
Your Weekly Love Horoscope Says Your New Year’s Kiss Definitely Won’t Disappoint

Your love horoscope for the week of December 26 to January 2 says the last week of 2022 will be filled with romantic bliss, as long as we dare to dream. Venus will be at a gorgeous sextile to Neptune on Wednesday, inviting sublime, enchanting energy into our hearts. These planets will not only help us forgive matters of the heart when necessary, but allow us to be generous toward new potential in our love lives. After all, you never know when or how you’ll meet our soulmate!

Reviewing your relationship patterns in romance and in friendship will be your main concern by Thursday, when intelligent Mercury stations retrograde on Thursday. Because Mercury will immediately align with love planet Venus on the same day, you may find yourself rethinking your whole understanding of partnership, loyalty and attraction. If you’re building walls that protect you from getting hurt (but also prevent you from finding love), it’s time to begin the process of breaking them down. You’re ready to let some sunlight in!

Right after the clock strikes midnight on January 1, Venus will also form a conjunction with dark and transformative Pluto in Capricorn. This signifies that 2023 will be a year of power struggles that ultimately heal your understanding of intimacy and force you to break away from unhealthy dynamics. As you take your first few steps into the new year, have faith in your ability to swim through the waters of love without sinking.

Related: Get a Free Tarot Reading For Further Insight

Here’s what your love horoscope for the week of December 26 to January 2 is bringing to your attention, according to your sun sign, Venus sign and/or rising sign:

How The Planets Will Affect Your Love Life This Week

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You might question your romantic reality this week, but don’t worry—you’re not being delusional at all. In fact, you’re in a particularly powerful manifestation phase when it comes to love, thanks to Venus making a beautiful sextile to Neptune. In addition, assessing all of the steps you’ve taken to get where you are currently in your romantic storyline will allow you to gain a more comprehensive understanding of whatever needs to be rewritten. Fortunately, if there’s anyone who can successfully edit the script in their own mind, it’s you! Once you do that, you should find even greater romantic success.

Read Your Full Aries Horoscope For the Year 2023

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Believing in the inherent good that someone has can help manage relationship anxiety. If you start to worry, remind yourself that this week, the planets are encouraging everyone around you to show kindness and be on their best, most benevolent behavior—especially as it relates to your love life. Already coupled? You’re in luck! Your sweetheart is likely ready to exhibit the very best of their unconditional love potential. If you’re single, you could meet someone who genuinely wants to get to know you better without any underhanded or selfish agenda. It might seem to be too good to be true, but for once, it’s not.

Read Your Full Taurus Horoscope For the Year 2023

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Romantic discussions may be necessary at any moment. Already paired up? You and your partner likely have things to discuss about your intimate preferences or financial situation. Mercury turns retrograde on Thursday and immediately collides back into Venus—with both planets moving through your 8th House of Shared Resources. You might have thought you resolved a budgeting issue you two were having or a miscommunication in your sex life, only to discover that it’s not settled after all. If you’re single and trying to work through healing from a romantic betrayal or other traumatic experience to your heart, this is a great week to recommit to therapy or another healing modality. It’s time.

Read Your Full Gemini Horoscope For the Year 2023

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It’s time for a course correction in your love life. Are you and your partner or love interest doing this “relating” thing all wrong? It’s possible. And if so, when Mercury turns retrograde on Thursday and communicates with Venus, you should receive all the illumination you need regarding what needs to be addressed. The good news is that you’re both committed to working through whatever misunderstanding there might be—and with time, you can iron it out. If you’re single, you might spend a lot of time thinking about “the one that got away.” You might want to find a more productive subject to ponder!

Read Your Full Cancer Horoscope For the Year 2023

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Love takes work, whether it’s new romances, old relationships, or something in between. Coupled Lions may need to discuss the division of labor in your relationship—do you both feel appreciated? It doesn’t even have to be about an equal division of chores as much as it is recognizing the labor that goes into those chores. One of you probably deserves more praise or help than they’re getting! Figure it out and make any necessary adjustments. Single? You may want to stay as far away as possible from someone at work who is crushing on you. It could quickly become too messy to be worth the effort.

