
Your Weekly Horoscope Wants You to Stay Above the Drama & Prove Your Haters Wrong

Your horoscope for the week of November 28 to December 4 is potent with volatile energy and quaking with potential. And while you may be fully steeped in conflict, you can use this friction to your advantage. Ignore your instinct to get dragged into unnecessary drama and harness your emotions for something that motivates you and empowers you. After all, success is always the best revenge.

Although Mars—planet of ambition and motivation—is currently retrograding through Gemini, it will form a trine with stable and disciplined Saturn on November 28, reminding you to play the long game. Don’t start a major project when you still have work to do and loose ends to tie off. You’ve got plenty of time to get to the finish line. And when Mercury—planet of communication—opposes Mars retrograde on November 29, you may find yourself frustrated that things aren’t manifesting fast enough and your plans aren’t moving in the right direction. Don’t judge yourself for feeling pissed off! It only means that you care and you care deeply. Allow this emotionally-charged anger to motivate you to move mountains.

Don’t be discouraged by disagreements, especially when you have the power to keep your cool and maintain your focus on more important things. As Mercury forms a sextile with devoted Saturn on November 29, you have the ability to not only be the bigger person, but be the bigger bad ass.

STYLECASTER | Weekly Horoscope

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Some of this combative energy may begin to spread throughout your relationships by December 1, as Venus—planet of love—forms an opposition with Mars retrograde. The desire to express your truth and feel understood will be impossible to ignore, but setting aside one’s pride for the sake of harmony will be harder to accomplish than usual. Remember—winning the argument now could cost you the battle later. Your feelings are valid, but the way you act on them makes all the difference. Mercury will also be squaring off with disorienting Neptune, making it difficult to communicate with clarity and directness.

Luckily, Neptune retrograde will come to an end on December 3, stationing direct at 22 degrees Pisces. This could dispel the fog surrounding a situation in your life, leading to a spiritual epiphany. Look inward and find the answers. It’s not just a coincidence; it’s a synchronicity.

Here’s what you can expect from the upcoming week, according to your sun and/or rising sign (and seriously, you’re missing out if you don’t read these horoscopes for your rising sign):

How the Planets Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign This Week

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You’re learning that what’s good for the goose is good for the gander. And as Mars retrograde forms a trine with Saturn in your 11th house of social networking on November 28, you’re seeing the benefit of setting aside your ego and doing what’s right for your community.

However, don’t expect everyone to agree on a game-plan. Both Mercury and Venus will oppose Mars retrograde by December 1, shining a light on everyone’s desire to prove themselves right. Don’t take differences of opinion personally, as respectful debates can lead to powerful revelations.

Take your time as you decipher the right thing to say and the correct decision to make. As Mercury squares off with Neptune in your 12th house of subconscious fears on December 1, it will be harder to focus on the facts and easier to allow your anxieties to cloud your judgment. Don’t jump to conclusions!

Read Your Full Aries Horoscope For November 2022

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You may be struggling to evenly disperse your energy as this week begins. However, as Mars retrograde forms a trine with Saturn in your 10th house of career on November 28, you’re seeing the benefit of working extra hard now in order to make a name for yourself later.

Power struggles may be standing in your way by December 1, when both Mercury and Venus will have formed an opposition with Mars retrograde. If it feels like your priorities are draining you without replenishing you, it may be time to pull your energy back and stand up for what’s yours. Sometimes, choosing to opt out of the drama is the real baller move.

You won’t be able to make everyone happy, especially as Mercury squares off with Neptune in your 11th house of community on December 1. Leave those people-pleaser tendencies right at the door, because sometimes, the more you give, the more the world takes.

Read Your Full Taurus Horoscope For November 2022

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You’re seeing the bigger picture this week, Gemini. As Mars retrograde in Gemini forms a trine with Saturn in your ninth house of wisdom on November 28, you’re recognizing all the many ways you’ve grown through trial and experience. Use that wisdom to keep your eyes on the ball, because you know now what you’re capable of accomplishing when you set your mind to it.

