
Don’t Panic, But Your Weekly Horoscope Includes a Dramatic & Impulsive Full Moon in Gemini

Your horoscope for the week of December 5 is full of climactic moments, so prepare for a few twists and turns. The energy is building up faster than you may be able to keep up with, but you’re learning sometimes major in the process. Prepare to see what you’re really made of!

It all begins on December 6, when Mercury in Sagittarius squares off with expansive and risk-taking Jupiter. This will lead to big ideas full of courage and bravado, so indulge in the excitement of learning new things and discovering brilliant things to talk about. This majorly revelatory moment will occur just before Mercury enters sturdy, disciplined and pragmatic Capricorn, giving you the patience and motivation to actually bring these ideas to fruition.

The most climactic moment of this week arrives on December 7 at 11:07 p.m ET, when a full moon takes place at 16 degrees Gemini. This mutable air sign is famous for its witty and intellectual curiosity, but also it’s big mouth! And although this full moon will bring game-changing truths to light, it may lack sensitivity in its delivery. Forming an exact conjunction with Mars retrograde, this full moon could also lead to confusing conflicts, misplaced anger and debates that lead nowhere. However, through every dramatic moment, you’re learning more about how to communicate effectively when the passion strikes. Instead of stewing in your anger, direct it toward something that empowers you.

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By December 9, Venus in Sagittarius will also join in on the fun by squaring off with Jupiter. During this time, you can expect an explosion of spontaneous excitement, especially if you’re willing to do something wild and uninhibited in order to get the good vibes going. This is a perfect time to shake things up and pump some positive energy into the mix, especially if you’re currently seeing someone. And once Venus enters stable and committed Capricorn later that same day, you can start discussing where these exciting developments are truly headed.

Here’s what you can expect from the upcoming week, according to your sun and/or rising sign (and seriously, you’re missing out if you don’t read these horoscopes for your rising sign):

How the Planets Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign This Week

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Throughout the week, you may be engaging in conversations that shake up your fears. After all, Mercury in your philosophical ninth will square off with Jupiter in your 12th house of subconscious mindsets on December 6, which could trigger deep revelations about how you really feel.

Passions may come to a head by December 7, when a full moon in Gemini brings a burst of energy to your third house of communication. Expect discussions to feel emotionally charged and fraught with uncertainty, especially if you feel unheard by whoever you’ve been exchanging words with. A conversation may pull out something uncomfortable from deep inside you, purging it from your system.

As Venus squares off with Jupiter on December 9, you may find that pushing the envelope with someone is actually bringing you closer. Don’t be afraid to ask questions and be vulnerable, because sometimes, being truthful about what’s most sensitive gives the other person permission to do the same.

Read Your Full Aries Horoscope For December 2022

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Divulging some deep secrets? Feeling inspired to dig for dirt? On December 6, Mercury in your obsessive eighth house will square off with Jupiter in your idealistic 11th house, which can encourage you to make concessions and excuses for some of your more questionable instincts. As long as you’re prepared to own the consequences, a little rule-breaking never hurt nobody!

You may feel a desire to preserve and protect your pride by December 7, when a full moon in Gemini shakes the foundations of your second house of money and self-esteem. You may feel angry for being underestimated by someone and perceived as unworthy. Instead of reacting to these micro-aggressions, it’s time to form a game-plan for proving them wrong. Only you know the furthest extent of your potential.

Venus will later form a square with Jupiter on December 9, tapping into your desire to turn a casual connection into something deeper and more penetrating. Craving the intoxicating feeling of falling in love with someone you feel like you shouldn’t? It’s arriving one way or the other!

Read Your Full Taurus Horoscope For December 2022

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Show up for your partners, because one of them may be the source of a chance opportunity to get ahead this week. On December 6, Mercury—which happens to be in your relationship sector—will square off with Jupiter in your 10th house of career and public image. However, keep in mind that there’s good publicity and bad publicity. Either once can be profitable, just as long as you know how to work with it!

A full moon in Gemini could turn your life completely upside down on December 7. OK, that may be a stretch, but it will certainly exert pressure on your patience and trigger some of your defenses. As this full moon joins forces with Mars retrograde, you may find yourself returning to unresolved conflicts and feeling motivated to settle the score. Remember, proving yourself to others is less valuable than proving something to yourself.

