
Your Weekly Horoscope Includes a Total Solar Eclipse & Mercury Retrograde—Here’s the Deal

Your horoscope for the week of April 17 to 23 is highly eventful, so strap yourselves in for one of the most intense weeks of the year. A lot is at stake right now, so take a deep breath and allow the chips to fall where they may. Release your need for total control and allow the Universe to take over the wheel, because it’s going to either way!

Just before Taurus season begins on April 20, a game-changing Total Solar Eclipse will cast a shadow over the sun at exactly 29 degrees Aries. To say this is screaming “chaos” is an understatement, because not only is Aries one of the most feisty and combative signs in the zodiac, but 29 degrees is what is known as the “anaretic degree”. In astrology, the anaretic degree is often associated with fated events and it is foreboding in the sense that something largely unpredictable could happen. And because an eclipse is already a time of sudden transformations and changes, time will only tell how major this eclipse truly is.

Eclipse season isn’t the only thing on your radar this week, because Mercury will also station retrograde at 15 degrees Taurus on April 21, launching a three-week-long communication overhaul. Prepare to enter a period of review, refurbishment, rethinking and renewal, because Mercury retrograde is best spent paying attention to what has been overlooked.

Here’s what you can expect from the upcoming week, according to your sun and/or rising sign (and seriously, you’re missing out if you don’t read these horoscopes for your rising sign):

How the Planets Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign This Week

StyleCaster | Aries 2023 Horoscope

Design: Sasha Purdy / StyleCaster


This week, you’re going in a new direction.

The week begins on Sunday, April 16, with the sun in your own sign of Aries (happy birthday!) making a semisextile to Neptune in Pisces and your house of psychic ability and dreams. Today, you can feel in touch with the greater Universe. Aries, this could be a gentle caress and a nudge from the higher powers to get you to move toward your potential. Or this could be a shove into the limelight. Today, someone might put you on the spot and ask you about your goals.

On Tuesday, April 18, Venus in Gemini and your house of communication makes a semisquare to Jupiter in your own sign of Aries. A task you thought was all settled and done now seems to come unraveled. Aries, you can salvage this, but it must be done quickly. This offer could be going, going, gone in no time. But if you want this, you have just enough time to make it happen.

Read Your Full Aries Horoscope For April 2023

StyleCaster | Taurus 2023 Horoscope

Design: Sasha Purdy / StyleCaster


This week, you’re in harmony with the changing energy.

The week begins on Sunday, April 16, with the sun in Aries and your house of rest and recuperation making a semisextile to Neptune in Pisces. This is a good day to take it slowly. Move through the day intentionally, paying attention to simple things like pouring tea or reading a book in a quiet corner. Taurus, you might shut off devices because of the noise. You could spend some happy times playing with your cat or dog.

On Tuesday, April 18, Venus in Gemini and your house of money makes a semisquare to Jupiter in Aries. There’s a temptation to spend today. Taurus, you might want to get something beautiful for yourself, something that sparkles. Or you could order a particularly decadent dessert with extra whipped cream. Today, you’re treating yourself.

Read Your Full Taurus Horoscope For April 2023

StyleCaster | Gemini 2023 Horoscope

Design: Sasha Purdy / StyleCaster


This week, you have some good choices to make.

The week begins on Sunday, April 16, with the sun in Aries and your house of friendship making a semisextile to Neptune in Pisces and your house of social standing. Gemini, it’s great to stay in touch with friends, which you can do through social media. But now is a good time to opt for face-to-face, IRL interactions. A friend will be delighted when you ask them out for coffee or suggest dropping by their house to see their new puppy.

On Tuesday, April 18, Venus, in your own sign of Gemini and your house of direct action, makes a semisquare to Jupiter in Aries. Taking quick action could lead to breakage. Be extra careful when handling fragile items of value. The same goes for communication. Gemini, you might feel like being direct, but a lot can be lost in translation. It’s a good idea to go for clarity rather than try to be succinct.

Read Your Full Gemini Horoscope For April 2023

StyleCaster | Cancer 2023 Horoscope

Design: Sasha Purdy / StyleCaster


This week, you’re planting fresh seeds.

The week begins on Sunday, April 16, with the sun in Aries and your house of reputation and life in the public eye making a semisextile to Neptune in Pisces. Today, the things you’ve been posting on social media are being seen by more people. Something you wrote could go viral. Or your pictures get more likes and notices from friends and family. Cancer, this might mean compliments from those you know and even strangers. And this is what keeps you on social media.