However, by December 1, Mercury and Venus will have formed an opposition with Mars retrograde, which could bring deep-seated relationship issues to the surface. It could also shine a light on a hater who has been plotting against you or a misunderstanding that needs to be corrected. Remember that how other people respond to you is not your responsibility. Recognize what is in your control and what isn’t.

Don’t be surprised if your emotions get to you, especially because Mercury will also square off with Neptune in your 10th house of status and reputation on December 1. Doubt and insecurity may be the culprit behind your frustration, because it’s time to place your trust in something deeper than superficial approval.

Read Your Full Gemini Horoscope For November 2022

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Don’t put pressure on yourself to produce instant results this week. On November 28, Mars retrograde in your passive 12th house will form a trine with Saturn in your eighth house of long-term investments, reminding you to keep your eyes on the prize. You’re planting seeds right now, give them time to grow!

However, that may feel easier said than done, because both Mercury and Venus will have formed an opposition with Mars retrograde on December 1. As mounting assignments, tasks and duties continue to pile up, you may find yourself forced to reprioritize. All you can do is the best you possibly can; asking for more is asking too much of yourself.

By the time Mercury squares off with Neptune in your ninth house of big-picture-thinking on December 1, you may find yourself taking on more than you should. Don’t bite off more than you can chew, Cancer. Remember—”Maybe” or “I don’t know” are both perfectly acceptable answers!

Read Your Full Cancer Horoscope For November 2022

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Trust in the relationships you’ve been forming, Leo. Although you’ve let go of a few people, you’ve also been putting effort into positive social outreach (and it’s starting to pay off). As Mars retrograde in your 11th house of community forms a trine with Saturn on November 28, there’s a chance that old friends may resurface, proving that long-term loyalties can really pay off.

However, by December 1, both Mercury and Venus will have formed an opposition with Mars retrograde. This could bring rise to certain jealousies and judgmental energies that have been holding you back from becoming your best self. Don’t give haters too much access to your life, especially when you have supporters who have earned that right even more.

Let’s not forget Mercury will also be squaring off with Neptune in your eighth house of intimacy on December 1, which could put you in a position to lower your guard before you’re truly ready. If something feels off to you, don’t feel pressured into giving more than you’re ready to give.

Read Your Full Leo Horoscope For November 2022

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Sometimes, the smallest improvements make the biggest difference. As Mars retrograde in your 10th house of social status forms a trine with Saturn in your productive sixth house on November 28, you’re realizing that diligence and discipline is the name of the game. Reconnect with the simple habits and rituals that prepare you for success.

However, on December 1, both Mercury and Venus will form an opposition with Mars retrograde, which can make you feel like you’re leading a double life. Your commitment to your family and your domestic bliss is on your mind, and yet, your professional concerns keep adding to your plate. Draw the line somewhere, especially if you’re being asked to sacrifice more than you’re being paid to.

December 1 is also when Mercury will square off with Neptune in your seventh house of partnerships, making it difficult to know where you stand with certain people. It may be wise to post-pone sensitive conversations until later, especially if an important decision needs to be made.

Read Your Full Virgo Horoscope For November 2022

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You’ve built so much confidence over the past year and it’s coming to fruition. As Mars retrograde in your ninth house of experience forms a trine with Saturn in your fifth house of self-expression on November 28, you’re building up a thick enough skin to put yourself out there. There’s nothing more brave—and exhilarating—than producing art in a world where people are afraid to be judged.

However, by December 1, both Mercury and Venus will have formed an opposition with Mars retrograde, which could shine a light on whatever it is that requires further study. You can’t expect yourself to know everything, because learning is a life-long process. Allow the universe to point out everything that you still have yet to learn.

December 1 is also when Mercury will square off with Neptune in your sixth house of work, which could deplete a lot of your energy and motivation. Sometimes, information overload makes it harder to take everything apart and get organized. Start by clearing away the mess!

Read Your Full Libra Horoscope For November 2022

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You’ve healed so many deeply set wounds this year, Scorpio. Pat yourself on the back for being so emotionally resilient and open to vulnerability. As Mars retrograde in your eighth house of transformation forms a trine with Saturn on November 28, you’re getting a glimpse of the person you used to be and the person you are now. How did it feel to be a phoenix rising from the ashes?

