
The Uranus-North Node Conjunction Will Bring Us Into The Future—Here’s How It Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign

In case you haven’t been paying attention, we’re on the brink of major global change. In fact, we’ve been on the brink of change for the past few years, but it’s all coming to a head as Uranus conjunct the North Node of Destiny takes place on July 31. This eye-opening cosmic alliance is all anyone in the astrology world can talk about lately (and for a very good reason)!

Uranus—planet of rebellion, innovation and revolution—will unite with the karmic North Node of Destiny in earth sign Taurus. This is the first time these two celestial entities have aligned in the sign Taurus since 180 C.E. and the next time will take place during the year 2357. Therefore, this is without a doubt one of the most important astrological events of 2022, because it literally hasn’t happened in centuries!

When Uranus and the North Node of Destiny link up on July 31, we as a collective may experience weird, wonky and unexpected shifts on the world stage. These shifts may feel so unsettling at first that you might be convinced there’s a glitch in the matrix. In the words of astrologer Evan Sherlock: “As Uranus meets the North Node, we may be pushed out of our comfort zone and forced to find new ways of sustaining ourselves. This may be a volatile time, so we must look inward to establish our own sense of stability and self-reliance. How well we are able to handle adversity is paramount at this moment.”

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This planetary alignment wants you to throw structure out the window. It will entice you to protest for human rights, because the world is longing for justice. Since the pandemic began in 2020, the public has proven that working from home and making our own hours is a businesses tactic that not only works, but can even increase our productivity. As the Uranus-North Node conjunction unfolds, you might find yourself prioritizing your work-life balance even more, as well as noticing a shift toward more people working independently and remotely. You might even see a shift in the way people invest their money!

This planetary alignment wants you to throw structure out the window. It will entice you to protest for human rights, because the world is longing for justice.

Last time progressive Uranus was moving through Taurus, the United States experienced the Great Depression, which lasted from 1929 to 1939. Taurus represents money and Uranus is associated with investments, and because Uranus is anything but predictable, the stock market crash was just as shocking as it was unexpected. Now that Uranus has made its way back into Taurus, closing in on a conjunction with the North Node of Destiny, there’s a good chance that another stock market crash will take place in the near future. Or, Uranus could bring changes to the way we treat our finances and investments. Thanks to the emergence of NFTs, Bitcoin and other forms of cryptocurrency, it’s clear that money in the modern world has been getting a makeover.

This planetary alignment is also indicative of some of the evolutionary changes that may be starting to occur! With CERN looking to unlock the secrets of the universe through science, the U.S. government starting to take UFOs seriously and the concerted effort to populate other planets or asteroids in outer space, it’s clear that our perspective of the universe is going through a major overall.

Make no mistake—science, money and society as a whole is experiencing a fundamental shift. Here’s how Uranus conjunct the North Node of Destiny in Taurus will affect your zodiac sign:

How The Uranus-North Node Conjunction Will Affect You

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Money comes and money goes! All the more reason you should try to move away form the concerns of the material realm and put less emphasis on what your bank statement says these days. The moment you separate yourself from the monetary constraints that have been plaguing your mind, the more confidence will grow as you’ll begin to believe in your spiritual core. If you base your self-worth on how much cash you have, it will always be dependent on something that’s unreliable.

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It’s time for the world to see the “new” you. Some may say that your personality is quirkier than ever, but the truth is that you’re evolving into a spiritual and altruistic person who is in touch with the rhythms of the universe. If that makes you weird, do you really want to be “normal”? Don’t shy away from allowing yourself to shine just because it makes people uncomfortable, especially the people who can’t relate to your newfound spiritual and transcendent knowledge. Right now, being yourself *is* your superpower.

Related: Taurus Horoscope For Year 2022: Gaining Momentum

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Right now, all that’s on your mind is changing the world for the better and helping others. During this game-changing moment in history, you’re hoping to give your all to those in need (more than most people are willing to do). There is a selflessness and desire to heal and mend the wounds of the world. With your heart growing and expanding, you will want to give unconditionally without wanting anything in return. However, it’s important to remember that you can’t pour from an empty cup, so remember to protect your energy when you need to.

