
How the Full Moon of January 2023 Will Affect Each Zodiac Sign

There’s an emotionally charged lunation headed our way, but before we discuss how the full moon of January 2023 will affect each zodiac sign, let’s take a closer look at the astrology behind the present moment.

It’s important to note that while we’re technically kicking off a brand-new year, the energy of Mars retrograde and Mercury retrograde can feel like the opposite of starting again. Retrograde cycles are all about revisiting, reconsidering and reassessing energies that we dealt with previously, which is why this astrological phenomenon is more than often notorious for bringing the past back around. It’s not everyday Mercury retrogrades while Mars retrogrades through Gemini—a Mercury-ruled zodiac sign—but I digress.

A full moon is always a celebration of culmination, completion and reward. And when we look up at the full moon all lit up the night, it illuminates something that’s been hidden from our conscious mind. Look at it this way, the moon (a symbol of our intuition, innermost feelings, emotional foundations) sits directly across from the sun (a representation of our ego, external identity, physical reality) during the full moon. So, in addition to this being a call for balance—between our divine feminine (moon) and sacred masculine (sun) energies—the gravitational pull between both of these luminaries activates the water (emotion) in our bodies, which will ultimately shed light on the parts of ourselves we‘re unconsciously neglecting. 

STYLECASTER | Full Moon in Cancer Horoscopes

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Related: These 4 Zodiac Signs Will Feel The Full Moon In Cancer The Most

When the moon is full, it brings our emotional world to life. Lunar energy is mysterious and hidden, so imagine feeling (moon) one way, and portraying (sun) the exact opposite. This “contradiction” is more likely to become illuminated during this time,  but in this particular case it would revolve around the Cancer-Capricorn themes. Speaking of which, January’s full moon will occur on January 6 (at exactly 6:08 p.m. ET via 16 degrees Cancer). For reference on your full-circle moment, check where 16 degrees of this cardinal water sign lives on your chart, and think back to the new moon in Cancer that took place on June 28, 2022.

Were you making it a point to hold space for your emotions last summer? If so, how were you feeling? The first full moon of 2023, this lunation is equivalent to a completion point when referring back to June’s new moon. Energies surrounding home, family, intuition, healing, feminine ancestors and personal matters in general are of greater emphasis, but let’s also make it a point to consider the other side of this lunation. For instance, in addition to sitting directly across from the sun, the moon will be in opposition to Mercury retrograde, amidst its cazimi to the sun in Capricorn. Cazimi means in the “heart of the sun” but more importantly, it serves as a portal to profound insight.

The full moon in Cancer takes place on January 6 at 6:08 p.m. ET.

When considering the essence of Capricorn, we are not only prone to have an emotional epiphany and “aha” moment… but more so, when in regards to our work vs. life balance, and/or professional occupation. On another note, this could also have to do with the structure of a family unit, or perhaps even an elder of the family. To each their own, but the influence of Mercury retrograde is asking us to reassess and re-evaluate everything from our responsibilities to the timing, and structure of it all. As always, we could feel like we’re being pulled in two different directions—going inward and tending to our feelings vs. taking ownership, and holding ourselves accountable—but emotions reign during a full moon in Cancer. Trust your intuition.

Last but not least, we can’t undermine the influence of Chiron—the wounded healer—as it will square off with the full moon and bring light to our healing process, as well as the areas where we’ve experienced pain, neglect and/or a lack of validation. This is where we’re being called to tune into the maternal and healing frequency of Cancer, as it is intuitively guiding us towards a safe, wholesome and supportive home life. The journey towards this type of fulfillment isn’t always smooth sailing, but this full moon is bringing emphasis to the home you’ve built within yourself, first and forem

If your sun sign, moon sign or rising sign falls under any of the following zodiac signs, the upcoming full moon will rock your world. Here’s why:

How The Full Moon Will Affect Each Zodiac Sign

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Your work vs. life balance (or lack thereof) is being brought to the forefront under these full moon rays. Igniting the emotionally driven sign of Cancer, and your fourth house of home, family matters, innermost feelings, mother moon is urging you to go within and hold space for your feelings, despite whether you’re fond of this mindfulness ritual. Sitting in direct opposition to the sun and Mercury retrograde in Capricorn—via your 10th house of authority, career, superiors, parents and reputation—you could either gain unexpected insight around a professional matter, or feel intuitively guided to revisit a conversation with a parental figure. Luna’s square to Chiron in your sign could bring emphasis to your wounds and healing journey, so make sure you’re being gentle with yourself.

