
Your Weekly Horoscope Says Major Changes Are In Store, So Hang On Tight & Expect The Unexpected

Stay tuned, because your horoscope for the week of July 25 to July 31 is about to get real. This month has been filled with ups and downs, but it’s all leading up to a groundbreaking moment this week. As Venus—planet of love—squares off with Jupiter—planet of growth—on July 28, you’re starting off on an enthusiastic note, so let your heart lead the way.

However, on Tuesday, a square-off between big talker Mercury in proud Leo and Mars—the powerful planet of action—in stubborn Taurus certainly won’t help the matter. The paranoid energy produced when these two fixed cosmic personalities clash creates enough confusion and suspicion to make you want to retreat from battle and not trust or engage with another human for quite some time.

How long has it been since you did something that really made you feel good? The universe delivers a joyful new moon in creative, romantic and optimistic Leo on Thursday, which should lift your mood and help you glimpse the future while donning much rosier spectacles. This lunation shines a light on life’s pleasurable moments and reminds you that your time on this spinning rock is about more than just going through the motions and getting through the day. So, hold on tight to the invigorating new Leo moon’s advice through the weekend and find a way to live your best life!

The week ends with quite a bang, as Uranus—planet of rebellion—joins forces with the North Node of Destiny on July 31. Affecting the collective as a whole, this conjunction is forcing you to embrace the future. This game-changing planetary aspect has not aligned in Taurus for centuries, which means we’re all on the verge of major changes!

Here’s what you can expect from the upcoming week, according to your sun and/or rising sign:

How The Planets Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign This Week

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Despite it being the end of the month, the new moon in Leo and your creativity zone on Thursday is an ideal time to start pleasurable things. From a new romance to an artistic project, you’ll be able to express your emotions more intensely. Let it out!

However, you’ll have a major reality check as your ego gets a bit of a downgrade over the next few weeks after Jupiter goes into retrograde in your sign on Thursday. Take a good, hard look at yourself to see who you are and where you need to be in this life, Aries.

Fortunately, this week ends on a pleasurable note when the sun in Leo trines Jupiter on Sunday, making it a great day for pleasure and creativity. You might discover that expressing yourself in artistic ways can lead to success.

Related: Aries Horoscope For July 2022: Return To Your Roots

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Your week begins with some family drama when Mercury in Leo squares Mars in your sign on Tuesday. Nosy relatives might try to put a damper on your passion. Fiery rage and stubbornness could get the better of you, Taurus, so walk away from unpleasant discussions before they get messy.

Prepare for some serious personal development when the new moon is in Leo and your home zone on Thursday. During this lunar cycle, you’ll get in touch with your inner child to search for safety and security. Find ways to nurture yourself even if it means dealing with family trauma.

The last week of July brings a period of endings when Jupiter goes into retrograde in Aries and your subconscious zone on Thursday. You might have to burn a bridge or two in order to heal. Retreat into your private space to deal with these big feelings.

Related: Taurus Horoscope For July 2022: Gaining Momentum

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Start the week on a fun note when the new moon is in Leo and your communication zone on Thursday. You have a lot of big ideas for starting a variety of passion projects. While your mind is going a mile a minute, pump the brakes to see if those ideas are realistic.

Also on Thursday, you’ll find out who your friends are when Jupiter goes into retrograde in Aries and your social zone. Over the next few weeks, you’ll learn that those casual friendships you made don’t have your back. Focus more on how you can help humanity than how you can help yourself.

Break away from tradition when Mercury in Leo opposes Saturn in Aquarius on Saturday and you’re encouraged to do what you want to do and learn what you want to learn. There isn’t one “correct” way to go through life, Gemini.

Related: Gemini Horoscope For July 2022: Looking For Love

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It’s a rough day for friendships when Mercury in Leo squares Mars in Taurus on Tuesday. It might be difficult to get on the same page with someone, especially about values and ideals. You could realize that this person isn’t your true friend at all.

While it’s very tempting to treat yourself, it’s more important to use the power of the new moon in Leo on Thursday to set realistic financial goals. The moon in your value zone encourages you to be patient about getting what you want rather than going into debt for it.

Thursday also brings a harsh reality check when Jupiter goes into retrograde in Aries and your career zone. The goals you’ve set for yourself might not work out the way you expected. While you could get knocked down, Cancer, don’t give up. You just need to take a different approach.

Related: Cancer Horoscope For July 2022: Happy Solar Return!

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Strut around like royalty and let everyone hear you roar when the new moon is in your sign on Thursday. This is a great day to get creative with your work or your appearance to bring you some major confidence. Focus on feeling good in your own skin, Leo!

However, it isn’t all good vibes on Thursday, because Jupiter turns retrograde in Aries that day. With the planet of luck moving backward in your expansion zone, you might make some unpleasant discoveries about your long-held beliefs. Open your stubborn mind and realize that you’re not always right.

Fortunately, this week ends on a positive note when the sun in your sign trines Jupiter on Sunday, encouraging you to hit the road to fulfill your wanderlust. This is a great day to use the gift of travel to learn more about yourself and the world.

