
Your Love Horoscope For January Wants You to Settle For Nothing Less Than What You Deserve

New year, new opportunities in love! Your love horoscope for January 2023 will usher in renewed hope for what the new year could have in store for your love life. After all, 2023 could be the cosmic reset needed to receive the love that you deserve!

Although both Mercury and Mars will be retrograde at the beginning of the year, this isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Opportunities to reconnect with a past lover, to settle the dust on an old situationship, or to address something serious regarding your love life during Mercury retrograde in Capricorn. Mars retrograde in Gemini will also be going on, it could be a fantastic time to take a different approach to arguments and your sexual needs. Luckily, Mercury will station direct on January 12, and Mars will follow suit on January 18.

 Aside from this, it might be time to take a more unlikely approach to love when Venus enters Aquarius on January 2. While Venus in Aquarius isn’t overtly romantic, its platonic vibe might be just what we need to include elements of friendship in our love lives.  

Shortly after, there will be an emotional full moon in Cancer on January 6. Reflecting on what has transpired in dating, sex, and romance over the last six months may bring a tear to your eye. Release your emotions to feel lighter as you head into the new year!

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Platonic love will become a major focal point when the sun enters Aquarius on January 20. Aquarius season is your cosmic cue to feel more confident with being 100% yourself since you should be loved for who you are during this quirky zodiacal season! You can even set the intention to have a genuine relationship during the new moon in Aquarius a day later. But don’t be surprised if your love life takes a few unconventional twists and turns during this lunar cycle!

Let your freak flag fly once Uranus stations direct in Taurus on January 22. There might be some abrupt disruptions since direct Uranus may feel like a sensual earthquake, but it can help us feel liberated in our romantic and sexual ventures. 

By January 26, love will become more whimsical when Venus enters Pisces. The goddess of love will be exalted in mystical Pisces, suggesting that this Venusian transit might be one of the best astrological periods to find your soulmate! But try not to wear the rose-colored glasses 24/7 to be somewhat discerning in your romantic endeavors.

Where will your love life take you during 2023? Keep reading to receive your love horoscope for your sun sign and/or rising sign:

How The Planets Will Affect Your Love Life This Month

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Love might be unpredictable but exhilarating, Aries! Embrace a more authentic approach to your love life when Venus enters Aquarius on January 2. Throughout most of this month, you may have unusual priorities for your love life thanks to Venus. It might be time to step out of your comfort zone to explore the unconventional aspects of what you may want or need in a relationship. Don’t be surprised if a friend even steps forward to ask you out! Since Mercury will also station direct in Capricorn on January 18, you may even feel more confident stepping into a romantic limelight. Owning your desires or proudly showing off your boo will be much easier once Mercury is direct.

If you want to embark on a more authentic journey with your love life, then set the intention to do so under the new moon in Aquarius on January 21. Since you will feel more secure with what you value in a partner or relationship, this lunar cycle might be just what you need to approach love with a new lens. A love interest or partner could even see your hidden beauty after Venus enters Pisces at the end of the month. 

Read Your Full Aries Horoscope For January 2023

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Put yourself out there, Taurus! Although that’s what everyone says, January really is your month to be more forthright about dating. Whether you’re coupled up or still looking for your person, you may find that Venus entering Aquarius on January 2 is quite the aphrodisiac. Venus is amplifying your reputation, so people from all over might give you more attention than usual. Since the sun will join Venus on January 20 followed by the new moon in Aquarius a day after, you can use this Aquarian energy to set yourself apart in the game of love. Don’t be afraid to show off your partner or to stand out in the dating scene!

Aside from the Aquarian energy, you may feel like it’s time to make a change since Uranus will station direct in your sign on January 22. Once direct, Uranus can help you feel comfortable in your authenticity, which can help you attract romance on and offline. More opportunities to date or to share your hopes with your love are possible since Venus will become exalted in mystical Pisces at the end of January. A friend might even shoot their shot during this Venusian transit!

Read Your Full Taurus Horoscope For January 2023

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Is love a journey you want to embark on in the new year, Gemini? Be ready to explore uncharted territory in your love life at the beginning of January when Venus enters Aquarius. It might be time to plan a trip with your partner, meet someone at an educational institution, or explore how your beliefs could play into your love life. Since the sun will enter Aquarius on January 20 followed by the new moon in Aquarius the next day, you may feel like now is the time to blend your soul’s journey with your romantic endeavors. 

