
August 2022 Will Be The Best Month For These 4 Zodiac Signs (& They Have Every Reason To Celebrate)

Get excited, because August is full of intriguing twists and turns. If you’re one of the zodiac signs who will have the best month of August 2022, you’re at the center of all the drama and excitement. Astrology is getting wilder and wilder, paving the way for a Leo season that is creative, romantic and larger-than-life!

If you were hoping for a peaceful and relaxing transition into August, think again. On August 1, passionate Mars will join forces with erratic and unpredictable Uranus, which could lead to unexpected shifts and impulsive reactions. Now’s not the time to plan ahead, but to let the chips fall where they may! Think before you act, especially if you’re experiencing turbulence in your relationships. As Venus—planet of love—opposes dark and obsessive Pluto on August 9, you may be drawn to the thrill of a toxic romance, but remember—your heart deserves protection and care, so don’t entrust it with someone who doesn’t care to prove themselves. When a full moon in Aquarius rises on August 11, it will force you to be realistic about your options and to make decisions with everyone’s best interests in mind.

On August 22, the sun will enter organized, intellectual and detail-oriented Virgo, giving you the push to refine the way you live your life and increase the level of efficiency in your everyday existence. When a new moon in Virgo lays down the groundwork for a fresh start on August 27, it will guide you toward self-improvement and encourage you to make better use of your time! However, as romantic Venus opposes inhibiting and restrictive Saturn on August 28, you might feel the back-to-school pressure. It’s time to accept that not everything is in your control and all you can do is make the best of what you have. Either way, you’re learning how to appreciate the good instead of focusing so much on the bad.

Related: Your August Monthly Horoscopes Want You To Focus On What You Love

If your sun sign and/or rising sign happens to fall under any of these zodiac signs, here’s why you’re the star of the show this August:

These 4 Zodiac Signs Will Have The Best Month

STYLECASTER | Astrology Weekly Horoscopes

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You should be excited, Aries, because you’ve got so much to look forward to this August. After all, it begins with the sun moving through your fifth house of creativity, romance and pleasure, encouraging you to forge a deeper connection with your inner child! When you were a kid, you didn’t care about being perfect. You weren’t judging your every move, but giving yourself the freedom to explore. And during August, you’re being encouraged to invite more of that freedom back into your life. Give yourself permission to color outside of the lines and enjoy your life, because creativity thrives when you’re kind to yourself. And remember—in order to get good something, you need to be willing to be bad at it first.

Related: Aries Horoscope For August 2022: Enjoying Yourself

STYLECASTER | Astrology Weekly Horoscopes

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Happy birthday, Leo! The sun—your ruling planet—is back and better than ever now that its rejuvenating in its home territory. Leo season is special for all zodiac signs, as it represents the brightest and boldest expression of the sun. In astrology, the sun is associated with growth, power, confidence and abundance, so let its rays of light shower your soul with joy and purpose. Your solar return does have its challenges, thanks to the sun’s opposition with Saturn—planet of restriction and responsibility—as of August 14. Keep in mind that when the universe tells you “no”, it’s also encouraging you to take a different path. And if you’re willing to have faith, that path will lead you somewhere even more beautiful than you planned.

Related: Leo Horoscope For August 2022: Happy Birthday, Babe

STYLECASTER | Astrology Weekly Horoscopes

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You’re starting off August feeling more energized and intellectually curious, Virgo. After all, Mercury—planet of communication and cognitive function—is your ruling planet, and on August 4, it will return to the sign of Virgo and leave you feeling pumped up! Your brain power is astounding, making you one of the smartest signs in the zodiac. And with your ruling planet moving through your earth sign territory, you’re feeling more like yourself than ever. Once Virgo season begins on August 22, you might even discover new layers of who you are. Being a Virgo means being a person who asks questions, digs deeper and saves every shard of evidence. After all, you’ve got several points to make, and this month, you’re making them in style.

Related: Virgo Horoscope For August 2022: Productive AF

STYLECASTER | Astrology Weekly Horoscopes

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You’re an adventurer at heart, Sagittarius. You’re someone who wants to get out of their comfort zone and explore the world, even when it terrifies them! And this month, you’re feeling more daring than usual, because the sun is moving through your ninth house of expansion, spontaneity and wisdom. It’s time to try different cuisines, visit a place you’ve never been and learn about topics that stretch your imagination. Make this month all about gaining new experiences and making memories and you won’t regret it, Sag. Take photos, write down your thoughts and read about philosophies that intrigue you. Over the course of the next 31 days, you have the power to live an entire lifetime. What’re you waiting for?

Related: Sagittarius Horoscope For August 2022: Going Places

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