
How Mars Retrograde Will Affect Each Zodiac Sign (From October 2022 to January 2023)

One of the most feared and revered planets in astrology is Mars. Being the god of war, passion, ambition and sexuality, the one thing that drives Mars is its instinct. And what happens when the planet of conflict stations retrograde? A whole lot of hell-raising, that’s what. Here’s how Mars retrograde will affect every zodiac sign, because it will force all of us to rethink the way we act on our impulses.

When a planet stations retrograde, it indicates a period of retreat and introspection. As a retrograde turns a planet’s energy inward, it forces us to retrace our steps, tie off loose ends and solve lingering problems. And as we allow this window of reflection and review to show us what needs fixing, it unfolds as an accelerated growth period. In other words, retrogrades mean that life is about to get a little worse before it makes life a *lot* better. After all, retrogrades force us to face the problems we’ve been avoiding so that we can finally put it behind us.

Mars retrograde is no exception, as this almost three-month-long rollercoaster ride will lead to multiple breakthroughs and a deepened confidence in ourselves. But first, we need to be willing to step up to the plate and do the work. As with all things related to red-hot Mars, when there is no pain, there will be no gain. And because it happens to span throughout the entirety of the holiday season, you can expect the next few months to be incredibly unpredictable.

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Related: These 4 Zodiac Signs Will Feel Mars Retrograde the Most 

Mars will station retrograde on October 30 at 25 degrees Gemini. Lasting until January 12, 2023, this retrograde will set the tone for the last few months of the year. Taking place in Gemini—the mutable air sign of communication, mental activity and duality—there will be no shortage of shenanigans to keep this retrograde interesting. When Mars is moving through this chatty and stimulating zodiac sign, it tends to increase the likelihood of controversy, intellectual spars and of course, rude arguments. Mars in Gemini has no filter, to remain mindful of what you say and how you say it while this retrograde is underway. Steer clear of catty debates that lead nowhere!

Mars retrograde begins on October 30 and ends on January 12, 2023.

When Mars finally comes to an end at 8 degrees Gemini, it will be a moment of deepened intimacy and emotional transformation. The ending of Mars retrograde could arrive along with vulnerable conversations that bring you closer to others and deepen your understanding of deeper truths. Let go of meaningless resentments, as you’re being taught how to dig deep and act on what you believe rather than what you fear.

Here’s what your Mars retrograde experience will involve, according to your sun signrising sign, and/or Mars sign:

How Mars Retrograde Will Affect Each Zodiac Sign

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Mars is your ruling planet, which means this you will feel this retrograde on an incredibly deep level. As it moves through your third house of communication, this retrograde could bring up unresolved arguments with others, especially close friends and siblings. Did you leave things off on a bad note? Is it time to bring closure to this conversation? This retrograde will also force you to rediscover the ideas that make you feel passionate; the ideas that flicker in your heart. If you’re willing to put your intelligence to the test, it will lead to multiple mental breakthroughs. Rethink the way you communicate your truth. Review what you choose to share with the world and how.

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For the next few months, you may find yourself sorting through your finances and reconciling with your spending habits. Are your shopping habits becoming an expensive vice? Are you denying yourself simply pleasures just to be penny wise and dollar foolish? It’s true, not all that glitters is gold. But at the same time, who does’t love a little gold? As Mars retrogrades through yours second house of money, stability, material possessions and value systems, it’s forcing you to rethink the way you allocate your resources. If your sense of self depends on something that isn’t truly enriching your life, it may be time to let go of a priority that may be inhibiting your self-esteem.

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The next few months could challenge your impulses and shorten your temper, as Mars will be retrograding through your zodiac sign. You may struggle with being heard, as memories of being disrespected or overlooked may be depleting your emotional energy. Fortunately, this retrograde could also present you with opportunities to finally stand up for yourself. If you’ve ever dreamed about how you would respond to someone if you were given a second chance, this retrograde could finally turn that fantasy into reality. However, you need to find the courage to make a scene, because not every issue should be minimized and glossed over. Find the wisdom to know when to cause a stir and when to take a step back, Gemini.

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You may feel as though there’s not much in your control during this retrograde, Cancer. As Mars spins backwards through your 12th house of spirituality and subconscious energies, you may feel less present in the current moment and connected to your animalistic impulses. As a result, you could feel more spacey and immersed in the ocean of your imagination. And if you find yourself drifting into a rip tide of negative thoughts, pulling yourself back to shore may be more difficult than usual. Sometimes, all we can do is go with the flow, knowing that your emotional currents are as ever-changing as the wind. Sometimes, all you can do is move in the only direction that feels natural.

