
How the Full Moon of December 2022 Will Affect Each Zodiac Sign

The only thing more chaotic than the holiday season is the mutable energy surrounding these very merry moments. For those of you wondering how the full moon of December 2022 will affect each zodiac sign, it’s important to be mindful of your exchanges, and crystal clear when communicating. We are not only prone to biting off more than we can chew, but also easily distracted during this time. With the sun and Venus wandering through Sagittarius and Jupiter concluding its journey through mystical Pisces, there is an undeniable ray of hope swirling through the air, increasing the chances of us overindulging in all the fun, and procrastinating more than we should in the process.

Sensory overload, much? There is a multi-layered full moon headed our way, adorning the night sky on December 7 at exactly 11:08 p.m. ET via 16 degrees of curious Gemini. In addition to representing a full-circle moment, this lunar phase heightens and intensifies our emotional waves. Although, to say this lunation is “emotionally charged” would barely scratch the surface, at least when considering the fact that it’s forming an exact conjunction with Mars retrograde. Gird your loins! Hot-headed Mars is the planet of action, energy and passion, so irritability is inevitable when this planet is retrograde. I mean, imagine being the God of war and aggression, and having no choice but to slow down. Mars retrograde isn’t having it, and its close proximity to the moon can be incredibly volatile and provoking.

Full Moon Aquarius Horoscopes

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Related: These 4 Zodiac Signs Will Feel The Full Moon In Gemini The Most

Governed by Mercury, this mutable air sign represents everything from our communication style to the way we process information. Gemini is the third sign of the zodiac, and when referring to our human development, its archetype is symbolic of our cognitive functioning, and immediate environment. That said, when combining the emotional intensity of the full moon, Mars retrograde’s repressed rage and Gemini’s chattiness, it’s safe to assume there will be verbal confrontation and a lot of overthinking! Although, with Mercury—the full moon’s ruler—transiting through structured Capricorn, there is a serious undertone to this emotional climax. Saturnian themes such as traditions, hierarchies, corporations and career are also likely to surface—conversations with authority figures are included.

The full moon in Gemini takes place on December 7 at 11:07 p.m. ET.

We can’t forget about the sun in Sagittarius, especially with it sitting directly across from the moon during this time. For instance, in addition to the push and pull effects—between your emotional and physical reality—that occur during the full moon phase, Sagittarius’ archetype is a representation of our experiences, and the way these moments influenced our belief systems to this day. That being said, despite the structure of our past experiences, this culmination is urging us to retrace our steps, and reconsider our path of choice. And while it’s no secret that experiences influence our perception of reality, the information being presented to us could suddenly alter our sense of direction. This would be similar to losing signal on your smartphone maps while driving in the middle of nowhere.

If your sun sign, moon sign or rising sign falls under any of the following zodiac signs, the upcoming full moon will rock your world. Here’s why:

How The Full Moon Will Affect Each Zodiac Sign

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Your mindset and communication style is changing in a big way, but it’s all part of a divine plan. Granted, having your celestial ruler, Mars, in retrograde motion isn’t necessarily a walk in the park, but you’re being called to slow down in order to observe the dynamic of your exchanges, specifically when it comes to your sense of authority. The red planet is also a key player at this time, as it will conjunct the full moon in your third house of immediate surroundings, and default thought processes. Important facts could be brought to your attention at this time, which may or may not go against the foundation of your worldview. Keep an open mind, and get your facts straight before jumping to conclusions.

Read Your Full Aries Horoscope For December 2022

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Your experiences around intimacy and shared resources may have looked a certain way for quite some time, specifically those of you who either depend on a specific source of income, or are being depended on for financial security. However, with the full moon’s ruler, Mercury, wandering through your expansive ninth house, chances are you are being presented with a series of options and opportunities, some of which require logistical changes in your money sector. Reflect on your value systems; are they aligned with your personal and professional commitments? Easier said than done, but you’re being encouraged to detach from outdated philosophies and joint ventures that have reached their expiration date.

Read Your Full Taurus Horoscope For December 2022

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You’re quite keen on exploring your options, but you’re being presented with the opportunity to chime into your inner dialogue in the process. This year’s full moon in your sign is not for the faint-hearted, and it’s all thanks to Mars retrograde sitting alongside the moon in your sign. Your past experiences with relationships, commitments and contractual agreements could be the reason why you’ve often jumped to conclusions, but Mercury in Capricorn is bringing your thoughts around intimacy down to earth. Whether it be personally or professionally, you’re being called to release an outdated belief system, and redirect your energy towards connections that are built upon a solid foundation.

Read Your Full Gemini Horoscope For December 2022

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You’re as sensitive as ever under the full moon phase, and Luna’s conjunction to Mars retrograde isn’t making things easier. In fact, if you’re not hyper-focusing on your inner voice and spending time in solitude, then you’re likely overthinking things more than you should. Although, with the moon’s ruler, Mercury, transiting your relationship sector, chances are this pertains to a significant partnership that is either unaware of your day-to-day efforts, or simply not meeting you half-way at this time. Are you overextending yourself for the sake of a connection? Communication is key, so don’t hold back from setting the record straight. After all, your past experiences don’t define you, or the person you aspire to become. Get out of your own way.