Midway through the month, you will feel more confident in your romantic capabilities when Mars stations direct in your sign. Expect to feel less stressed and more self-assured since Mars can help amplify your sensual spirit. Embracing the Martian attitude can help you put yourself out there or proudly introduce your lover to your world when Venus enters Pisces on January 26. As the exalted Venus will make you shine in an amorous spotlight, you will be more desirable now than ever! Use this to your advantage to achieve your romantic desires.

Read Your Full Gemini Horoscope For January 2023

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Intimacy and self-reflection are a must, Cancer. Purge yourself of any lingering emotions or self-perceptions that no longer serve your romantic endeavors during the full moon in your sign on January 6. You can think of this full moon as the perfect time to let go to embrace new opportunities in 2023. Since this is your month to deepen the private intimate bond that you may already share or desire to have since the platonic yet confidential Venusian energy will play a significant role all month long. Given that Mercury will station direct in Capricorn on January 18, it might be easier to communicate your boundaries and expectations.

By the time the sun enters Aquarius on January 20, you will need to figure out where you draw the line to enjoy a profound relationship and avoid having a messy situationship. By the new moon in Aquarius the following day, you can set the intention to maintain your boundaries by using the detached aspect of the Aquarian energy to separate yourself if needed. Focus on upholding your boundaries to have a healthy yet intimate bond over the next six months throughout this lunar cycle.

Read Your Full Cancer Horoscope For January 2023

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Love will be coming your way, Leo! You might be ready to lockdown your situationship or take your relationship to the next level since Venus will enter Aquarius at the beginning of January. But the airy, detached energy of Aquarius may encourage you to hold out a bit longer until Mars and Mercury station direct mid-Janaury. Once both inner planet retrogrades are over, you may feel more confident about moving forward. Focus on having fun with them and being 100% yourself when the sun enters Aquarius on January 20. Don’t be surprised if your love life takes off in an exciting yet unpredictable manner following the new moon in Aquarius a day later.

By the end of January, you may feel more confident about putting your love life out in the open after Uranus stations direct in Taurus. Get comfortable with the uncomfortable by taking a calculated risk to go beyond your usual means to let others know where you stand in your romantic endeavors. This could even set you up for having a more intimate relationship since Venus will become exalted in Pisces. But use your discernment to avoid entertaining an entanglement behind closed doors.

Read Your Full Leo Horoscope For January 2023

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Put “find love” on your to-do list, Virgo. Making your love life a priority will become more routine once Venus enters Aquarius at the beginning of January. You may make more time to go on dates or to spend more time with your lover during this Venusian transit. But penciling in “love” might throw your schedule out of whack, so be open to unpredictable twists and turns. Luckily, it will get significantly easier to maneuver your love life once Mars in Gemini and Mercury in Capricorn station direct from January 12 to 18. Expect to feel more certain about what you want moving forward from these retrogrades.

Throughout the rest of the month, you can set the intention to enjoy the nuances of everyday life with your partner and to make time for love under the new moon in Aquarius on January 21. By the time Venus will become exalted in Pisces, you may feel undeniably hopeful about where your love life could go. This Venusian transit is especially fortuitous for you, so make the most of it by romanticizing who you could find in the dating scene or manifesting taking your relationship to the next level with your partner!

Read Your Full Virgo Horoscope For January 2023

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Get a little freaky, Libra! When Venus enters Aquarius on January 2, consider this your cosmic cue to dive into your sexual eccentricities and unpredictable expressions of romance. This isn’t the time to be a people-pleaser since Venus is ready for you to commit to the weird nuances that make your love and sex life interesting. But you may need to work on getting comfortable with your needs since some of your desires could be more private. Practice speaking up about what you want in and out of the bedroom until Mercury stations direct mid-January.

By the time the sun enters Aquarius on January 20, you may feel more confident than ever in exploring unconventional routes in romance and sexual pleasure. Set the intention to continue this exploration by getting out of your usual comfort zone throughout the next six months during the new moon in Aquarius the following day. Getting comfortable with the eroticism in your intimate relationships might feel abrupt yet secure once Uranus stations direct in Taurus shortly after the new moon. You can count on direct Uranus to help you feel more self-assured and sexually free while maintaining your privacy.

