
Caution! Your Weekly Love Horoscope Is Blazing Hot—Here’s Why Things Are Heating Up Fast

Your love horoscope for the week of January 23 to 29 says that sparks are flying, so take advantage of this boost in romantic energy. It’s not every week that you get to drink the love potion the Cosmos are currently brewing for you, so dive right into the flirtatiousness.

Sentimentality is about to gain major power over logic! Desirable Venus leaves cerebral Aquarius on Thursday and waltzes into gentle Pisces, where she’ll remain until February 20. In response, the way you choose to give and receive love could do a complete 180, inspiring you to open your heart to all this hot n’ heavy energy. Make no mistake—we’re ready for more romantic, kind gestures of unconditional love. When a lover or love interest shows us that we’re loved despite our human flaws, our hearts will sing. Also, thanks to Venus in Pisces, we’ll appreciate a soul-deep connection even more than usual. A profound and even psychic link in matters of the heart is what empowers our current or potential romantic connections beyond what we thought possible. Plus, there’s also a gorgeous trine between the Sun and Mars on Saturday. These energetic planets are boosting us to catch whatever we’re after! Since both planets are in air signs, we’ll use our minds to make this happen.

Related: Get a Free Tarot Reading For Further Insight

Here’s what your love horoscope for the week of January 23 to 29 is bringing to your attention, according to your sun sign, Venus sign and/or rising sign:

How The Planets Will Affect Your Love Life This Week

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Privacy may sound like a great idea for your current love life—and that’s okay! Venus enters your hidden 12th house on Thursday, where she’ll offer you a cozy blanket of seclusion. You and a sweetheart might be ready to unplug from the rest of the world and go on your own little couple’s retreat. It could be quite restorative for your relationship! If you’re single, you might meet someone at a spiritual retreat or while you’re visiting a friend or relative in a hospital or similar facility. A surprisingly fun blind date might also lead to your next great love. Be open to the possibilities!

Read Your Full Aries Horoscope For January 2023

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You’ve got spectacular social energy coming your way! You’ve got friendly Venus to thank for that, as she’ll start partying in your 11th House of Friends and Groups on Thursday. With the planet of love and pleasure here, you’ll experience greater joy during social engagements. Single? Keep your eyes open for someone potentially quite special at a party or while out with your friends. Since the 11th house is also connected to technology, this is your time to check out the latest dating app or consider hiring a private matchmaker. If you’re already in a relationship, then you and your sweetheart could be out and about much more than usual over the next few weeks.

Read Your Full Taurus Horoscope For January 2023

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You’re bringing sexy back in a big way, Gemini! This week, you’re capable of indulging in bold sensuality, particularly since Mars is fully direct in your sign. While the warrior planet was retrograde, you may have felt like the wind was pulled out of your sails. Desire and passion might have temporarily waned for you as well. Fortunately, with Venus entering your determined 10th house and Mars back on track, so your libido gets a cosmic kick-start. In fact, on Sunday, the Sun will make a gorgeous trine to Mars, helping you create the kind of romance you once thought was reserved for your wildest dreams.

Read Your Full Gemini Horoscope For January 2023

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You’ve got grand plans when it comes to your love life! Venus enters your 9th House of Expansion on Thursday—suddenly, you might realize that the glass is not half full or half empty in matters of the heart. In fact, the glass is overflowing with bountiful romance! You should not allow yourself to be limited any longer. Restrictions connected to your beliefs and expectations are about to be checked at the door. Once you free yourself from unhelpful mental blocks, the romantic floodgates are almost certain to fling wide open. Don’t be surprised if you become a love magnet thanks to your newfound perspective. Confidence is highly attractive.

Read Your Full Cancer Horoscope For January 2023

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Your run of spectacular relationship energy continues, although it will shift focus slightly by Thursday. Until then, Venus is still in your partnership sector, supporting harmony between you and your mate. Once Venus enters your 8th House of Transformation on Thursday, however, matters of the heart could get deep. A current partnership might become more intense as long as the two of you are willing to be more vulnerable and open with each other. If single, you could meet someone new who is extremely mysterious and prefers to fly under the radar. You may feel captivated — the more this person plays hard to get, the more you might crave this connection.

