
Your Weekly Tarot Horoscope Contains An Important Clue About Your Future, So Pay Attention

Whenever you’re confused about a situation and you’re looking for answers, it’s always a good idea to ask the Tarot for guidance! Whether you steadfastly believe these cards can tell you your future or you simply love the ritual of it all, your Tarot horoscope for the week of August 1 to August 7 will give you the guidance you’ve been needing.

A deck of Tarot consists of 78 cards, each one full of endless possibilities. Between the Tarot’s thought-provoking imagery and the symbolism associated with the Major and Minor Arcana, these cards always have a way of shining a light on something that needed to be brought to your awareness. And believe it or not, Tarot is used by people who come from all walks of life and follow all sorts of different belief systems. Whether you see the Tarot as an opportunity to connect with your spirit guides or as a lighthearted tool for stimulating your intuition and making decisions, this form of divination is always at your disposal. And since you don’t always have the time to pull out your deck and give yourself a full reading, your weekly Tarot horoscope can be a quick source of insight whenever you need it! And remember, the future is never set in stone, so think of a Tarot card reading as a chance to understand something from a different angle and ponder a unique possibility you hadn’t considered before.

Related: Get A Free Tarot Reading For Further Insight

5 of Pentacles

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Card Of The Week

5 of Pentacles

While every zodiac sign is receiving its own Tarot card pull, we’ve also pulled a card that will describe the overall energy that is impacting the collective. And for this week, that card is a sign of challenges and struggles that allow you to build grit, because it happens to be The 5 of Pentacles. The 5 of Pentacles acknowledges that you’ve fallen on hard times recently. Have you suffered a job loss recently? Are finances not flowing as easily as you’d like them to? These kinds of struggles don’t just take a toll on your pocketbook, they can also become an emotional, mental and spiritual burden as well. Don’t shoulder the weight of the world by yourself. This week you’re being encouraged to call out to your friends and family for help. All difficult periods pass eventually, but they pass much more easily when you have support.

If you’re searching for answers regarding your past, present and future, your weekly Tarot horoscope has got you covered. Here’s what the universe wants you to know about your current situation, according to your zodiac sign:

Your Zodiac Sign’s Weekly Tarot Horoscope

Queen of Cups

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Queen of Cups

The Queen of Cups indicates emotional maturity, compassion and a nurturing spirit. This week you are being called to express this energy in some way. Perhaps a friend approaches you with relationship troubles or it could be that a colleague is coming to you for support with a problem they’re facing. When this happens, listen from the heart as they speak but remain emotionally separated from the issue. While it may be tempting to dive head-first into the situation with them, understand that only they can work themselves out of their predicament.

Related: Aries Horoscope For August 2022: Enjoying Yourself

3 of Cups Tarot

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3 of Cups

Let the good times flow! The 3 of Cups is a card of celebration and friendship, so you could find yourself in party mode throughout the week, especially if you’re surrounded by those you’re with closest to you. Organize a night out on the town with friends. Host a dinner party for family. Gather a few coworkers and hit up a happy hour. This isn’t about what you do as much as it is the camaraderie of it all. Life isn’t all about responsibilities and commitments, so feel free to let loose and enjoy yourself right now!

Related: Taurus Horoscope For August 2022: Embrace Change

King of Cups

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King of Cups

Your theme for the week is successful application of strength. More specifically, emotional fortitude. The King of Cups is a person of insight and is very emotionally balanced and in control. Receiving this card is a reminder to harness your emotional maturity as you deal with a curveball life recently threw at you. Your initial instinct may have been to repress any emotions you had about this situation. Conversely, you could have let your emotions get the best of you. This card is urging you to use your heart AND your head as you navigate this personal challenge.

Related: Gemini Horoscope For August 2022: You Deserve Better

Page of Cups

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Page of Cups

Keep an open heart and an open mind this week! The Page of Cups is urging you to go back to the time in your life when you were more childlike, more fearless and more idealistic. It could be that past or recent circumstances have made you more cynical and closed off as a way to shield yourself from getting hurt. While this approach can certainly help you avoid more pain, it may also prevent you from experiencing life’s pleasures. Don’t let your past dictate your future in this way. Learn to trust again.

