
Get Excited, Pisces—Your February Horoscope Says Your Birthday Season Is Almost Here

Break out of your shell this month, my lovely fishes! Your Pisces horoscope for February 2023 will have you feeling confident, creative and productive. What’s not to like about that?

Jupiter—planet of abundance—is still enhancing the wealth of your second house of values. Expect some cha-ching cha-ching, because Jupiter is growing your finances! This comes from a positive sense of self that has you finally asking for your piece of the pie. Confidence and optimism, as well as a desire to grow your skills, will likely improve your earning power and up your production. Just make sure you don’t blow all that well-earned money. You will want to rake in the good times, but just imagine what better times you’ll have if you create a little nest egg or make a good investment. Think big!

Right around Valentine’s Day, Venus—planet of love—and Neptune—planet of magic—will dance together across your first house of identity, upping your level of charisma. This energy will enhance your inner vision and strengthen your intuition, enabling you to channel your ideas into anything you’re working on. Your sensitive and idealistic nature can really help you in your creative and artistic pursuits right now. Try to avoid overindulging in unhealthy things though, because all good things should be enjoyed in moderation and it may be hard to know when to stop. Instead, feed on your own imagination and put that to use. With Venus in the first house, you’re able to let your softer, romantic side come out. You’re charming and magnetic to those around you, a great aspect for flirting. If you’re dating, this is the time to meet new people and attract the people you like. You may be surprised how easy it is. 

StyleCaster | 2023 Yearly Horoscope For Every Zodiac Sign

Image: Adobe. Design: Sasha Purdy / StyleCaster

Don’t forget, fishes, Pisces season begins when the Sun moves into your zodiac sign on February 18! With the Sun in your first house, the spotlight is on you and you are ready to shine. Any opportunity that comes your way, you will be ready to jump on it. You can really tune in to your sense of identity and purpose at the end of this month. Stand up loud and proud and just be the sweet, creative and endlessly fascinating person you are, Pisces!

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