Read Your Full Leo Horoscope For January 2023

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Happy potential is showering down onto your current love life, regardless of your specific situation. Effervescent Venus enters your partnership sector on Thursday and remains here until February 20. This might be a time when you and your sweetheart decide to enhance the commitment you have to each other in some way. This could be anything from taking your relationship exclusive, moving in together, getting engaged, or even married! If single, you have glorious prospects to support meeting someone who has every intention of developing a genuine connection with you. Reflecting on how valued you are by a loved one can help you feel truly blessed in matters of the heart.

Read Your Full Virgo Horoscope For January 2023

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The most romantic qualities in the world to you at the moment are likely reciprocity and balance. This week, your desire for them rises to a whole new level when Venus enters your 6th house. You’re already fluent in giving love by doing things for others, but with appreciative Venus in your work and service sector, you could start to feel more reciprocity by others in this area. That will be a welcome change! If you’re totally single, you may meet someone exciting in the healthcare or fitness industry. You might also find out that one of your favorite colleagues wants to take you out on a date.

Read Your Full Libra Horoscope For January 2023

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Your romantic possibilities are about to open up in the most fairytale, “dream come true” way! Venus enters your true love sector and ephemeral Pisces on Thursday. The more open you can be about trusting your intuition in matters of the heart, the more likely you are to find exactly what you’re looking for. Having faith in your potential to attract love or to enhance your present love connection will make all the difference! Remember that you don’t have to sacrifice everything in the name of love. At the same time, sometimes love really can conquer all. Whether to let go or hold on is up to you.

Read Your Full Scorpio Horoscope For January 2023

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You and your sweetheart could be about to discover that you’re more aligned than ever when it comes to family values. In fact, if you haven’t always been on the same page in this department, this week you could make great strides toward learning how to meet each other in the middle. Making compromises in any decision that has to do with family dynamics—or even a living situation—should be much easier over the next few weeks. For those currently single, don’t be surprised if you meet someone through a family member. If a relative offers to set you up, or if you connect with someone through real estate, at least consider accepting any propositions!

Read Your Full Sagittarius Horoscope For January 2023

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This could turn into a very sexy week for you and your partner, thanks to some scintillating—and erotic—conversation you’ll potentially share. You might send sexy and suggestive text messages to each other during the week to build up romantic suspense for when you’re finally able to have some romantic time together. If that doesn’t seem realistic, perhaps you can have a direct conversation about something the two of you need to hash out. Whatever it is, you’ll probably be more turned on than usual by your partner’s ability to communicate. Single? You could meet someone new who moves into your neighborhood. Online dating should also be more successful than usual.

Read Your Full Capricorn Horoscope For January 2023

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Loving yourself isn’t a bad thing—especially not right now! Appreciating what you can offer in a relationship will allow you to have a more fulfilling experience in your love life. Venus moves into your 2nd House of Self-Worth on Thursday. This placement supports a greater level of confidence and personal valuation—but in a healthy way, not an arrogant or overinflated way. As a result, you may come across as more attractive to others because you exude a vibe of healthy self-love and respect. If you’re partnered, your mate might be inspired to show all the ways they value you. Single Aquarians could meet someone who is lavish genuine praise. Don’t be afraid of sweetness!

Read Your Full Aquarius Horoscope For January 2023

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This week, your love life may go from invisible and possibly even non-existent to breathtakingly beautiful. If you haven’t felt seen and heard by your lover, all of that could change once Venus enters your sign on Thursday. You can certainly take center stage when it comes to alluring energy and romantic potential. Your partner might feel particularly inspired to be much more vocal and affectionate, thanks to loving Venus. It could also be due to others noticing your vibrant presence—a current lover may feel the need to ensure they deserve your heart! Single? Just keep doing you. Eventually, it will magnetize the right person your way.

Read Your Full Pisces Horoscope For January 2023

Zodiac Signs Travel | Culture Issue 2022

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