Read Your Full Aries Horoscope For January 2023

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Is there something you need to get off your chest? The first full moon of 2023 will touch down on your curious third house of exchanges, neighbors, siblings and local community, bringing emphasis and completion to everything from your communication style to the emotional undercurrents of your immediate surroundings. Keep in mind, the moon will be sitting in direct opposition to the sun and Mercury retrograde in Capricorn—via your expansive ninth house of beliefs, expansion, philosophy and unknown territory—highlighting a skewed and/or outdated perception of an energy in your inner circle. Others of you may feel nudged by the universe to come clean about repressed feelings, especially with Chiron in the mix, highlighting  the sacrifices you’ve made all throughout your journey to healing.

Read Your Full Taurus Horoscope For January 2023

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The first full moon of the year is bringing you back to your roots and innermost feelings, so open your heart and hold space for this full-circle moment. Activating your stability-seeking second house of comfort, finances and value systems, Luna will bring light to everything from your emotional heirlooms to your first-ever perception of home, family and sacred spaces. Luna will be sitting in opposition to the sun and Mercury retrograde in Capricorn, via your eighth house of mergers, shared resources and joint ventures, highlighting a contractual agreement and/or professional partnership that may need to be revisited, or perhaps reconsidered. Given the influence of Chiron in your 11th house of social structures, you could be all the more emotional about your past experiences, specifically when regarding your aspirations, and long-term goals.

Read Your Full Gemini Horoscope For January 2023

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Happy full moon, Cancer. Being ruled by the moon has its perks, and your innate ability to glow under the moonlight is no exception. On that note, this full moon has your name on it, and since it already governs your cardinal waters, this lunar phase will be all the more magical and intuitive. On the shadow side, you are more prone to being hypersensitive under these delicate moon beams, but its opposition to the sun and Mercury retrograde in your relationship sector adds a layer of structure, and pragmatism to the mix. Nevertheless, the influence of Mercury retrograde could bring the past back around for review, especially those of you contemplating the thought of recommitting to a pending agreement, or perhaps even a significant other. The influence of Chiron could be emotionally triggering to themes surrounding your past experiences, but the end of this chapter will bring you closer to your healing.

Read Your Full Cancer Horoscope For January 2023

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The moon is already a personal planet, but its journey through Cancer and your 12th house of dreams, and unconscious patterns makes this lunation all the more intimate. For reference, think back to the beginning of summer 2022—during the new moon in Cancer—specifically when in regards to your innermost feelings. What are you ready to surrender? Sitting directly across from the sun conjunct Mercury retrograde in Capricorn—your sixth house of health, daily rituals, due diligence and acts of service—highlighting everything from the structure of your schedule to the results of your default habits. Does something need to be reworked and/or revisited? Though the moon’s square to the wounded healer, Chiron, brings light to your wounds and past experiences, this is an opportunity for you to cultivate your own sense of closure, in order to start again.

Read Your Full Leo Horoscope For January 2023

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We all get by with a little help from our friends, and this lunation is encouraging you to lean on your soul family for love and support. Sentimental and innately intuitive, January’s full moon in Cancer will touch down on your 11th house of associations, community affairs, individual freedom and visions of the future. Keep in mind, this is all while sitting in direct opposition to the sun and your celestial ruler, Mercury retrograde, via your fifth house of love, passion, pleasure and authenticity. Have you been portraying a specific role for the sake of keeping cards up your sleeve? On that note, this is where you’re being called to reflect on where you might have unconsciously inhibited your unique expression and/or love language, specifically when in regards to your friendships, and social connections.

