Your Weekly Horoscope Says a Full Pink Moon Will Give Every Zodiac Sign a Magical Boost
Your horoscope for the week of April 3 to 9 says that if past issues have been getting in the way of your progress lately, you’re about to shove it all aside and start moving forward.
Monday’s bold planetary action helps you stop focusing on all that BS in the rearview mirror. An intense square between smart Mercury and regenerative Pluto puts you in a futuristic frame of mind. Setting goals to improve your long-term financial investments, savings plan or budgeting should be at the top of your priority list.
On Wednesday, a full Pink Moon in graceful and fair-minded Libra arrives, making it much easier to compromise and negotiate deals that everyone involved benefits from. Seeking better overall life balance is the major vibe of this gentle lunation, and you should come out of it feeling pretty darn good about your choices.
Friday brings two sextiles. The first one, between romantic Venus and head-in-the-clouds Neptune, puts you in a dreamy frame of mind and encourages you to go after romantic opportunities that come your way. A second sextile, this time between curious Mercury and fierce Mars, is a lot more intense and pushes you to work harder to pursue your desires. Both of these aspects show you what life could be like when you really go for what you want, but it’s up to you how hard you want to push to make it happen.
Here’s what you can expect from the upcoming week, according to your sun and/or rising sign (and seriously, you’re missing out if you don’t read these horoscopes for your rising sign):
How the Planets Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign This Week

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You’re starting your week and month thinking about your personal values when Mercury enters Taurus and your wealth zone on Monday. While it’s tempting to chase the almighty dollar, the upcoming retrograde will have you thinking about what’s really worthy of your time and attention and what you need to let go of.
Especially as love blooms during the full moon in Libra on Wednesday. With the moon in your partnership zone, the relationships you were working on in the fall are finally happening. Get ready for connections that are more than a quick fling. Coming together as two is much better than one. Trust us on this, Aries.
End the week by doing some nesting when Mercury sextiles Mars in Cancer on Saturday. This is a great day to invest in your important relationships by giving compliments and a little time. Be present for a happy home.
Read Your Full Aries Horoscope For April 2023

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Your season is about to bloom, Taurus, so why not start the month by putting yourself out there? Especially when Mercury enters your sign on Monday. This is a great time to introduce yourself to new people, work on your look, or just tell everyone what you really think without ruffling feathers.
Spring is in the air, and Wednesday’s full moon in Libra is an excellent time to work on the fitness goals you’ve let slide since the fall. With the moon in your health zone, you’re ready to get back into your routine. Enlist a fitness buddy to hold you accountable.
End the week on a romantic note when Venus in your sign sextiles Neptune in Pisces on Friday. This a great time to form the relationship of your dreams or meet someone wonderful. This could be the real thing, so open your heart!
Read Your Full Taurus Horoscope For April 2023

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Thoughts turn inward when Mercury enters Taurus and your subconscious zone on Monday. Over the next several weeks you’ll be spending a lot of time in your head, Gemini, which isn’t always the best place for you. Help ease anxious thoughts by journaling and analyzing your dreams. You can thank us later.
Fortunately, you’ll have opportunities for fun during Wednesday’s full moon in Libra and your pleasure zone. This an ideal night for a date or even a one-night stand. But above all, make sure you’re out enjoying life to the fullest with your exciting creative energy.
Especially as the week could end on a down note while Mercury sextiles Mars in Cancer on Saturday. This aspect brings plenty of longing, because you have a desire for better things but are struggling to say it out loud. Practice self-love to heal and value yourself as a person.
Read Your Full Gemini Horoscope For April 2023

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After a long winter, you’re feeling social again when Mercury enters Taurus and your social zone on Monday. You’re ready for long talks with your friends about everything under the sun and listening to the wisdom they offer. Your brilliant ideas can lead to sudden windfalls, so don’t be afraid to speak up!
After working hard on your goals, don’t forget to find balance in your home life during the full moon in Libra on Wednesday. With the moon in your family zone, this is a great day to host a family dinner or even decorate your space for nesting. Enjoy this time together, Cancer.
You want to make the world a better place, so turn that passion into action while Mercury sextiles Mars in your sign on Saturday. Rally your community together and work hard on what’s important to you. Think globally as you act locally.
Read Your Full Cancer Horoscope For April 2023

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Start the week and month thinking about your goals as Mercury enters Taurus and your career zone on Monday. Get serious about turning your ambitions into achievements. Focus on getting grounded and building a good reputation for yourself. Remember that you’re the boss, not bossy.
Wednesday’s full moon in Libra brings the balance you need to juggle everything on your to-do list. With the moon in your communication zone, you have the motivation to do all those lingering errands you’ve been avoiding. Tackle the tasks with a friend to make it fun.
If you have a goal you want to achieve, you’ll reach it more quickly with some help from your friends when Venus in Taurus sextiles Neptune in Pisces on Friday. This is a great time to use your social capital and career connections to reach your dreams. Create those important bonds and level up, Leo!
Read Your Full Leo Horoscope For April 2023

