
Your Weekly Love Horoscope Wants You To Express Your Desires & Embrace The Romance Of Leo Season

It’s officially Leo season, which means it’s time to live it up and soak up all the summer love! Even though your love horoscope for the week of July 25 to July 31 is incredibly dramatic, it’s spicy enough to make your love life so much more interesting.

As Venus—planet of love and friendship—squares off with expansive and indulgent Jupiter, you may feel a deep need to fall head over heels for someone. And because everyone’s crushing on someone right now, there’s a strong change you’ll finally tell someone how you feel! Now’s not the time to play it safe, because love always worth the risk.

With that being said, demonstrations of love and affection could get a little out of hand in the near future. Although you might feel inclined to fully embrace your romantic needs, remember that not everyone is going to want a ton of PDA or dramatic romantic displays. Read the room! In other news, we might get a bit reactive when Mercury squares Mars on Tuesday. This could be an argument about sex, money or recreation, but it might also turn into a quarrel about children. Try to pick your battles wisely, whether single or coupled.

Toward the end of the week, however, love becomes golden—or a golden opportunity. The new moon in Leo will open your heart and increase the desire to express yourself, easily bringing new romantic possibilities your way. Either way, we can be fully attuned to what brings us joy and unabashedly pursue these pleasures, with or without a lover in hand. 

Related: Get A Free Tarot Reading For Further Insight

Here’s what your love horoscope for the week of July 18 to July 24 is trying to tell you, according to your sun sign, Venus sign and/or rising sign:

How The Planets Will Affect Your Love Life This Week

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You might be tempted to pick a fight with your lover early in the week—potentially just for argument’s sake. Sometimes your fiery energy might push you to stir the pot just to keep things interesting! While that can restore passion in a love connection, this Tuesday it’s far more likely to create problems for no reason at all. Before you say anything on this day, ask yourself: Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary? If not, you might want to hold your tongue. On the other hand, singles have some glorious romantic prospects coming your way. A dazzling new moon lands in your true love sector on Thursday. Love could fall into your lap!

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Saying too much too soon to a prospective partner is a present danger—it could actually scare this person off. No matter how strong your feelings are, even if they’re definitely reciprocated, you should allow this connection to unfold over time rather than rush anything. If you’re single, this might be a week better spent thinking about realistic expectations and values in love rather than daydreaming about something that is completely unattainable. Yes, you deserve the best, but remember that people are only people! Expecting one person to meet all of your needs is not what love is all about.

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You might feel slighted early in the week by your lover and if so, you’ll almost certainly want to speak up about it. Unfortunately, the manner in which you confront your mate is not likely to create peace and harmony between you. In fact, it might inflame your connection even more! If you do get into a fight on Tuesday, remember that what you’re currently arguing about may not be what you’re really fighting about. The issue could go much deeper. Thankfully, whether you’re single or attached, your mind can open up to more positive thoughts surrounding love and pleasure after Thursday’s vivacious new moon in Leo. This lunar event should attract very pleasurable opportunities your way. 

Related: Gemini Horoscope For July 2022: Looking For Love

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This week might not be smooth sailing in matters of the heart. Even though Venus is in your sign, there’s a chance for you to overreach. The love planet will square exuberant Jupiter on Monday, which induces a larger-than-life quality in matters of the heart. This doesn’t have to be terrible in and of itself, but consider that you might promise more than you can deliver in love or try to rush a new connection—it’s safe to say that romance can quickly get problematic right now. Be positive about love prospects, but don’t throw all of your eggs into one basket unless you’re prepared to clean up any potential messes.

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This could turn out to be a spectacular week for you in matters of the heart—although that probably won’t seem to be the case at first. You might be grumpy and extra irritable on Tuesday, when gabby Mercury in your sign squares off with Mars. It’ll be all too easy to misdirect your anger toward the wrong person. If you’re upset about a career situation, taking it out on your mate is a bad idea. Things look up on Thursday for everyone during the new moon in your zodiac sign. Singles can find an open door to big romantic opportunities. If attached, you’re capable of giving love freely and getting more of it in return. 

Related: Leo Horoscope For July 2022: Lovers & Friends

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You could be spreading yourself too thin socially in an effort to meet a new love interest, increase your dating prospects, or improve an overall relationship. If you are single, you may want to stop trying so hard to force love into your life. The more you push, the harder it might be to forge a genuine love connection. Most likely, anyone you encounter this week will only be on the superficial level, and nothing will get as deep as you’d hope for it to be. If you’re already paired up, you and your sweetie might enjoy time out with friends—but it might become more of an expense than it’s worth. Keep an eye on your energy levels.

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Comparing your romantic situation to that of a couple you know could lead to a problem—especially if your partner, current or potential, is engaging in the comparison as well. Looking to someone else’s love life as some kind of impossible standard for you and your lover to live up to is not only unrealistic, but it is not honoring the connection that you may have with your mate. Coupled Libras will likely both be guilty of this early in the week, so do your best to work through this trap with patience. If totally single, your social life opens up considerably at the New Moon in your companionable 11th house on Thursday. Love is in the air! 

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Dogmatic beliefs might cause romantic conflicts in your current love life. In particular, you and your partner might feel unable or unwilling to see each other’s perspectives. Keep in mind that immediately shooting down one another’s opinion or belief is likely to grate on your love connection. Ask yourself whether it’s more important for you to be happy or to be right. Single? You might be more focused on professional opportunities this week than romance. That is, unless you meet someone who seems to be a total fan of your work. In that case, you might find yourself catching some major feelings!

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Rushing into things with someone new might not be the best idea at this time. Venus is currently moving through your eighth house of intensity and will be at a square to Jupiter in your romance sector on Monday. If you just started to date a new paramour, don’t attempt to go all in without actually getting to know this person first. While they’re most likely a beautiful package, there might not be much going on inside. If you’re in an established relationship, then you and your sweetheart might be tempted to spend a ton of money doing something just for fun. Make sure you really want whatever that is. 

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Overall, your love life is likely to bring you more pleasure than trouble these days. That’s because Venus is still moving through your partnership sector, adding her sweet voice to the harmony of your romantic potential or close connections. Jupiter helps out as well when Venus squares this planet of expansion on Monday. As a result, you can look forward to intensified romantic feelings or tenderness. This might be unfamiliar, but it doesn’t have to be negative at all—sometimes, love should be a grand affair! Single? You might be too excited about someone new you meet through a relative. Manage your expectations. 

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Love could become a major focus in your life at any moment. A new moon in your partnership sector on Thursday will all but guarantee it! In fact, if you are already in a relationship, you and your sweetheart have a chance to re-ignite the sparks you experienced during your early dating days. If you haven’t felt butterflies in your stomach thinking about your love lately, then get ready to be pleasantly surprised by a renewed honeymoon phase. If you’re single, there may be someone you’ve got your eye on. A spontaneous, passionate kiss might make you weak in the knees—or even ready to commit. 

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Enjoying romantic pleasures is your goal these days—as long as the person you’re experiencing them with makes you feel secure. This week, however, you might be ready to throw caution to the wind and try something you never have before. It’s possible that you and your sweetheart will want to experience a wild adventure together, such as bungee jumping, riding in a hot air balloon, or anything that you normally would consider out of your comfort zone. Thanks to a loved one’s presence, you can feel both safe and excited to try anything new. If single, you might meet someone intriguing by simply having the time of your life. 

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