
Your January Career Horoscope Wants You to Start Manifesting an Ultra Successful 2023

A new month and a new year have both arrived, and your monthly career horoscopes for January 2023 are here to make sure that you start this year on a high note. However, don’t expect instant results, because you’ve still got a full 365 days to complete your next journey around the sun.

We start the year off with Mercury’s retrograde period in Capricorn and Venus—planet of love, sex, beauty and money—entering Aquarius on January 2. Just a few days later, the Full Moon in Cancer arrives on January 6 to bring us a double-whammy of emotion but under detached Venus in Aquarius and misunderstood Mercury retrograde in Capricorn, you may find yourself tongue-tied when you try to share your feelings with others. Be patient with your process.

We will also have Mars retrograde ending on January 12, as this forward-moving planet *finally* stations direct in Gemini just a few days before Mercury goes direct in Capricorn on January 18. This will then bring us into a solar shift as we enter Aquarius season on January 20, just one day before the new moon in Aquarius arrives to help us set intentions and think outside of the box about our manifestations. Are you ready for this jam-packed month astro babe?

Every zodiac sign can expect an interesting development to unfold in their career during January 2023. Check your horoscope for both your sun sign and rising sign in order to get full clarity on what this month has in store for your professional endeavors:

How the Planets Will Affect Your Career This Month

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Aries, this year is going to be important for you and your career as we have our Nodes of Destiny entering the Aries-Libra axis. That means putting yourself first in the workplace is not only going to benefit you directly, but others indirectly. Ergo, when you win, the whole team wins. Step outside of your comfort zone in January and allow yourself to be more fully seen for your genius and creativity. Think outside of the box and remind yourself that the people who have made history with their work didn’t do so by listening to all of the rules.

Have you been feeling the urge to go big or go home? Now is the time to lay it all on the line and ask for what it is that you want from your work, your clients, and/or your colleagues in order to have your work life feel like a dream come true. Start by brainstorming and talking with people you are inspired by. Even if this means stepping out on a limb and asking others for favors, know that you’ve done all that you can to get to where you are on your own, now is the time to call in the troops for support. One new networking connection may be all you need to kick your career up a notch.

Read Your Full Aries Horoscope For January 2023

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Taurus, you keep falling into the pattern of thinking that the more you break your back for your work, the more money you will make and the more security you will feel. This is not the case, my bulls. Unfortunately, you are destined to be making more of your money passively,  but it is going to require you to step into uncharted territory. Try researching new ways to make money and see if you can let go of this “grind hard” mentality for January 2023 and beyond.

When you figure out the sweet spot of how to make more money and work a bit less, let yourself start to enjoy that new free time you’ve created. I see you stepping into a more intentional way of living and prioritizing your hobbies before all else this year. Let January be the first experience of dipping your toes into the waters of lovely living.

Read Your Full Taurus Horoscope For January 2023

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Gemini, without failing we will never fully appreciate what it means to fly. Instead of getting so down on yourself for not meeting certain goals and expectations, why don’t you ask for help and guidance? It may benefit you this month to get back into the learner’s mindset. Taking classes, refreshing your skills, attending a workshop or seminar – these are all great options to invite malleability back into your mind. The worst thing that you can do for yourself is to become rigid and stagnant, so make sure that you are prioritizing flexibility and open-mindedness in January. You never know who you might bump into at one of these training experiences!

For those who are looking for work or a new job, this month will ask you to stay open to new possibilities. Try different avenues for finding your role like reaching out to a recruiter, going to a job fair, finding your local bars and hotels that host after-hours, and switching up your CV & resume. There is an endless amount of opportunities out there for you, Gemini. Now it’s time to use that witty brain of yours to make it happen!

Read Your Full Gemini Horoscope For January 2023

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Cancer, now is the time to relish in all of the hard work that you’ve done and truly ask yourself if you’re getting the recognition that you deserve. If that means speaking up for more pay (or charging higher rates) than now is the time to do so. Remember that your time is the only non-regenerative asset that you have, so a sense of wasting your time anywhere is never a good sign. This doesn’t mean that you need to jump ship or throw caution to the wind, but it does mean that now is the time to plant seeds for bountiful fruit later on.

Start to surround yourself with people that you are inspired by. This may mean that the amount of time you are spending on others will have to take a beat. If you are constantly inundated with the same thoughts, opinions, and advice that isn’t quite working, imagine how much more vibrant your life will be when you are around people who get your creative juices flowing and help you sharpen your mind. January is the time to recalibrate and change your surroundings in order to heighten your career path.

