
Your Weekly Love Horoscope Says You May Be Fantasizing About Someone You Barely Know

Your love horoscope for the week of December 12 to 18 is a reminder that it’s hard to understand what you want in love when you’re still questioning who you really are. Spend time getting to know yourself and identifying the difference between what you truly want and what you *think* you want. Fleeting feelings are subject to change!

Mists of confusion could obscure your individual spark as the larger-than-life sun in Sagittarius squares off with disorienting Neptune in Pisces on Wednesday. This may make it more difficult to bask in the glory of someone else’s happiness, as it may feel like a start reminder of what you’re currently lacking. Give yourself a break, because if you’re going to spend time comparing your love life to someone else’s, do it in a way that inspires you to refuse to settle for less than what you deserve.

One thing this energy is good for is fantasizing and romanticizing! If you’re in a relationship, it’s a beautiful time to go all-in on the desire. Just remember—all beautiful things come to an end, even the things we wish could last forever. If you find yourself fantasizing and romanticizing someone who just seems too good to be true, there’s a good chance they just might be. After all, they’re only human!

Mercury will be at a perfect trine with independent and rebellious Uranus on Saturday, inspiring us with brilliant ideas meant to be shared with our partners. If single, this will be a perfect time for us to polish up our dating profiles on the most cutting-edge app we can find. It’ll be worth it!

Related: Get a Free Tarot Reading For Further Insight

Here’s what your love horoscope for the week of December 12 to 18 is bringing to your attention, according to your sun sign, Venus sign and/or rising sign:

How The Planets Will Affect Your Love Life This Week

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Everything you thought you believed might be challenged this week, causing you to be much more negative about matters of the heart than you normally would. No matter how optimistic you try to be about the inherent goodness of others, they may have recently disappointed you in big ways. Over time, even minor upsetting experiences in the dating world or in your relationship history can create powerful negativity. This week, it’s all catching up to you. Do what you can to restore your faith in humanity and love—remind yourself that this, too, shall pass. People don’t always have bad intentions, and you deserve love as good-hearted as you are.

Read Your Full Aries Horoscope For December 2022

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Twists and turns are a big part of the love game this week—whether they end in a fun adventure or an unpleasant crash will vary. If you’re in a relationship, you might feel like your partner has made a fool out of you. They could have been hiding a financial or intimate matter from you, but any blissful ignorance will probably end as the Sun squares Neptune on Wednesday. It could be a major disappointment—even if your partner has only committed a lie of omission. If you’re single, however, your ride should be much smoother. An unexpected conversation with someone extremely different from you on Saturday could lead to a whirlwind romance!

Read Your Full Taurus Horoscope For December 2022

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You might feel like your current relationship status—or lack of it—is bringing you down more than lifting you up. If you’re committed to a lover, you’re possibly worried that your partner is doing something that will damage your reputation or make it harder for you to succeed in some way. You may need to figure out if this is you being paranoid, or if there is a kernel of truth to your concern. Single? Be watchful for the nagging worry that you’re losing out on professional opportunities due to not having a partner. Relax — it’s all in your mind. Don’t put energy into that negativity!

Read Your Full Gemini Horoscope For December 2022

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The cosmos is cascading love blessings over you this week, Cancer. With Venus moving through your partnership sector, you are feeling a strong dose of support in fostering new connections or maintaining a current one. Communication planet Mercury is also here, and its support brings even greater fortunate possibilities to your present love life. On Saturday, Mercury will be at a gorgeous trine to Uranus, the planet of revolution. You might have a brilliant idea that really comes alive thanks to a conversation with your sweetheart. If single, a friend could suddenly introduce you to someone who opens your mind—and your heart.

Read Your Full Cancer Horoscope For December 2022

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You’re viewing your love life as if it were a romantic film and you’re wearing rose-colored glasses. The root of all disappointment is expectation—and this week, any tendency you have to expect perfection in romance might be downright crushing. The Sun is in your true love sector and will make a difficult square to fuzzy Neptune on Wednesday. This can burst your bubble in matters of the heart. Someone might not be who you think they were in any way! This could show you some of their major flaws—or simply regular human mistakes. It’ll seem like a fall from grace. Upon deeper reflection, you may realize that you were only fooling yourself.