When Venus finally squares off with Jupiter on December 9, you may find that spending time with someone is bringing you adjacent-fame. Whether you want to be in the spotlight or not, you’re learning more about how your actions have a direct correlation with how you’re seen.

Read Your Full Gemini Horoscope For December 2022

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You may find yourself feeling distracted throughout the week (and there’s nothing wrong with that). Don’t punish your mind for wandering, because as Mercury in your sixth house of routine squares off with Jupiter in your adventure-seeking ninth house, the call to the wild may feel louder than the pull toward normalcy. Feel free to wander, because you might find something that’s worth the trouble.

When a full moon in Gemini sends electricity to your 12th house of spirituality and internal healing, you may find yourself unleashing a whole lot of pent-up rage. Let it all out! You’re not a bad person for feeling resentful and “ungrateful”. The truth is, you’ve been keeping quiet about far too many grievances for the sake of keeping the peace. The way you feel is *how* to heal.

By December 9, Venus will also form a square with Jupiter, which could lead to exciting developments in work-relationships. You may be getting to know your colleagues and classmates on a deeper level. Don’t be afraid to show them a small part of your wild side, because it could enliven their opinion of you!

Read Your Full Cancer Horoscope For December 2022

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You may find yourself feeling the urge to follow some of your darker impulses this week, especially if it’s making you feel good. On December 6, Mercury in your fifth house of fun and indulgence will square off with Jupiter in your eighth house of deep-set urges. You may feel a desire to receive some of your more complicated emotions with something beautiful. Expressing yourself through art and creativity will yield powerful results.

By December 7, a full moon in Gemini will rattle the energy in your 11th house of social networks and associations. You may feel just as alienated by others as you are inspired by them, prompting you to form a team that fights against the injustices on your mind. However, your position of leadership demands that you do what’s good for the collective, not satisfying for your ego.

As Venus squares off with Jupiter on December 9, you may feel like doing something risky (and maybe even dangerous). Although the pros may seem to outweigh the cons, you may be underselling the way you know you’ll feel once it’s over.

Read Your Full Leo Horoscope For December 2022

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Find ways to nourish and enchant your sacred spaces this week. When Mercury in your fourth house of home and family squares off with Jupiter in your relationship sector, it’s by healing your childhood pain that you’ll be able to heal the way you feel in your current relationships. You know deep down that in some ways, these issues are deeply interconnected!

By December 7, a full moon in Gemini will start a storm in your 10th house of career. You may feel frustrated that your efforts have been under-looked and undersold, even though you know you gave it your strongest effort. Even if you’ve gone above and beyond, you can’t always control the complicated decisions at corporate. If you’re not getting the attention you deserve, demand it! The squeaky wheel gets the grease, Virgo.

When Venus squares off with Jupiter on December 9, you’ll remember that it’s by creating a safe haven for your loved ones that you’ll find yourself able to form beautiful relationships more easily. Allow relatives and hometown friends to introduce you to wonderful people.

Read Your Full Virgo Horoscope For December 2022

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Be careful what you say this week, because the more you talk, the more you have to follow up with! On December 6, Mercury in your communication sector will square off with Jupiter in your sixth house of tasks and to-do lists. By oversharing and/or under-replying, you may find yourself taking on more responsibilities than you’re realistically able to carry. Be clear about what you can and can’t accomplish.

When a full moon in Gemini rises in your ninth house of adventure and open-minded thinking on December 7, you may find yourself feeling overly constricted and stripped of your freedoms. It may inspire you to fight for your beliefs and stand up for what you believe in, especially if you feel bogged down by meaningless details and close-minded conversations.

When Venus squares off with Jupiter on December 9, it could introduce you to exciting people as you go about your day-to-day activities and find ways to tend to your self-care regimens. This is a perfect day to simply run errands with your lover or BFF, as you might get a lot more done together (and have fun while you’re at it).

Read Your Full Libra Horoscope For December 2022

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You may feel the desire to go on a shopping spree this week. On December 6, Mercury in your second house of money and luxury will square off with Jupiter in your fun-loving fifth house, inspiring you to put your money into things that bring you creative satisfaction. Don’t be afraid to treat yourself to something that reminds you of who you are and what makes you happy.

When a full moon in Gemini rises in your eighth house of death and rebirth on December 7, you may feel a desire to break free from something that’s been holding you back. Whether you’re making the active decision to leave—or the universe is forcing you to—this full moon could be the straw that breaks the camels back. You know that you deserve better than what you’ve been settling for.

