
Your August Horoscope Says Leo Season Is Adding Fuel To Your Fire, So Focus On What You Love

If you thought July was wild, just wait until you see what your August 2022 horoscope has in store. This month is beginning with a bang, which is more than appropriate for Leo season, which always demands a grand entrance! As the sun dances through colorful, creative and expressive Leo, you can expect the level of passion and drama to skyrocket. However, that doesn’t mean you won’t enjoy spicing things up a lil.

You might be getting used to a major life change when this month begins. As Mars—planet of passion and drive—joins forces with the unpredictable Uranus-North Node conjunction on August 1, you can expect sudden shifts that both inspire you and throw you for a loop. At this point, all you can do is make adjustments along the way and enjoy the ride, because there’s no way of knowing for sure where this train is headed next. Luckily, that’s also what makes it so exciting! As Mercury—planet of communication—enters its home sign of Virgo, you’re getting a boost of mental clarity that will help you make sense of things. Let the chips fall where they may, then redirect your efforts.

Your relationships are being taken for a spin this month, especially when Venus—planet of love—forms an opposition with dark and transformative Pluto. This alignment could intensify power struggles and increase everyone’s capacity for mind games, so try your best to play it cool. Everyone will be on edge around this time, so don’t let irrational thoughts become your inevitable truth. Fortunately, once Venus enters bright and shiny Leo on August 11, it will remind you to let love lead the way. Nothing pleases Venus in Leo more than being showered with affection.

Full Moon in Aquarius Astrology

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A full moon in Aquarius rises on August 11, adding pressure to your plate and forcing you to be more realistic about your situation. As it joins forces with Saturn—planet of restriction and inhibition—you might feel an intense need to keep it together even when it feels like everything is falling apart. However, this full moon is also showing you a whole new level of strength, making you realize that so many of the obstacles that once held you back are nothing you can’t handle. And as Venus forms a trine with expansive and larger-than-life Jupiter on August 18, you’ll be able to set aside the stress and indulge in the reward of working so hard.

A full moon in Aquarius rises on August 11, adding pressure to your plate and forcing you to be more realistic about your situation.

On August 20, Mars—planet of drive and conflict—will enter chatty, gossipy and sarcastic Gemini, where it will remain for the next 7 months! Because Mars will station retrograde from October to January 2023, this is the beginning of a *long* Mars in Gemini transit. And because Mars loves to stir the pot, call people out and create some drama, you can expect Mars in Gemini to increase everyone’s penchant for rudeness and audacity. Don’t let your mouth write checks you know you can’t cash!

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On August 22, the sun will leave behind bold and creative Leo and enter intelligent and analytical Virgo. This shift will inspire you to get organized and intentional about your goals, as Virgo loves concocting a brilliant plan and executing it with excellence! There’s no better time than Virgo season to clean your house, revamp your schedule, nourish your wellbeing and find ways to improve the quality of your day-to-day life. Self-help was basically invented by Virgo, so dive deep into anything and everything that makes you feel an improvement.

As the month comes to a close, you may find yourself fighting for justice. Clever Mercury—planet of logic—enters balanced, harmonious and diplomatic Libra on August 25, which will help you see all sides of a situation. It will even encourage you to speak up when you see wrongdoing and argue in favor of those in need, as Libra is the quintessential lawyer of the zodiac. And as a new moon in Virgo marks the beginning of a new chapter on August 27, you’re seeing just how much you’re capable of when you put your mind to something and increase your efforts! However, this next journey will not yield immediate results, so embrace the promise of delayed gratification. As Venus opposes rigid Saturn on August 28, you may run into more obstacles than openings. Have patience, because victory has no real meaning if it lands your lap with too much ease.

Here’s what your August 2022 horoscope has to say about the month ahead, according to your sun sign and/or rising sign:

How The Planets Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign This Month

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On August 14, Mars will form a trine with Pluto in your 10th house of career, giving you the strength to overcome whatever has been holding you back from success. Read your full Aries horoscope here.

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This month, you’re learning that not everything is in your control (and that’s OK)! Even though you’ve been adjusting to several changes, you’ll gain some major clarity when Mercury forms a trine with Uranus in Taurus on August 16. Read your full Taurus horoscope here.

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Aggressive Mars enters Gemini on August 20, you might feel far more passionate, hot-headed and quick to anger. Harness this rising energy and allow it to bring you confidence, not destruction! Read your full Gemini horoscope here.

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When Venus enters your stable and self-sufficient second house on August 11, you’ll start learning more about how to satisfy your own needs. You don’t need someone to complete you, because you’re already whole. Read your full Cancer horoscope here.

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when Venus in Leo forms a trine with Jupiter in Aries on August 18, it will inspire you to gain new experiences and follow your most adventurous instincts! Your solar return is reminding you to live your life well. Read your full Leo horoscope here.

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When a full moon in Aquarius takes place on August 11, it will remind you to remain realistic about your needs. Shining a light on your sixth house of daily routine, it’s time to make your health and wellness an even bigger priority! Read your full Virgo horoscope here.

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On August 1, aggressive Mars will join forces with erratic Uranus in your eighth house of transformation, which might bring something in your life to an abrupt and unexpected end. Read your full Libra horoscope here.

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As Mars—your ruling planet—joins forces with erratic Uranus in your seventh house of partnerships on August 1, you’re beginning the month knowing that some of your relationships may not be on sturdy ground. Read your full Scorpio horoscope here.

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As seductive Venus forms an opposition with Pluto in your second house of self-worth on August 8, you may find yourself all wrapped up in a power struggle as the month begins. Read your full Sagittarius horoscope here.

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As a new moon in Virgo brings the month to the finish line on August 27, it will bring you to the edge of so many incredible opportunities to expand your horizons and set yourself free. Read your full Capricorn horoscope here.

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When a full moon in Aquarius showers you with magic and endless possibilities on August 11, you’ll be in a beautiful position to put your own needs first. Read your full Aquarius horoscope here.

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As a new moon in Virgo sends magic to your seventh house of partnerships on August 27, it will encourage you to let love lead the way as you build relationships based on mutual respect. Read your full Pisces horoscope here.

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