Read Your Full Leo Horoscope For December 2022

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It’s possible that you have a secret crush on someone—and you likely don’t want your family to know about your feelings. Maybe it’s because you’re worried that one of your relatives will judge you or criticize your romantic choices. On the other hand, you may instead be in a committed relationship and need to keep quiet about something going on with one of your relatives. Your sweetheart might not approve of this family member’s actions or the amount of time and effort you spend attempting to help them. The situation could get complicated as the Sun squares Neptune on Wednesday, so watch your step.

Read Your Full Virgo Horoscope For December 2022

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You might be mentally exhausted from the stories you keep telling yourself that aren’t true. This is likely to be about self-limiting beliefs that are getting in the way of your romantic happiness. One example could be that you believe you’re not worthy of being loved deeply for who you are or ever chosen as someone’s “one and only.” Bad exes may have convinced you that love always leads to heartache and sacrifice. These negative expectations are blocking you from opening up to someone new! Even if you have past experiences that support these ideas, it doesn’t mean they are permanent truths in your life. You can make a difference and stop perpetuating that negativity.

Read Your Full Libra Horoscope For December 2022

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A new approach to communicating with your partner can infuse your relationship with enhanced understanding. You might take a completely different approach to decision-making or conflict resolution. It looks like the more you can become a logical observer regarding whatever is happening in your relationship, the better you should actually understand your partner. It may feel as though, by removing your personal stake in a conversation, you finally “get” what your partner is trying to say. Try it! If single, you might feel more uncertain or insecure. Even if someone reveals a crush on you, you may not feel deserving of this person’s attention. Take this week to consider the source of any self-doubt surrounding love.

Read Your Full Scorpio Horoscope For December 2022

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You might be so bogged down in a domestic situation that it leaves little time for romance. The Sun is in your sign, and on Wednesday, it will engage in a murky square to Neptune, currently in your 4th House of Home. You may feel like your security is somehow disappearing, or that something connected to who you are has already been lost. This feeling could leave you on shaky ground, and if you’re not steady, it’ll be nearly impossible to nurture a healthy romantic relationship. Remind yourself that you must build your home in yourself and not others—otherwise, you will always run the risk of your heart becoming homeless.

Read Your Full Sagittarius Horoscope For December 2022

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An unexpected conversation with a stranger might instantly capture your heart. Mercury is empowering your sign and will dip into a perfect trine to Uranus on Saturday. Since Uranus is moving through your true love sector, you could find yourself falling into some unpredictably delightful dialogue with a random person who quickly transforms into so much more. If you’re already paired off, then you and your sweetheart might suddenly realize that you’re ready to expand your family. Recently gotten together with a love interest? You may feel ready to commit far more quickly than usual. The depth of feeling in your words might genuinely shock you!

Read Your Full Capricorn Horoscope For December 2022

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Most of the time, friends lift us up—this week, however, you might have an encounter with a friend that is more disheartening. This pal may not be the best person to be around energetically. Perhaps they’re (intentionally or not) reducing the confidence you have in yourself so much that it gets in the way of your love life. One example could be that your friend convinces you that your crush will never be interested. They might even give you misleading advice, like encouraging you to lie to your partner about something. You might have to ask yourself whether or not this person is actually a good friend.

Read Your Full Aquarius Horoscope For December 2022

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You might be more gullible than usual this week! The universe is enhancing your innate sense of compassion and trust—which isn’t as helpful as you might think. In fact, it’s possible that you’ll send mixed signals to someone in your professional life. This person might confuse your friendly, sentimental, or inspirational vibe as flirtatious. Even if romance is the last thing on your mind, your attempts to be kind or win over a co-worker in a platonic way could be misconstrued all too easily. You’ll want to have firm boundaries this week so that no one thinks you’re crossing any lines. Otherwise, this may get messy.

Read Your Full Pisces Horoscope For December 2022

Zodiac Signs Travel | Culture Issue 2022

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