
Your Weekly Love Horoscope Predicts Heated Arguments, But Also Relationship Breakthroughs

Your love horoscope for the week of November 28 to December 4 is a reminder that communication is key in any healthy and loving relationship. And if you’re ready to talk about where your partnership is headed, it’s time to let go of passive aggressive tactics and power plays, because it will only tear you further apart.

Communication between our partner or a romantic interest will probably be abrasive at best and confrontational at worst. Mercury opposes Mars, currently traveling retrograde, on Tuesday. Determination can be admirable at times but when it means not taking “no” for an answer, it may only lead to more dissension. Both parties need to figure out a way to respect one another’s differences and agree to disagree as needed.

When Venus—planet of love—opposes Mars on Thursday, the energy goes from bad to worse. Relationships could seem to make no sense at all! We might also feel some sexual frustration if the object of our desire is rejecting our advances. The waters of romance get even more muddied once Venus squares square Neptune on Sunday, disappointing all of us. Love affairs aren’t likely to go well this week. Stay strong by remembering that this is temporary.

Related: Get a Free Tarot Reading For Further Insight

Here’s what your love horoscope for the week of November 28 to December 4 is bringing to your attention, according to your sun sign, Venus sign and/or rising sign:

How The Planets Will Affect Your Love Life This Week

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Any simmering frustration you feel this week is likely due to the realization that you’ve been betraying yourself in some way regarding your love life. It may seem harmless to lie to yourself and believe that your sweetheart is perfect, but that’s a guaranteed setup for eventual disappointment. If you’re in that situation, this is the week your bubble is likely to burst. Currently uncoupled? You could be dealing with a chronic negative mindset about love, thinking that no one can be trusted and love will never prevail. Don’t manifest that negativity—instead, try to change your perspective in healthy ways.

Read Your Full Aries Horoscope For November 2022

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Money and love make for an unpleasantly volatile mix at the moment, regardless of your relationship status. Partnered up already? You might feel unable to find a middle ground regarding finances or your sex life. Arguments about money might have been building—it looks like your partner is the one unhappy with the way you are handling your resources, which would be unusual for your budget-minded sign. Upon deeper examination, you might find out that they’re merely projecting their own mistakes onto you. Until this week, you just didn’t know about them! Single Taureans are likely more concerned about making ends meet than romance.

Read Your Full Taurus Horoscope For November 2022

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You’re just not having it this week! In fact, you might be so cranky that you push away your loved ones because you simply don’t know how to handle your frustration. While it’s true that a significant other might be the cause of your upset, that doesn’t have to be the case. Don’t forget the possibility that your partner is genuinely trying to make things right between you, even if you’re dead set on holding a grudge. Do you really want that? If you’re single, you might be so busy finding everything wrong with someone that you’re not able to see if anything is actually right.

Read Your Full Gemini Horoscope For November 2022

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You are only as sick as the secrets you keep. This week, however, it looks like you’re going to feel nauseated over the fact that someone may find out something about your love life which you’d prefer to keep private. Some matters are no one’s business—you’re right to feel unsettled if your privacy is invaded! Romantic issues could impact your career as well. It’s possible that someone you work with is gossiping about you and possibly even spreading rumors about your love life. You might not understand their motivation, but regardless, you’re valid to feel quite violated. Try to address any issues sooner rather than later.

Read Your Full Cancer Horoscope For November 2022

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Your love interest could be hiding something from you—and you can’t ignore it any longer. Before confronting them, you might complain about it to a friend when Mercury opposes Mars in your friendship sector on Tuesday. By the time Venus in your romance sector squares nebulous Neptune on Sunday, you likely won’t be able to stay blind to whatever this is about. If something isn’t right in your love life, it’ll be obvious that you have to face the music. Don’t get yourself into a situation where you lose yourself just to hold onto love! That’s not what love is, and you know it.