Read Your Full Cancer Horoscope For January 2023

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Leo, this new year is going to bring you so much good luck in your career and most of this will be with passive income or financial gains outside of your day-to-day job. Make sure that you are spending adequate time this month networking, investing, and checking in on previous projects that have the potential to rise up and gain traction this year. You are starting off 2023 in a prosperous position, and even if your finances aren’t in the place you want them to be, just know that you have all of the tools to make those goals become a reality. Step outside of the normal routine you’ve had to make money, and start utilizing all of the options and opportunities that are laying at your fingertips.

Read Your Full Leo Horoscope For January 2023

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Virgo, you are realizing how much your finances are a reflection of your inner world. Take a look at where your debts, assets, balances and work titles are as we begin 2023 and ask yourself: is there anything internally that I can focus on in order to see a healthier career path? If you are unhappy with where your career is (or where it is headed) make sure that you are taking the time to connect with yourself and heal any inner wounds that may be subconsciously holding you back. You are not obligated to keep anyone or any habits in tact that no longer serve you as the new year arrives. In fact, you may just see a positive shift in your career if you are willing to let them go. Take some more time for yourself and instead of offering up your energy so freely to others, maybe try to focus on skill-building, hobbies, and investments as January arrives to see where your career is in February.

Read Your Full Virgo Horoscope For January 2023

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Libra, you’ve been making career moves left and right lately and all of this is about to pay off for you in a big way. There is no stopping you as 2023 arrives and we enter into January’s prosperous and magical energy. Your career is about to take a big shift, and you will start to realize just how versatile and capable you are when it comes to change and redirection. Are you studying something new? It seems like your interests have been piqued and if you are willing to take a big leap of faith, or go down a new path, you will realize just how meaningful it is when you listen to your heart!

Read Your Full Libra Horoscope For January 2023

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Scorpio, no one knows you better than you know yourself, and if you are willing to block out the opinions of others this month, you will be better off in terms of your career. It seems like there is a new opportunity presenting itself to you that others may feel weary about, but your heart is lit up like a Christmas tree about it. It’s important for you to connect to your own inner-knowing around this and take the path that feels right for *you* and you alone. Even if it doesn’t make complete sense to you now, you will continue to connect with the right people, put yourself into the right rooms, and have the right conversations that will change your life for many years to come.

Read Your Full Scorpio Horoscope For January 2023

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Sagittarius, without giving yourself the safe space to take a breather, disengage, and come to your own conclusions, you may find yourself getting swept up in work drama this month. The choice is yours on whether or not you are willing to involve yourself in unnecessary tumult, and I promise you, you’ll want to take the higher road on this one. Whether it’s your boss, your colleagues, or your clients, everyone seems to be a bit on edge, and you will want to avoid this like the plague. Funny enough, the less you focus on work, the better it will go for you this month. There’s something beautiful about a surrendered state of mind, and you are tapping into it big time in January. Your karma will be positive after this month if you can skirt around this mess, blessing you with new pathways to success. Choose wisely.

Read Your Full Sagittarius Horoscope For January 2023

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Capricorn, you are following in the footsteps of someone that you admire, and it is paying off big time for you. Think back on all of the mentors, media, and literature that brought you to this present moment and start to pat yourself on the back for all of the innovation you’ve done to create your own value in the workplace. Whether or not you’re happy in your career is one thing, but it seems like the people around you are very impressed with what you’ve been doing. All-in-all, this is a time to sit back and relish in your hard work before asking yourself the question: “if this is was the only path I could stay on for the rest of my career, would I be happy?”. Take your time with this one, in fact, take the whole month. There is no right or wrong answer, just the one that’s true to your heart. Onward, Cap!

Read Your Full Capricorn Horoscope For January 2023

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Aquarius, you are mustering up the courage to finally ask for what you deserve in January and it’s going to pay off big time. However, make sure you’re not putting so much power and control into the hands of others. Remember, everyone is just a human at the end of the day, and if you want to move your career in a different direction, *you* can do that yourself. If you plan on staying in the position you’re currently in, it’s time to ask for a raise and/or a title change, and if you’re planning on moving into a new industry or company, this month will boast fruitful opportunities for you to do so – but you have to take action. Closed mouths don’t get fed, Aquarius, so speak up and ask for what you want!

Read Your Full Aquarius Horoscope For January 2023

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Pisces, you’ll need to reel it back on work this month. You are headed towards a burn out, and unless you can learn how to properly balance your work with your personal life, you are going to continue feeling like you’re drowning. Even if you’re not currently working on a project or employed at all, think about how much time you are spending fixating on work. And for those who are employed or in the midst of a project, your message here is to step back and create more space for yourself from these requests and deadlines. It’s not fair to expect yourself to be readily available for everyone’s beck and call 24/7. This month is all about setting boundaries to make sure that you are not burning out. Sustainability this year is key.

Read Your Full Pisces Horoscope For January 2023

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