Related: Cancer Horoscope For August 2022: Climbing High

The Sun Tarot

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The Sun

The Sun is truly shining down on you this week! This card represents abundance, optimism, success and the warmth of a happy time in your life.  Plus, it’s incredibly on point, because not only is The Sun your ruling planet in astrology, but it also happens to be Leo season! It may be that you’ve been going through a tumultuous time in your life, feeling as though there wasn’t an end in sight. Well, it’s always darkest before the dawn—and dawn has arrived! Through these obstacles you’ve learned a lot about yourself and have gained confidence from knowing that you can weather any storm. Enjoy this period of positivity because you’ve earned it.

Related: Leo Horoscope For August 2022: Happy Birthday, Babe

6 of Swords

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6 of Swords

This could be the week you finally release something that has been hanging over you for far too long. The 6 of Swords serves as a reminder that, although it may be difficult, sometimes we have no choice but to move on from a challenging situation. What have you been holding onto that has prevented you from creating a brighter future for yourself? Now is the time to let this go once and for all. This won’t be a simple task, but ultimately, it is the right thing to do. Step up to the plate and make the decision that isn’t necessarily easy, but right.

Related: Virgo Horoscope For August 2022: Productive AF

9 of Cups

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9 of Cups

Receiving the 9 of Cups could signal that this is the week when your stars will finally begin to align. When this card appears in a reading, it is a signal from the universe that everything in your life is as it should be. This dose of fortunate energy could mean feeling perfectly content in your job, your relationship and your friendships. It will pave the way for so many beautiful things, and your emotional cup could truly runneth over! Take the time to stop and appreciate the abundance of blessings life is offering you right now.

Related: Libra Horoscope For August 2022: You’re Transforming

The Tower Tarot

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The Tower

Brace yourself! Unexpected change might be headed your way this week. The kind of change The Tower signifies is sudden and unforeseen. Your first instinct may be to reject this shift—but ask yourself why you’re so resistant. Yes, these situations aren’t easy to go through, but change is necessary to progress. This jolt to your system is what you’ve needed to see where the cracks in your foundations are. In turn, it allows you to rebuild on more stable ground. Embracing this transition period and what it can teach you will lead to greater personal rewards down the road.

Related: Scorpio Horoscope For August 2022: True Love Exists

Page of Wands

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Page of Wands

The Page of Wands wants you to embrace your more free-spirited side this week! Sometimes it’s easy for us to get stuck in our routines or to keep going along with what’s most comfortable for us. However, there’s so much more to life left to explore! What is that you’ve been wanting to do but thought you couldn’t? No dream is too big or small right now. When you combine your passion with your enthusiasm, the sky will truly be the limit for you.

Related: Sagittarius Horoscope For August 2022: Going Places

Strength Tarot

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The Strength card is signaling that you have the inner fortitude needed to gracefully navigate a difficult situation in your life. It’s easy to get lost in emotions like anger, sadness, fear or shame, but you’re being called to rise above that this week and remain calm in this time of adversity. Don’t act on your base instincts. Instead, embrace your more compassionate and forgiving side. This allows you to become a silent warrior who remains in control not only of yourself but the situation as well.

Related: Capricorn Horoscope For August 2022: Falling In Love

5 of Wands

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5 of Wands

It could feel like you’re caught up in conflict this week! The 5 of Wands indicates you’ve been trying to work toward some type of goal but are being met with obstacles that get in the way of your progress. Perhaps you feel as though your point of view is being challenged, or it could be that you’re finding it difficult to work with a specific person. Either way, you’re being challenged this week to truly listen to others’ opinions. You might find that what initially seemed like criticism was actually constructive feedback that will help you in the long run.

Related: Aquarius Horoscope For August 2022: Growing Up


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Temperance is a card of balance and moderation. Receiving this card signifies a need to keep a more go-with-the-flow attitude, practicing patience and adaptability as best you can. Perhaps you’ve been resisting a change in your life or letting a stressful situation get the best of you. If this is the case, change your approach this week. Allow things to slide off your back instead of meeting them with resistance. By finding your inner balance, you set yourself up to find your outer balance once again.

Related: Pisces Horoscope For August 2022: Embrace The Truth

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