Uranus, the planet of surprise. This might lead you to a shocking awakening regarding your love life that you simply can’t ignore any longer. You might have been justifying all of the giving you’ve been doing in order to sustain a relationship or to try and get someone to like you back. Suddenly, however, you can see the ways in which the ends do NOT justify the means. Either this person doesn’t deserve you, or you finally understand that you are worth so much more.

Read Your Full Cancer Horoscope For February 2023

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You’re the star of the show this week, Leo, but that doesn’t mean things will go your way. A Full Moon in Leo on Sunday is punctuated by Luna’s nasty square to Uranus, the planet of unexpected events. It’s possible that your sweetheart will do something that detracts from your good name. You might be the center of some drama from your love life — past or current. Maybe a scorned lover from your past resurfaces, ready to let the world know how they believe they were done wrong. It isn’t all bad, thankfully. You could be the recipient of a nigh unbelievable declaration of love from someone you had no idea held romantic potential. Anything goes!

Read Your Full Leo Horoscope For February 2023

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A fly in the ointment could make your recent love circumstances far more upsetting than sweet. Caring Venus is trying to soothe your partnership sector and support your heart, but things get messy once she squares aggressive Mars on Saturday. As a result, your domestic ideals may compete with your erotic desires. Perhaps you and your sweetheart are not on the same page at the moment regarding your life in the bedroom, and because of that, you’re both frustrated. If you’re single, you choose to center career opportunities and put romantic opportunities on the back burner. Thankfully, things should improve sooner rather than later.

Read Your Full Virgo Horoscope For February 2023

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Get ready: this week, any drama from your social life is likely to bleed out into your love life. A New Moon in Leo on Sunday initially sounds like an opportunity for romantic dreams to come true, courtesy of its landing in your 11th House of Wishes. Unfortunately, this New Moon comes with a twist — namely a square to Uranus. One of your friends may be ready to block your deepest wish regarding your heartspace from even getting off the ground. No matter how well they mean by this, it might not be their place to interfere. You probably won’t be pleased. In fact, this might even cost both of you the friendship.

Read Your Full Libra Horoscope For February 2023

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You might have a hard time trusting a new love connection—or even an existing one. It’s also possible that you’re currently putting up walls so high that no one can possibly get through. Venus is moving through your romance sector, which would normally be a fantastic indicator of new love potential (if single) and enhanced romance (if you’re taken). On Saturday, however, Venus will squabble with feisty Mars, inciting friction and frustration all around. Mars is in your 8th House of Intimacy, which may lead you to expect betrayal or spiral about potentially being let down in love. Try not to shut down completely, but you may not be able to stop yourself from battening down the hatches on your love life.

Read Your Full Scorpio Horoscope For February 2023

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You might enjoy spending more time with your family than your sweetheart at this time. It’s possible that the two of you are thinking of taking a temporary time-out — if so, it could be wise to honor that desire. After all, sometimes absence really can make the heart grow fonder by reminding you of the little things you miss about your partner. If you’re single, you can still take comfort in your family relationships, whether by blood or by choice. The love you feel from your clan reminds you that you have all the support you need! Even without a partner, you don’t have to miss out on receiving love through your connections with others.

Read Your Full Sagittarius Horoscope For February 2023

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Uh-oh! Trouble in paradise, right ahead! A Full Moon in your intense 8th House of Shared Resources will make a fussy square to Uranus, the planet of unwarranted chaos, now in your romance sector. It’s possible that you’ll discover your partner has not been honest about something connected to joint finances or your intimate life. Whatever this is could initially throw you, and just when you think you’ve gotten past it, your emotions may punch you all over again. Take a deep breath and try to understand both sides of the situation. Single? You might be put off by someone who randomly comes on to you very strong. Don’t ignore your instincts!

Read Your Full Capricorn Horoscope For February 2023

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Watch out for romantic drama, even if you’re actively doing your best to avoid any trouble. A Full Moon in your partnership sector on Sunday will heighten emotions between you and your mate. Your partner might be especially reactive about an issue having to do with your domestic life. In some cases, this could look like a sudden decision to move in together — or for one of you to move out. If single, you might feel more unsettled than usual about not having a partner. Keep this in perspective. After all, you don’t want to settle for anyone who doesn’t truly see and value you for YOU.

Read Your Full Aquarius Horoscope For February 2023

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Disappoint may drape over your current love life, blocking out the light of joy. While Venus is still moving through your sign, which is typically a positive indicator regarding romance, her tense square to Mars drags matters of the heart into the weeds. The cosmic lovers are at war, which means it’ll be difficult for you to get both your needs and your wants in love met. While some compromise is natural, you shouldn’t have to be with who appreciates one part of your personality but completely disregards another. You’ll probably feel this even if you’re in a relationship. Fortunately, it should pass quickly.

Read Your Full Pisces Horoscope For February 2023

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