However, by December 1, both Mercury and Venus will have formed an opposition with Mars retrograde, which will shine a light on some of the lingering commitments, attachments and conflicts from your past. Sometimes, anger is what catapults us toward change! Allow your frustration to help you make some meaningful chess moves.

Mercury will also square off with Neptune in your fifth house of romance and fun on December 1, tempting you to indulge rather than enjoy things in moderation. Remember, the lavish promise of something beautiful can often lead to something ugly. Allow your intuition to gauge the difference.

Read Your Full Scorpio Horoscope For November 2022

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Being honest and empathetic makes all the difference, Sagittarius. In fact, you’re coming to terms with all the breakthroughs you’ve made in your relationships lately. As Mars retrograde in your partnership sector forms a trine with Saturn in your third house of communication, you’re learning how to listen ands speak in a way that builds long-term trust.

However, by December 1, both Mercury and Venus in Sagittarius will have formed an opposition with Mars retrograde, increasing the likelihood of you getting into a fight with your significant other or coming to terms with the complicated feelings you have about someone. Although solving the issue may take time, it’s important to remember that passion is indicative of the fact that you care. Don’t pressure yourself into matching someone’s apathy.

When Mercury squares off with Neptune in your fourth house of home and family on December 1, you may feel as though your evolving thoughts and opinions are antithetical to what you were always taught. Don’t be afraid to grow beyond your roots, Sagittarius.

Read Your Full Sagittarius Horoscope For November 2022

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Keep up the good work, Capricorn. You’ve been putting in those hours, taking opportunities for extra credit and showing up even when you feel like hitting the snooze button. As Mars in your productive sixth house form a trine with Saturn on November 28, you’re seeing the way being reliable and diligent makes you stand out from the crowd.

However, by December 1, both Mercury and Venus in your lazy 12th house will have formed an opposition with Mars retrograde, which could derail your winning streak. Unless you’re a robot, you have to give in to your very human need for rest, Capricorn. Sometimes, the only way to truly get some rest is to take a break from your daily routine and sleep in late.

December 1 is also when Mercury will square off with Neptune in your busy third house, which may leave you feeling as though you’re receiving conflicting directions. Don’t leave anything up to chance, because indirect communication will only create more problems later.

Read Your Full Capricorn Horoscope For November 2022

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You’re coming to terms with all the many ways you’ve blossomed and bloomed. On November 28, Mars retrograde in your fifth house of love and romance will form a trine with Saturn in Aquarius, showing you that introducing a bit of color into your life will only make you feel more like yourself. Don’t put pressure on yourself to fit into a box when you come in the most unique shape.

However, by December 1, both Mercury and Venus will have formed an opposition with Mars retrograde, which could shine a light on abandoned art projects and ghosted relationships that may be coming back to haunt you. It may be time to finally say what has always needed to be said, because leaving things unfinished makes it harder to start something new.

Mercury will also square off with Neptune in your second house of money and values on December 1, so beware of purchases that leave you feeling remorseful later. It’s tempting to believe that all your problems can be solved with a swipe of a credit card, especially when someone is trying very hard to sell you something you don’t need.

Read Your Full Aquarius Horoscope For November 2022

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If you’re a Pisces, you’re someone with a big heart and a desire to be a shoulder to lean on for others. And as Mars retrograde in your fourth house of home and family forms a trine with Saturn in your 12th house of ancestral ties on November 28, you’re beginning the week feeling confident in your ability to be there for others. After all, it’s by healing others, you’re also healing yourself.

However, by December 1, both Mercury and Venus in your 10th house of career will have formed an opposition with Mars retrograde. This could shine a light on some of the ways your loved ones may guilt trip you or ask too much of you, especially when you have your own goals to tend to. Don’t be afraid to gentle reinforce your boundaries.

December 1 is also when Mercury will square off with Neptune in Pisces, which may leave you feeling even more confused about what to think. You don’t have to have all the answers right now, especially if your career is veering into a direction that was never your intention to take.

Read Your Full Pisces Horoscope For November 2022

Zodiac Signs Travel | Culture Issue 2022

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