December 9 is when Venus will also square off with Jupiter, which is the perfect time to buy yourself something fancy and pour your attention into self-love. The more attention you put into your well-being, the more loved you’ll feel. And the better you feel, the better others will feel in your already magnetic presence.

Read Your Full Scorpio Horoscope For December 2022

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Prepare for a commotion behind the scenes, because on December 6, Mercury in Sagittarius will square off with Jupiter in your fourth house of home and family. The more you speak your mind and follow your instincts, the more you’ll feel right at home where you stand. It’s be being yourself that you naturally carve a space for yourself. You don’t need anyone’s permission to make yourself feel at home.

However, by the time a full moon in Gemini shakes things up in your seventh house of partnerships on December 7, you may be running into the same conflict that never seems to get resolved. There’s a strong chance that something will chance around this full moon, as a deeply buried truth is fully beginning to be unearthed. Wait for the dust to settle before making a decision about what happens next.

As Venus later forms a square with Jupiter on December 9, you may find family members and relatives are coming to your rescue and reminding you who you are. Although you may have left behind the nest long ago, it’s the returning to it that shows you just how far you’ve come and just how strong your roots have made you.

Read Your Full Sagittarius Horoscope For December 2022

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This week, you may find yourself being honest about things you were never expecting to be honest about. On December 6, Mercury in your 12th house of subconscious energy will square off with Jupiter in your third house of communication, prompting you to learn more about how you’re feeling by having the guts to acknowledge how you’re feeling. Trust the universe, because you’re definitely not alone with whatever you’re going through.

On December 7, a full moon in Gemini will bring a burst of power to your sixth house of routine and well-being. Although you may be running on fumes—and pushing yourself to the brink of exhaustion—you may find yourself feeling inspired to set boundaries and stand up for your rights. There’s no reason why you should be working so much overtime with no guarantee of a promotion. Know your worth!

By December 9, Venus will also join forces with Jupiter, which could lead to beautiful developments in close friendships and inspiring moments during chance encounters. By allowing yourself to be vulnerable with others, you’re giving others a reason to do the same for you.

Read Your Full Capricorn Horoscope For December 2022

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You probably never imagined you’d be able to do what you love *and* make a living at the same time. But as Mercury in your second house of money squares off with Jupiter in your idealistic 11th house on December 6, that’s exactly what you’re realizing you’re more than capable of doing! You’re realizing that your hopes and dreams truly aren’t that unrealistic, especially when you know you want it badly enough that you’d probably do it for free.

When a full moon in Gemini sends magic to your fifth house of fun, romance and self-expression on December 7, you may find that tensions are reaching boiling points and you have no choice but to do something about it. Perhaps you’ve been sitting on an incredibly creative project that you’re tired of pushing aside. Maybe you’re sick of crushing on someone from afar. Even though you know you might fail, you don’t want to live knowing you were never even willing to try.

By December 9, Venus will also square off with Jupiter, which could lead to beautiful new friendships as you own your worth and increase your confidence. Know your value so that you don’t surround yourself with haters who are beneath you. The more you learn how to love yourself, the easier it is to find the people who *really* love you.

Read Your Full Aquarius Horoscope For December 2022

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Major developments are underway this week. In fact, by the time it’s over, you may feel as though you’ve survived a rollercoaster ride! On December 6, Mercury in your flashy 10th house of publicity will square off with Jupiter in Pisces, which means you can make some major waves in your career and on the internet this week. In the mood to go viral? Put yourself out there, because the return on that investment could lead to quite an increased follower count!

As a full moon in Gemini rises in your sensitive fourth house of home and family on December 7, you may find yourself diving into your personal life and coming to terms with resentments that need releasing. Look inward and ask yourself what makes you feel as though you belong. Go wherever makes you feel special, Pisces. Family is not always the ones we’re born with, but the ones we choose.

By December 9, Venus will also form a square with Jupiter, which can lead to relationships that introduce you to all the right people. In fact, teaming up with someone who shares your enthusiasm may be what separates you from all the others. If you see someone who has what you want, don’t be jealous of them—ask yourself how you can stand *next* to them.

Read Your Full Pisces Horoscope For December 2022

Zodiac Signs Travel | Culture Issue 2022

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