
Your Weekly Tarot Horoscope Wants You to Take a Chance & Step Out of Your Comfort Zone

Whenever you’re confused about a situation and you’re looking for answers, it’s always a good idea to ask the Tarot for guidance! Whether you steadfastly believe these cards can tell you your future or you simply love the ritual of it all, your Tarot horoscope for the week of May 15 to 21 will give you the guidance you’ve been needing.

A deck of Tarot consists of 78 cards, each one full of endless possibilities. Between the Tarot’s thought-provoking imagery and the symbolism associated with the Major and Minor Arcana, these cards always have a way of shining a light on something that needed to be brought to your awareness. And believe it or not, Tarot is used by people who come from all walks of life and follow all sorts of different belief systems. Whether you see the Tarot as an opportunity to connect with your spirit guides or as a lighthearted tool for stimulating your intuition and making decisions, this form of divination is always at your disposal. And since you don’t always have the time to pull out your deck and give yourself a full reading, your weekly Tarot horoscope can be a quick source of insight whenever you need it! And remember, the future is never set in stone, so think of a Tarot card reading as a chance to understand something from a different angle and ponder a unique possibility you hadn’t considered before.

Related: Get a Free Tarot Reading For Further Insight

Five of Cups Tarot

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Card of the Week

5 of Cups

While every zodiac sign is receiving its own Tarot card pull, we’ve also pulled a card that will describe the overall energy that is impacting the collective. And for this week, that card is a sign that you’re ready to stop wallowing in the past and move forward, because it happens to be the 5 of Cups

The 5 of Cups indicates you’ve been allowing yourself to wade in a sea of regret and disappointment. While the pain you’re feeling is very real and shouldn’t be minimized, it isn’t a free pass to stay stuck in this mode forever. By choosing to focus on your perceived failures or mistakes, you can’t see the positive things right in front of you, nor can you move on toward greener pastures. There’s still hope, and it’s important this week that you find where that hope is and shift your attention to that.

If you’re searching for answers regarding your past, present and future, your weekly Tarot horoscope has got you covered. Here’s what the universe wants you to know about your current situation, according to your zodiac sign:

Your Zodiac Sign’s Weekly Tarot Horoscope

Queen of Swords Tarot

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Queen of Swords

Get ready to sit high upon your throne this week! The Queen of Swords is incredibly perceptive, embodying an intellectual sharpness and maturity that helps her tune out the noise of emotion and outside opinion. You could be facing a decision now or in the near future, and this card is serving as a reminder to rely on your logic and to look at all the facts before proceeding. You have an abundance of experience and wisdom that you can draw upon, so make sure to utilize it.

Read Your Full Aries Horoscope For May 2023

8 of Cups Tarot

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8 of Cups

This week you’re being called to separate yourself from a disappointing situation or unfulfilling relationship in your life. The 8 of Cups acknowledges that this split will be painful, especially since you’ve devoted so much time and energy to it. In fact, this could be one of the reasons you haven’t moved on already. Rather than focusing on what the situation could have been or hoping things will change, accept reality for what it is. Remember, leaving will hurt you temporarily, but staying could hurt you more in the long run.

Read Your Full Taurus Horoscope For May 2023

Judgement Tarot

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You could be on the verge of a decision that will have a long-lasting impact! You’ve been at this crossroads for a while, unsure of which path to go down. The Judgement card knows the best choices come from the perfect blending of head and heart. This will require you to look to your past for tangible lessons you’ve learned, but you must also connect with your inner self and listen to what your intuition is trying to tell you. This is the week to make your final decision—and you already have everything you need to do so.

Read Your Full Gemini Horoscope For May 2023

King of Wands Tarot

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King of Wands

An opportunity could present itself to you this week, and the King of Wands is acknowledging that you have the strength and fortitude to accept it! Have you shied away from leadership roles in the past? Have you felt overwhelmed by taking on more responsibilities? Now is the time to stand firm in your power and own the visions you have. The key to success is becoming very clear about where you want to go and setting realistic goals that will help you get there. Go out there and grab the brass ring!