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Does it feel as though your community is on edge and your team is not exactly “in sync”? If so, it might have something to do with the impending Mars retrograde. Taking place in your 11th house of social circles, this retrograde is forcing you to remove detangle the chain that ties everyone together, because conflicts are creating hiccups. If a misunderstanding is plaguing your dynamic, it’s time to get everyone on the same page. Because the 11th house also rules hopes and dreams, you may struggle to find the will to bring your vision to life. But as you call attention to what’s bringing you doubt, you immediately lessen the severity of its power. And by acknowledging that fact that doubt is nothing more than fear, you’re clearing away the fog so that you can focus on what truly matters.

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Does it feel like all your hard work has been amounting to nothing? Are you sick of constantly having to be a self-promoter? In the age of ultra ambition and the pressure of social media, losing your mojo is not an uncommon symptom of too much productivity. When Mars stations retrograde in your 10th house of public image and social status, you may find yourself dealing with either some unwanted attention or worse… no engagement at all. However, the image you’re projecting may no longer be in alignment with who you are now. And by taking time to rediscover yourself, you’re also gearing up for a career rebrand. By the time it’s over, you’ll learn more about the opinions that truly matter.

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You’re taking a good look at your longterm goals during this retrograde, Libra. As Mars retrogrades through your ninth house of wisdom and exploration, you’re beginning to think more about what motivates you to seek the truth and embrace the unknown. In order to realize the vision you’ve been manifesting and obtain the knowledge you’ve been dreaming of, you need to be willing to accept that nothing will turn out exactly as you’re hoping. Release all expectations, because all you can do is meet the world in the middle. By the time this retrograde is over, you’ll come away with experiences that altered you. And if you’re a student, you may be gaining the education you need.

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The last few months of 2022 could be the most stressful and significant of the entire year for you, Scorpio. After all, Mars—your ruling planet—will station retrograde in your eighth house of transformation, forcing you to rethink what motivates the way you embrace give and take. What drives you to merge with another person? What boundaries are nonnegotiable? What distrusts have you gained over the years? This retrograde is forcing you to recognize when you’re ready to be vulnerable and when you need to draw a line in the sand. If something hasn’t earned your trust, there’s no need to give it to them. And if merging with something provides you with less than it takes, it may be time to rethink the terms of your conditions.

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If there are still unresolved conflicts lingering between you and a partner, the next few months will force you to get to the root of the problem. As Mars stations retrograde in your seventh house of allies, enemies and significant others, it will force you to rethink the way you respond to conflict and how you choose to solve it. If you’ve been putting off couples therapy, this retrograde may force you to finally make time for difficult, but necessary conversations. If you and your rival still have unfinished business between you, this retrograde may lead to another face-off. Either way, this retrograde is forcing you to communicate in a way that encourages your partnership to support you rather than deplete you. How can you work together rather than against each other?

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It may be time to take the system apart and put it back together, because something about your routine may not be working for you anymore. As Mars stations retrograde through your sixth house of duties, services and daily rituals, forcing you to find balance between the work you do for other and the work you do for yourself. Is your day job inhibiting your ability to work on your dreams? It may be time to experiment with new means of supporting yourself. Are you struggling to feel rested and endlessly exhausted? This retrograde could force you to overcome your fears of getting back into the healthy rhythm your body has been craving. Bring your mind, body and soul back into alignment.

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If it feel as though the fire of passion has been turned down to a subtle simmer, it’s no wonder. Mars is in the process of retrograding through your fifth house of fun, passion, sex and self-expression, which could force you struggle for inspiration in ways that feel new to you. If it feels as though you’ve lost your mojo in some unexplained way, there’s no reason to panic. Energy can only be transmuted, which indicates that you’re in the process of finding inspiration somewhere else; somewhere different. Experiment with new ways of finding joy, expressing yourself artistically and turning yourself on in the bedroom. You might walk away from the experience with new hobbies (and maybe even some new kinks)!

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Has your home life been feeling more tumultuous than usual? Is your family struggling to get along? Has the mess in your living room been accumulating faster than you can keep up with? All of this seems plausible, as Mars is stationing retrograde in your fourth house of home and family. This will shine a light on the frustrations cooking up behind closed doors; the conflicts that you keep to yourself and away from prying eyes. It’s time to light some incense, open the windows release this pent-up rage. Your sacred space is about to get a deep-cleaning, but this time, you need to start with your roots and work your way up.

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