Related: Leo Horoscope For July 2022: Lovers & Friends

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Be careful who you trust on Tuesday. Mercury in Leo squares Mars in Taurus, bringing out the sneakiness in others. What someone says in private might not be what they say in public, so read between the lines in every conversation. Keep your own feelings close to the vest as well.

Spend Thursday recharging your emotional batteries when the new moon is in Leo and your privacy zone. Stay away from the public eye and find pleasure and emotional healing in creative pursuits. When in doubt, ask the Tarot cards for guidance.

Change isn’t easy. In fact, you might have to deal with some growing pains when Jupiter goes into retrograde in Aries and your transformation zone on Thursday. Spend the next few weeks learning to let go of the past or it will haunt you for a long time. Be brave, Virgo.

Related: Virgo Horoscope For July 2022: Saying Goodbye

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Yikes, Libra! Tuesday could bring up some serious relationship drama when Mercury in Leo squares Mars in Taurus. What you say with your friends in public could hurt you with your lover in the bedroom. Keep the pillow talk *private* to avoid any drama.

Do some serious networking during the new moon in Leo and your social zone on Thursday. You’ll be the life of any party, so use your social connections to get ahead while having fun in the process. Your charm and social graces make wheeling and dealing even easier.

However, there might be some potential heartbreak in your relationships when Jupiter goes into retrograde in Aries and your partnership zone on Thursday. You might have to learn to work as a team or break it off. There’s a strong possibility of conflict and competition as you stop making love and start making war.

Related: Libra Horoscope For July 2022: Feeling Ambitious

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The start of the week brings a strong possibility of relationship drama when Mercury in Leo squares Mars in Taurus on Tuesday. What you say in public might hurt your relationship. A passionate affair could go down in flames if you value your boss more than your lover.

Still, you have a lot of goals you want to reach in this lunar cycle, and you’re ready to get started during the new moon in Leo, which is activating your career sector on Thursday. Whether you’re starting a new job, business or project, you’ll have the drive to make it happen.

As you’re hustling and grinding throughout week, remember to take care of your health when Jupiter goes into retrograde in Aries and your health zone on Thursday. Over the next few months, it will be easy to get burned out by working too hard or hurt yourself by moving too quickly.

Related: Scorpio Horoscope For July 2022: Open Your Heart

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Start the new lunar cycle by going on an adventure during the new moon in Leo on Thursday. The moon in your expansion zone makes it an ideal day to go on a trip and explore the world even if you aren’t physically traveling. Stretch your imagination and it will take you to some amazing places.

However, be careful about your methods of escapism when Jupiter, your ruling planet, goes into retrograde in Aries and your pleasure zone on Thursday. You’ll quickly discover that there can be too much of a good thing. Don’t take any serious gambles right now, Sagittarius. They might backfire on you in unpleasant ways.

However, you’ll still have plenty of opportunities for adventure when the sun in Leo trines Jupiter on Sunday. Continue to follow your beliefs because they’ll lead you to great pleasure and excitement in the long run. Enjoy!

Related: Sagittarius Horoscope For July 2022: Be Kind To Yourself

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The end of the month is a time of empowerment, Capricorn. You’re ready to light a fire under your life in the best possible way when the new moon is in Leo and your transformation zone on Thursday. The moon is encouraging you to start making impactful changes in your life. Even baby steps can lead to a powerful rebirth.

However, you might have to deal with family drama when Jupiter goes into retrograde in Aries and your home zone on Thursday. Over the next couple of months, you’ll have to learn some tough lessons about your private life. Self-care is a must when childhood trauma comes to the surface.

If you’ve been having trouble setting boundaries in your relationship, try being vulnerable when Mercury in Leo opposes Saturn in Aquarius on Saturday. Don’t be afraid to put your ego aside in intimate conversations.

Related: Capricorn Horoscope For July 2022: Say What You Mean

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The new moon in Leo and your partnership zone creates a great night for romance on Thursday, encouraging you to form partnerships of all kinds. It’s an ideal day to take all your relationships to the next level to really feel the love.

Jupiter’s retrograde in Aries on Thursday could feel very much like Mercury’s. The planet of success moving backward in your communication zone could leave you tongue-tied. Miscommunication and delays will be par for the course over the next few months as you have trouble speaking your thoughts. Learn to communicate with tact rather than blunt honesty, Aquarius.

Partnerships could be difficult to form when Mercury in Leo opposes Saturn in your sign on Saturday. You might not forge an ideal partnership because someone just can’t grow up. If you both can’t act like adults, end it.

Related: Aquarius Horoscope For July 2022: Looking Inward

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After doing the same old routine, you might realize your life lacks a little excitement when Mercury in Leo squares Mars in Taurus on Tuesday. You might yearn to shake things up, but be careful. Don’t create drama just because you’re bored.

In fact, it might be time to set a healthy routine that will help you through the lunar cycle when the new moon is in Leo on Thursday. The moon in your habit zone encourages you to develop habits that will boost your productivity and self-discipline.

You might want to develop some better spending habits when Jupiter goes into retrograde in Aries and your value zone on Thursday. Over the next few weeks, you could learn a hard lesson in financial responsibility. Learn the value of what you buy, Pisces, which means stop impulsively buying things you don’t need!

Related: Pisces Horoscope For July 2022: Feeling Imaginative

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