Read Your Full Cancer Horoscope For May 2023

6 of Swords

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6 of Swords

This could be the week you finally release something that has been hanging over you for far too long. The 6 of Swords serves as a reminder that, although it may be difficult, sometimes we have no choice but to move on from a challenging situation. What have you been holding onto that has prevented you from creating a brighter future for yourself? Now is the time to let this go once and for all. This won’t be an easy task, but ultimately, it is the right thing to do.

Read Your Full Leo Horoscope For May 2023

Death Tarot

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Don’t be intimidated by this card! The Death card is one of the more commonly misunderstood cards in the Tarot. It doesn’t represent a physical death—rather, it’s about transformation of the self and letting go of the things that are no longer serving us. What have you been holding onto that you need to let go of? Ending this chapter of your life could pave the way for something far greater down the road. This week, notice opportunities to move on from whatever it is that’s been holding you back from the future you deserve.

Read Your Full Virgo Horoscope For May 2023

Queen of Cups Tarot

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Queen of Cups

The Queen of Cups indicates emotional maturity, compassion, and a nurturing spirit. This week you are being called to express this energy in some way. Perhaps a friend will approach you with relationship troubles, or it could be that a colleague is coming to you for support with a problem they’re facing. When this happens, listen from the heart as they speak, but remain emotionally separated from the issue. While it may be tempting to dive head-first into the situation with them, understand that only they can work themselves out of their predicament.

Read Your Full Libra Horoscope For May 2023

6 of Pentacles Tarot

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6 of Pentacles

You may feel compelled to go above and beyond for others this week! The 6 of Pentacles is a card of generosity, charity, and giving and receiving. This could be in a literal sense, indicating that you may give someone a loan or some other kind of financial support. However, this could also be a time when you are generous in spirit, helping someone move, lending advice, or offering much-needed support to a loved one going through a tough time. Some of the most treasured gifts we give to others are free.

Read Your Full Scorpio Horoscope For May 2023

King of Cups Tarot

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King of Cups

Your theme for the week is successful application of strength—or, more specifically, emotional fortitude. The King of Cups is a person of insight and is very emotionally balanced and in control. Receiving this card is a reminder to harness your emotional maturity as you deal with a curveball life has thrown at you recently. Your initial instinct may have been to repress any emotions you had about this situation. Conversely, you could have let your emotions get the best of you. This card is urging you to use your heart AND your head as you navigate this personal challenge.

Read Your Full Sagittarius Horoscope For May 2023

7 of Pentacles

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7 of Pentacles

Don’t give up just yet! Your card this week, the 7 of Pentacles, is reminding you that anything worth having can’t be achieved overnight. Perhaps you’ve been working on a project or area of your life and haven’t yet reaped the rewards of your efforts. Understandably, this has been a source of frustration for you. Remind yourself that this wasn’t an easy task and take pride in the effort you’ve already put forth. Your hard work and patience may not have paid off just yet, but they will soon enough.

Read Your Full Capricorn Horoscope For May 2023

4 Of Wands Tarot

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4 of Wands

It’s time to celebrate! The 4 of Wands recognizes you’ve been putting forth great effort toward your goals. While it’s tempting to keep charging forward, it’s nice to pause and simply appreciate all that you’ve achieved so far. Allow others to share in this commemoration of your success. This can be anything from hosting a small celebratory dinner to throwing a raucous party. Remember, you can still strive toward your goals while stopping every once in a while to enjoy the fruits of your labor.

Read Your Full Aquarius Horoscope For May 2023

Strength Tarot

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The Strength card is signaling that you have the inner fortitude needed to gracefully navigate a difficult situation in your life. It’s easy to get lost in emotions like anger, sadness, fear, or shame, but you’re being called to rise above that this week and remain calm in this time of adversity. Don’t act on your base instincts. Instead, embrace your more compassionate and forgiving side. This allows you to become a silent warrior who remains in control not only of yourself but the situation as well.

Read Your Full Pisces Horoscope For May 2023

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