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You say you want a revolution, Cancer? Well, it’s here and you’re the one organizing it! Now is the time to plan a protest and make your voice heard, because embracing humanitarian causes that strike close to home will heal your heart in so many ways. Join forces with members of the local community to stage a peaceful protest. You can be a part of the change in society that you’re looking for by being proactive, especially if you’re willing to introduce yourself to people who share your concerns and drift away from social circles that inhibit your efforts.

Related: Cancer Horoscope For Year 2022: Professional Success

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The periphery of your career is changing, which means that you are in a current state of flux professionally. Allow yourself to embrace the growth that is happening at work. New avenues for you to explore are making themselves known, so embrace your desire to work harder toward a goal than you ever have before! If your success relies on your ability to stay focused, disciplined and driven, then it’s time to find what keeps you motivated and never look back! Even if your life doesn’t feel successful right now, trust that you’re well on your way there (because you are).

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If there’s one thing that’s true about you, it’s that no one can truly call you basic, Virgo! In fact, the opposite is true, and right now, you’re coming to terms with some of the unique and creative ways you’re learning how to express yourself. Right now, it’s important for you to get out of your shell and see the world. There are countless adventures to have, people to meet and things to do. Plan a trip to far off places, taste exotic flavors that titillate your senses and embrace new experiences with open arms. Open your mind to anything and everything at the same time.

Related: Virgo Horoscope For Year 2022: Setting Yourself Free

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An abundance of money may unexpectedly come your way, Libra. And if it does, that money has landed in your lap for a very important reason! You could receive an inheritance, money from the government or a raise in your wages out of the blue. The flip side is that you can blow through the cash super fast, which is why it’s advisable to stick to a budget for the meantime. And if you totally want to treat yourself to some high-priced luxury goods, make sure you have a clear vision as to why this purchase is necessary. Put your money where your mouth is.

Related: Libra Horoscope For Year 2022: Growing Up

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Unfortunately, you might be stuck in a never ending cycle of on and off again friendships or relationships, Scorpio. And while these patterns can be so difficult to break, don’t forget that no other zodiac sign does transformation as well as you do! Think of your love life as a never ending adventure. Things may start, then be on pause, then restart and then dissipate all over again, only to pick up speed when you least expect it. The best way to handle the emotional roller coaster is to have fun in the moment, because these romantic shakeups are teaching you so much about love.

Related: Scorpio Horoscope For Year 2022: Embracing Your Worth

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It’s time to throw structure and your daily planner out the window. Luckily, you’re not one to need routine, because you’re a wild and untethered Sagittarius! Your day-to-day schedule is based around the time you decide to get out of bed and go to sleep. You have a tendency to go with the flow much more than hold yourself to a strict itinerary. You might even feel the need to schedule a meeting at 10 p.m. instead of 10 a.m., but that doesn’t mean you’re disorganized. Lean into the idea that there’s always a method to your madness!

Related: Sagittarius Horoscope For Year 2022: Welcome Home

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You’re someone who’s more apt to take calculated risks than to wager unpredictable bets. More than ever, you have the urge to take a leap of faith and invest in the stock market or gamble on your full hand against the house. Keeping all that in mind, it may be time to take a trip to Vegas. The stars are on your side to win! However, if you’re having trouble fighting against your need for a more measured approach, placing your money in a low-risk bond will still be a smart move. You might even discover a whole method for bringing in extra cash, Cappy!

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Right now, the foundation of your life is shifting and it’s hard for you to find your footing. The old and outdated ways of seeing the world are becoming irrelevant to you and your personal life. You’re searching for deeper truths and innovative ways of to make life in this era more exciting. During this time, you may be welcoming new insights that will propel you forward and keep you “in the know”, especially when it comes to the cultural and societal changes that are taking place. Just because people have always done things one way doesn’t mean you have to follow suit!

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You’re the cusp of creating greatness, and as you inch closer to a mind-blowing revelation, you’ll discover something even more divine that inspires your professional visions. Giving birth to an amazing artistic project at work—one that you didn’t see coming—will give you an energized start to achieving even more greatness in the work that you do. Don’t be afraid to talk about your ideas, even if it takes people a while to see the merits in your vision. As long as you believe in yourself and everything that you’re formulating, then success is yours.

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