Read Your Full Virgo Horoscope For January 2023

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The topic of home and family isn’t always the easiest to work with, especially when it comes to your sense of authority. How does one take charge without losing sight of their emotionality? This is especially significant to consider during this time, as January’s full moon will touch down on your 10th house of career, superiors, reputation, parental figures and parenting in general. The moon will also sit in direct opposition to the sun and Mercury retrograde in Capricorn, via your emotionally driven fourth house of innermost feelings, and emotional foundations, which is where you’re being encouraged to reflect on everything from your responsibilities towards personal matters to the balance (or lack thereof) you’ve cultivated in your area of home.

Read Your Full Libra Horoscope For January 2023

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You’re reconnecting with your higher self, and this may or may not have something to do with you tapping into your ancestral lineage, while doing your research on your family’s roots. Doesn’t have to be like this for all of you, but with the full moon in Cancer hovering over your expansive ninth house of wisdom, higher learning and self-discovery, you could be witnessing a full-circle moment when in regards to your belief systems, and earlier experiences. How have these parts of your world influenced the person you are today? Sitting in direct opposition to Mercury retrograde and the sun in Capricorn—your third house of communication, thought process and immediate surroundings—you’re being encouraged to revisit previously set structures, or perhaps a pending decision surrounding your next big venture. Follow your inner calling.

Read Your Full Scorpio Horoscope For January 2023

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A heart-felt discussion between you and a significant other is almost inevitable under these hypersensitive moon beams, so if you’re not comfortable in your emotions, it doesn’t hurt to try. After all, on top of the fact that the moon is ruled by sentimental Cancer, it will be touching down on your intimate eighth house of transformation, mergers, shared resources, and joint ventures, highlighting everything from the emotional synergy that exists between both parties to the reciprocation of energies, specifically when it pertains to matters of giving and receiving. This full-circle moment, however, will be in opposition with the sun and Mercury retrograde in your second house of comfort, money and value systems, highlighting a past structure and/or investment that needs to either be reviewed, or reconsidered.

Read Your Full Sagittarius Horoscope For January 2023

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Balance is key, especially under this month’s full moon. After all, in addition to “balance” being a representation of this particular lunar phase, this lunation is igniting your harmony-seeking seventh house of agreements, committed partnerships and significant others, which also happens to be directly across from your first house of self. Speaking of which, the moon will be in opposition with the sun and Mercury retrograde in your sign, highlighting a pending conversation and/or personal structure that is no longer in emotional alignment with your union. Whether personally or professionally, this full moon is shedding light on the unspoken undercurrents of your connection, specifically when it comes to what you’re feeling vs. the image you’re portraying. Keep in mind, Luna will be at odds with Chiron in your fourth house of home, suggesting the possibility of this being a family matter.

Read Your Full Capricorn Horoscope For January 2023

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Have you been tending you to your personal due diligence as you should? Whether it be in terms of your health habits or your peace of mind, January’s lunation is bringing emphasis to a particular lifestyle habit that is not in alignment with your emotional, mental and physical well being. Luna governs our inner world, but it also speaks to your eating habits and general sense of nutrition; this is why being present within yourself, and listening to your body is so important at this time. On another note, Luna will be in direct opposition to the sun and Mercury retrograde in Capricorn via your secretive 12th house of coping mechanisms, hidden agendas and all things behind the scenes. Take a minute to reflect on the dynamic of your life behind closed doors, but more importantly, make sure you’re getting the rest you need to feel energized, and replenished.

Read Your Full Aquarius Horoscope For January 2023

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Your past experiences in a community setting, specifically those that may have been triggering your confidence and sense of self worth, are being brought to the forefront under this month’s full moon. The irony of this is, despite it lighting up your fifth house of love, passion, authenticity and self-expression, it is Luna’s opposition to the sun and Mercury retrograde that could be challenging your confidence levels, if not your muse of inspiration as a whole. On that note, this is where you’re being encouraged to reflect on the structure of your social environment, as well as the image you’ve unconsciously portrayed to the rest of the world, perhaps for the sake of “fitting in.” This full moon will be squaring the wounded healer, Chiron, which is why past wounds and/or insecurities could be highlighted in the process. Tending to your healing journey is self-love, so let this be your love language for the time being.

Read Your Full Pisces Horoscope For January 2023

Zodiac Signs Travel | Culture Issue 2022

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