Read Your Full Leo Horoscope For November 2022

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Unless you’re ready to hear the blunt truth, this isn’t a great time to ask a family member for advice about your love life. Amorous Venus is in your domestic 4th house and squares disorienting Neptune on Sunday. It seems like the only person who can see beyond the rose-colored glasses in your love life is this relative. You might even get into an argument with someone in your clan about your relationship, because you just don’t want to confront the possibility of lies or deception in your love connection. Of course, the problem might not be that bad—but you won’t know unless you’re willing to open your eyes.

Read Your Full Virgo Horoscope For November 2022

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You might be totally clueless about someone at work having a major crush on you. In fact, it looks like everyone else got the memo except for you. Unfortunately, this isn’t likely to transform into the grand romantic fairytale that it otherwise could have been. Quite the opposite! Another co-worker or professional connection may use their knowledge about your admirer to start a rumor that has a detrimental effect on your work situation. If this happens, the saboteur might be jealous—either of you or the person who has a crush on you. Try to stay above the drama and keep your head down this week.

Read Your Full Libra Horoscope For November 2022

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You might not realize the price you’re paying for love—literally. Whether or not you’ve recently started to date someone, think about the amount of money you’re spending to impress someone. This might be in the form of extravagant gifts or generous date nights where you foot the bill. Or, in some cases, you may end up giving money to your sweetheart to help alleviate their financial burdens. Whatever the details, and even if this is a fully established relationship, it can still take a toll on your budget. It’s time to address it. Single? Avoid paying an expensive matchmaker, because it’s probably a scam.

Read Your Full Scorpio Horoscope For November 2022

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Issues may pile on top of issues regarding your love situation right now, whether you’re coupled or not. In fact, whatever problems you and a current or prospective partner are having are sure to come to a head this week. Mercury opposes Mars, still moving retrograde in your relationship sector, on Tuesday, and then Venus kicks Mars while it’s down on Thursday. This combination of angry cosmic connections is sure to bring out the worst in you and anyone you’re romantically involved with. Compromising might seem impossible when you’re both standing your ground with so much ferocity. Things could reach a breaking point at any moment—and sometimes, you have to let that happen.

Read Your Full Sagittarius Horoscope For November 2022

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Your attraction for someone you shouldn’t be with could be about to reach a dangerous tipping point. Venus is in your hidden 12th house right now, predisposing you to clandestine behavior in matters of the heart. Unfortunately, keeping things under the covers might go from exciting to messy very quickly. Venus will oppose Mars, still retrograde, on Thursday and then pick a fight with murky Neptune on Sunday. It might become a situation where, now that you can have the forbidden fruit, you realize you don’t want it after all. Or, if you do still want this person, it’s going to cost you way more than you think it will. Ask yourself if it’s really worth it.

Read Your Full Capricorn Horoscope For November 2022

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Your friends might be no help at all this week when it comes to romantic advice, even if you ask them simple questions. This is particularly true if you’ve got so many options in love that you’re spoiled for choice! You’re all too likely to feel completely uncertain about which path to take or connection to explore, and no matter how much you contemplate it, you can’t quite figure things out. Talking to a pal is unlikely to help. In fact, it might make you quite upset—because your friend’s advice probably isn’t going to be about you at all. They could easily be projecting their own romantic issues. What a mess!

Read Your Full Aquarius Horoscope For November 2022

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Spending any energy on your love life at this time may feel practically impossible. Your professional situation is likely causing this lack—you could get passed up for a promotion that you know you deserved. Perhaps your boss will decline your request for a raise. Whatever the case may be, you might think to look to your partner or a love interest for support and comfort to ease the blow. Unfortunately, it doesn’t look like they’ll be emotionally available to help. Sometimes we all get so caught up in our own world, we have nothing to give anywhere else. It looks like that kind of week for you in matters of the heart. Hang in there!

Read Your Full Pisces Horoscope For November 2022

Zodiac Signs Travel | Culture Issue 2022

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