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You can expand your mental horizons this April because you’re ready to hit the books when Mercury enters Taurus and your discovery zone on Monday. This is a great time to study new subjects and learn new skills, especially if they’ll further your career. Get all your important notes saved now before the retrograde, Virgo.
Wednesday brings self-love during the full moon in Libra and your value zone. This full moon gives you an increased desire to shop as you splurge on little luxuries. Invest in positive relationships, including the one you have with yourself, and they’ll pay you back in kind.
End the week on a social note when Mercury sextiles Mars in Cancer on Saturday. This is a great day to make new friends on your travels or in academic settings. Swap stories with strangers while it’s easy to understand anyone’s perspective. They’ll quickly become your new BFFs.
Read Your Full Virgo Horoscope For April 2023

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Your intuition gets a major boost this week when Mercury enters Taurus and your intimacy zone on Monday. Over the next few weeks you’ll be able to understand people on a deeper level without having to say a word, forming an intimate connection. Get ready to go deep!
Especially because you’ll be stepping into your power when the full moon is in your sign on Wednesday. You wear your emotions on your sleeve, which can lead to major breakthroughs or chaotic meltdowns depending on how you handle yourself. Focus on putting your best self forward.
Your close relationships can help you build better habits when Venus in Taurus sextiles Neptune in Pisces on Friday. From building a more intimate connection with the people you care about to finding love in the most mundane places, even simple things can have a major impact. Do everything with purpose, Libra.
Read Your Full Libra Horoscope For April 2023

Design: Sasha Purdy / StyleCaster
Your intuition gets a major boost this week when Mercury enters Taurus and your intimacy zone on Monday. Over the next few weeks you’ll be able to understand people on a deeper level without having to say a word, forming an intimate connection. Get ready to go deep!
Especially because you’ll be stepping into your power when the full moon is in your sign on Wednesday. You wear your emotions on your sleeve, which can lead to major breakthroughs or chaotic meltdowns depending on how you handle yourself. Focus on putting your best self forward.
Your close relationships can help you build better habits when Venus in Taurus sextiles Neptune in Pisces on Friday. From building a more intimate connection with the people you care about to finding love in the most mundane places, even simple things can have a major impact. Do everything with purpose, Libra.
Read Your Full Scorpio Horoscope For April 2023

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After weeks of having fun, April grounds you when Mercury enters Taurus and your productivity zone on Monday. This is an ideal time to get organized before the retrograde hits. Think about how you can improve your life and find stability in a practical routine. Going on walks can help clear your restless mind, Sagittarius.
Use those organizational skills to help your community during the full moon in Libra on Wednesday. With the moon in your humanitarian zone, you’re ready to fight for justice, and you could find success with ease. Organize a volunteer event with your friends and keep fighting.
Talking things out will help you in the long run as Mercury sextiles Mars in Cancer on Saturday. Having a good conversation can lead to some intimate places. Being open and honest about your feelings can create a deeper connection and help you through some tough times.
Read Your Full Sagittarius Horoscope For April 2023

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Your inner artist comes out to play this week when Mercury enters Taurus and your creativity zone on Monday. The fresh spring weather is perfect for your mental, emotional, and spiritual health, and you can’t wait to have fun. This is a great time to start creative projects and discover a new hobby (like a spring fling)!
Your hard work finally pays off during the full moon in Libra and your reputation zone on Wednesday. An important reward or achievement could have you in the spotlight. Take your bow, Capricorn, but remember to handle yourself with grace or you might become cringe.
End the week with a love affair when Mercury sextiles Mars in Cancer on Saturday. A flirtation could easily become a lasting partnership if you’re willing to make the first move. Saying the right words and planning a date night can make them swoon. Enjoy!
Read Your Full Capricorn Horoscope For April 2023

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Home is where your head is this week when Mercury enters Taurus and your family zone on Monday. It’s time to focus on family traditions and ways to create more emotional security in your life. Do the groundwork now, because some messy family drama is just around the corner. Develop strong roots.
However, don’t forget to break out of your rut and have some fun during the full moon in Libra on Wednesday. With the moon in your adventure zone, this is a great time to go on a spontaneous trip that can easily expand your horizons through discovery. Have fun, Aquarius!
End the week by doing some needed spring cleaning when Mercury sextiles Mars in Cancer on Saturday. It’s a great day to clear the space in your home and allow your family to help you with chores. You can get things done more quickly if you all work together.
Read Your Full Aquarius Horoscope For April 2023

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It’s time to get down to business when Mercury enters Taurus and your communication zone on Monday. Use this energy to focus on the problems that have been weighing you down lately. However, don’t rush into a quick solution just because of the looming retrograde. It won’t serve you well in the long run, Pisces.
Transform your relationships for the better during the full moon in Libra on Wednesday. With the moon in your intimacy zone, you’re finally ready to let go of past hurts from old relationships and allow yourself to get closer to someone new. Bonds formed today can be very strong.
Continue to get deep when Venus in Taurus sextiles Neptune in your sign on Friday. Being open and honest about your feeling can result in a magical evening. Deep conversations can lead to new developments that take your relationship to the next level.
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