Read Your Full Leo Horoscope For the Year 2023

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You might have been bitten by the love bug recently—but now you’re having second thoughts. Mercury will turn retrograde in your romance sector on Thursday, only to instantly collide with Venus, also in this part of your chart. You are definitely attracted to someone in your life, but for some reason, you’re talking yourself out of it. What’s going on? It might be more about your insecurities in matters of the heart than it is the actual love interest. Either way, be honest with yourself. If you’re in a long-term relationship, however, you’re probably in a good place. You and your sweetheart are likely to feel as though love really can conquer all.

Read Your Full Virgo Horoscope For the Year 2023

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Connections can be repaired at this time, whether between you and a loved one or your sweetheart and one of your family members. You can help any people who are on the outs work through things. Mercury turns retrograde on Thursday in your home and family sector. While that might initially seem unhelpful, the positive twist is that Mercury will instantly connect with Venus, the planet of harmony. Let these two planets inspire you and your loved ones to figure out the root of the problem—and then smooth things over. Single? A relative may have an ideal romantic candidate to set you up with, so consider giving them a try.

Read Your Full Libra Horoscope For the Year 2023

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Your love life might feel divinely guided this week. Things shine this Wednesday as Venus waltzes with magical Neptune, presently in your romance sector. You’ll probably have nothing but glowing remarks about your sweetheart or someone you’re crushing on. Whatever sweet sentiments you share should be well-received so go ahead and lay on the charm! Then, Mercury turns retrograde on Thursday and doesn’t hesitate to connect to Venus in your message sector. You might have an opportunity to restore communication with an ex and open the door for closure—or reconciliation. Don’t be afraid to consider this option, especially if your old flame can prove that the past won’t repeat itself.

Read Your Full Scorpio Horoscope For the Year 2023

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You may need to set things straight with your sweetheart right now. If you’re not feeling valued, it might be time to give a little less and demand a little more. There is no shame in proclaiming your worth! On the other hand, if you find yourself in an endless cycle of feeling like you’re going out of the way to prove your worth in order to get love, then maybe it’s time to pull back. After all, a person who adores and respects you should not be a person you have to beg to love you. A gentle course correction in self-worth and self-respect might be in order.

Read Your Full Sagittarius Horoscope For the Year 2023

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You might be second-guessing your judgment in the relationship department this week. Mercury turns retrograde in your sign on Thursday and will immediately connect to Venus, also in your sign. This hesitation doesn’t have to be a negative experience—quite the opposite! It can help you overcome an insecurity you’ve been having regarding romance. Taking the time to consider your own point of view can show you if you’ve been wasting your time going after the wrong person, when instead, you should run as far away from them as possible! Whatever realization you have is sure to pave the way for a happier romantic future. Trust the process.

Read Your Full Capricorn Horoscope For the Year 2023

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You might need to lay low for a bit when it comes to romantic matters. The universe wants to warn you if you’ve been making a mess of something and encourage you to take a giant step back from the tangled situation. You might have been making all sorts of unhealthy assumptions and projections—which has now led to your current heart space needing some TLC. It might take couple’s counseling or a major time-out for self-reflection in order for you to make things right. If single, you might realize that you’re not as ready to date again as you thought. Make an effort to be mindful of your emotional state.

Read Your Full Aquarius Horoscope For the Year 2023

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A romantic dream of yours might be about to come true! If that happens, feel free to celebrate—and to thank Venus. She’s in your hopeful 11th house, and will be dancing in a perfect link with inspirational Neptune, actively in your sign, on Wednesday. As long as you make an effort and have faith, there’s a good chance that things work out in exactly the way you want them to. It might just feel like magic! That said, things might be a little more stressed when Mercury turns retrograde in your friendship sector on Thursday and trips over Venus. You might have thought that a friend who once admitted romantic feelings is okay being platonic. Think again.

Read Your Full Pisces Horoscope For the Year 2023

Zodiac Signs Travel | Culture Issue 2022

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