Read Your Full Cancer Horoscope For December 2022

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Everything from your social surroundings to the logistics of your long-term goals are under the spotlight of this full moon. Fueled by Mercury in Capricorn—via your sixth house of daily rituals and health habits—this lunation is bringing emphasis to everything from your strategic alliances to the overall productivity of your professional endeavors. And while you may have initially approached these energies in an (overly) confident way once upon a time, the cosmos is challenging you to become more grounded with your commitments and responsibilities. Mixing business with pleasure? Others of you may simply lack direction when it comes to future goals and dreams. Time to retrace your steps.

Read Your Full Leo Horoscope For December 2022

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Your relationships are an extension of your early experiences, but an outdated philosophy could be inhibiting you from embarking on a new journey. The same goes for those of you contemplating whether to conceive and start a family of your own someday. The full moon will join Mars retrograde in your 10th house of authority, while its ruler (Mercury) transits through your fifth house of love, children, recognition and passion projects. Maybe it’s a romantic partnership that doesn’t necessarily meet the “criteria” on your checklist. If this belief is inhibiting you from taking the lead in your personal and/or professional life, this lunation will challenge you to retrace your steps, and redirect your energy.

Read Your Full Virgo Horoscope For December 2022

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The logistics of your daily rituals and devotions are undergoing a well-deserved overhaul, and this lunation is bringing in some much-needed perspective. Conjunct Mars retrograde in Gemini—via your ninth house of expansion, higher learning and self-discovery while its ruler, Mercury, ignites your fourth house of heritage—there are traditions and outdated beliefs surrounding home and family that need to be reconsidered, and/or reprioritized. For instance, if there’s pending paperwork attached to your living space, or perhaps a relative that needs your support, this could be of greater prominence at this time. The same goes for those of you unconsciously allowing old structures to influence your family dynamic.

Read Your Full Libra Horoscope For December 2022

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Are you being realistic with your expenses and funds? Your experiences around stability and security may look a certain way, but significant information could change things up, perhaps unexpectedly so. The full moon will conjunct Mars retrograde in Gemini—via your eighth house of intimacy, inheritance, shared resources and joint ventures—while its savvy ruler, Mercury, brings your thoughts down to earth. However, when considering the influence of Jupiter in Pisces—fueling the sun in Sagittarius—it’s important to remain grounded in your reality, as opposed to attaching yourself to a fantasy. Do you feel wholeheartedly aligned to your current endeavors?

Read Your Full Scorpio Horoscope For December 2022

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Conversations revolving around finances are never easy, but this still doesn’t make them less significant. Luna governs your eighth house of shared assets, but it will peak in your relationship sector, while in a conjunction to Mars retrograde in Gemini. And with the sun and Venus glimmering through your sign, it feels like “nothing can stop you, you’re all the way up.” Granted, the moon’s ruler Mercury will be transiting your stability-seeking second house, urging you to be more critical and pragmatic with your time, energy and money. That said, you could be presented with an opportunity or an offer to collaborate, which may or may not go against your personal philosophy. This is where the cosmos is challenging you to reprioritize and/or reconsider the value of a connection.

Read Your Full Sagittarius Horoscope For December 2022

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Keeping things strictly business? The moon will peak alongside Mars retrograde in Gemini, bringing emphasis to your responsible sixth house of daily rituals, health routines and acts of service. Meanwhile, with its ruler, Mercury, transiting through your sign, this lunation is urging you to reflect on everything from your communication style to your approach, and strategy. Does something needs to be rehashed or perhaps reconsidered? The irony of this is, with the sun and Venus lighting up your 12th house of inhibitions, you’re likely attaching yourself to an outdated way of being, where you closed yourself off to others and perhaps worked behind the scenes. Others of you may be choosing to indulge in private, disregarding the consequences of your habits. Switch it up!

Read Your Full Capricorn Horoscope For December 2022

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Remember who you are, Aquarius. This full moon will conjunct Mars retrograde in Gemini—via your fifth house of authenticity, talents, recognition and passion projects—while its ruler, Mercury, transits through your 12th house of unconscious patterns. Your perception of society—whether in-person or via social media—is shifting, especially when it comes to your creative ideas and outlets for self-expression. You may have initially approached celebration and/or your personal fulfillment spontaneously without paying much mind, but the moon says it’s time for an overhaul. The same goes for those of you struggling with confidence and self-esteem. You’re stepping into your highest vibration, and taking your power back. Don’t let social constructs inhibit you from being your most authentic self.

Read Your Full Aquarius Horoscope For December 2022

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Cross your t’s and dot your i’s. The full moon will be *hella* triggered by Mars retrograde in Gemini—via your fourth house of home, family and innermost feelings—all while its ruler, Mercury, lights up your 11th house of friends and social networks. Cohabiting with roommates who turned into besties? Whether it be a letter slipped under your door and signed by your landlord, or a professional collaboration that’s been getting in the way of your downtime, significant information could suddenly challenge your philosophy around work, career and/or your sense of authority. Jupiter is also transiting the last degree of your sign, which will simultaneously bring light to your rose-colored glasses, and/or lack boundaries. Either way, you’re being called to address the situation without losing sight of your truth.

Read Your Full Pisces Horoscope For December 2022

Zodiac Signs Travel | Culture Issue 2022

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