Read Your Full Libra Horoscope For January 2023

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Defining your boundaries for intimacy is necessary for your love life, Scorpio. You may have been engaged in some messy drama throughout Mars retrograde and Mercury retrograde that could have thrown a romantic connection off. Something unsavory yet clarifying could have even come to light during the tail-end of both retrogrades! Luckily, you can smooth over any miscommunication while remaining firm with what you want and need in love once Mars stations direct on January 12, followed by Mercury stationing direct on January 18. Once Aquarius season begins a few days later, you might feel like private romantic and sensual matters are settled.

Toward the end of January, it might be time to break free from any constraints in your love life or relationship when Uranus stations direct in your opposite sign, Taurus. Be prepared for sudden twists and turns that could shake up the stability of your love life. But this might be just what you need to explore your fantasies and sensual desires by the time Venus becomes exalted in Pisces on January 26. However, you can only truly enjoy the ultra-romantic dreaminess by being vulnerable about wanting to be wooed during this Venusian transit. 

Read Your Full Scorpio Horoscope For January 2023

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Get your flirt on, Sagittarius! No matter if you are single or coupled up, you might be flirtier than usual when Venus enters Aquarius at the beginning of January. Venus is sprucing up your communication skills, giving you a fun yet unique way of going about banter with your crush. You could even use this Venusian transit as inspiration to take a staycation or to plan a one-of-a-kind date in your local area. By the full moon in Cancer a few days later, reflect on how far your desire for emotional intimacy has come over the past six months.  

Any issues or arguments that have clouded the romance in your relationship throughout Mars retrograde will begin to ease up after Mars stations direct in Gemini on January 12. Once direct, you may notice a subtle yet calming shift in your connection. It could even be the transit you need to decide on your love interest. Moving forward will be much easier, especially if you want to set the intention to do regular date nights exploring your local area with a lover or to work on your communication skills to better your relationship during the new moon in Aquarius on January 21.

Read Your Full Sagittarius Horoscope For January 2023

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What do you need to feel secure in love, Capricorn? Honor your unique desires for stability and security when Venus enters Aquarius at the beginning of the month. Although this transit isn’t mushy-gushy with romance, Venus can help you feel more confident about your potentially unconventional desires for love. Putting your needs first will give you all the perspective you may need during the emotional full moon in Cancer. Reflect on what you have learned, experienced, or intuitively gauged about your desires in a relationship over the last six months.

Expect to feel more self-confident about who you are as a lover and all of the positive attributes that make you quite the catch once Mercury stations direct in your sign on January 18. Having this self-assurance is perfect for sticking by your needs and priorities in love when the sun enters Aquarius followed by the new moon in Aquarius just a few days later. By the end of the month, you may feel like it is time to make a significant change to feel truly happy with sex and romance when Uranus stations direct in Taurus.

Read Your Full Capricorn Horoscope For January 2023

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January will be your time to shine, Aquarius! This is your month to make waves in your love life, especially once Venus enters your sign at the beginning of January. With Venus on your side and amplifying your attractiveness, you will be irresistible all month long. Expect to receive plenty of attention since you will be radiating. But you may need to focus on one path over another with your love life after Mars stations direct in Gemini on January 12. Once Mars is direct, you will feel more confident about your sexual needs. 

Then your season will start on January 20, followed by the new moon in your sign the next day. Between these two transits, you can set the intention to be more confident in your pursuit of love. Focus on building up your courage and self-love since this will help you feel optimistic about your love life. By the time Venus enters Pisces at the end of January, you may feel more certain about prioritizing whimsy and magic in your love life. Allow yourself to be wooed by your partner or crush during this exalted Venusian transit!

Read Your Full Aquarius Horoscope For January 2023

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Don’t be surprised if a cutie sees something beautiful yet hidden in you, Pisces. At the beginning of January, you may feel more introverted about your love life when Venus enters Aquarius. Since this Venusian transit will subconsciously impact you, you may feel a little unsure if you’ll have a lover who will accept you for who you truly are. Luckily, Venus’s positive powers might help someone get to know you on a deeper level, which will create a more authentic, vulnerable love. But you will need to let go of anything holding you back with your love and sex life to allow Venus to work its magic during the emotional full moon in Cancer on January 6.

Expressing yourself and your desires are bound to become easier once Mercury stations direct in Capricorn in mid-January. Once direct, Mercury may even help bring you and a friend closer together. You could finally tell someone how you feel, or a friend could step forward to express their feelings for you! By the end of January, expect to feel more beautiful than ever before when Venus becomes exalted in your sign. Use your Venusian power to amplify your radiance!

Read Your Full Pisces Horoscope For January 2023

Zodiac Signs Travel | Culture Issue 2022

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