On Tuesday, April 18, Venus in Gemini and your house of spiritual connections makes a semisquare to Jupiter in Aries. Today, you are looking to connect with something outside of yourself. You might be hiking in a forest and hear the wind whispering through the trees. Cancer, you could find a butterfly sitting on a flower beside you, reminding you of the glory of nature and the world. Today, you are communing with nature.

Read Your Full Cancer Horoscope For April 2023

StyleCaster | Leo 2023 Horoscope

Design: Sasha Purdy / StyleCaster


This week, you’re opening your mind to possibilities.

The week begins on Sunday, April 16, with the sun in Aries and your house of travel making a semisextile to Neptune in Pisces. Travel can be fun today if you’re willing to allow things to just unfold as they will. If you’re trying to stick to an itinerary and make things happen by the clock, you could be disappointed. Leo, this is a day to pay attention to where you land and try not to be upset if it takes your luggage an extra day to get there.

On Tuesday, April 18, Venus in Gemini and your house of friendship makes a semisquare to Jupiter in Aries. Some of your friends might want to get together, but they could be ready to lead you down a path of temptation. Leo, they could invite you to a chocolate fondue party right when you decide to give up sugar. Or they want to meet you at a high-end mall for a little retail therapy just when you’ve decided to stay on a budget.

Read Your Full Leo Horoscope For April 2023

StyleCaster | Virgo 2023 Horoscope

Design: Sasha Purdy / StyleCaster


This week, small changes could lead to big results.

The week begins on Sunday, April 16, with the sun in Aries and your house of resources making a semisextile to Neptune in Pisces. Virgo, a resource you thought you had access to could evaporate. A person who promised to help you isn’t available when you need them. But everything will be all right if you can adjust your plans. You might need to change your schedule to accommodate this individual, or you might need to seek help from another source.

On Tuesday, April 18, Venus in Gemini and your house of career makes a semisquare to Jupiter in Aries. You might be offered a new project or even a new position at your company. This brings some great possibilities, but it could be outside your comfort zone. You’ll need to lean in to get the job done. Virgo, you are completely capable of doing it, of course, but you need to ask yourself if this is where you want to put your time and energy.

Read Your Full Virgo Horoscope For April 2023

StyleCaster | Libra 2023 Horoscope

Design: Sasha Purdy / StyleCaster


This week, you could dazzle those around you.

The week begins on Sunday, April 16, with the sun in Aries and your house of relationships making a semisextile to Neptune in Pisces. You’re looking for a little romance. Libra, this might mean sending some steamy texts or covering the bed with rose petals. You might take ideas out of a romance novel or rom-com and treat your beloved to a delightful evening that stimulates the senses.

On Tuesday, April 18, Venus in Gemini and your house of travel and adventure makes a semisquare to Jupiter in Aries. Libra, you could book a trip today, or perhaps you’re already on the road. Ideally, you’re going somewhere new, but if this is a familiar place or something for work, try to squeeze in a new restaurant or tiny bit of sightseeing.

Read Your Full Libra Horoscope For April 2023

StyleCaster | Scorpio 2023 Horoscope

Design: Sasha Purdy / StyleCaster


This week, you are putting things in place.

The week begins on Sunday, April 16, with the sun in Aries and your house of work and routines making a semisextile to Neptune in Pisces. Scorpio, you might realize that some of the routines that you had a few months ago now have dissolved into old habits and generally being stuck. This is a time to shift back into beneficial habits like meditation, journaling, or daily yoga. Today, you can get back on track.

On Tuesday, April 18, Venus in Gemini and your house of intimacy makes a semisquare to Jupiter in Aries. You and your sweetheart might have the house to yourselves. Perhaps the kids are away visiting grandparents or still at school. Scorpio, it’s time to enjoy a little romance at home. You might cook dinner together. You could go skinny-dipping in your hot tub. You could make s’mores around a fire pit. You can have a memorable time.

Read Your Full Scorpio Horoscope For April 2023

StyleCaster | Sagittarius 2023 Horoscope

Design: Sasha Purdy / StyleCaster


This week, there could be a beneficial new addition.

The week begins on Sunday, April 16, with the sun in Aries and your house of pleasure and romance making a semisextile to Neptune in Pisces. You might be stepping outside your comfort zone to do something special. Sagittarius, it’s possible you’re making a romantic gesture in public that involves flowers and maybe singing. Or perhaps you’re dressing up to go dancing or for a little cosplay at home.

On Tuesday, April 18, Venus in Gemini and your house of partnership and collaboration makes a semisextile to Jupiter in Aries. Sagittarius, a connection could prove very beneficial for your business or job search. It’s possible you reached out to them a while ago but now the timing is right and this helpful person has appeared.

Read Your Full Sagittarius Horoscope For April 2023

StyleCaster | Capricorn 2023 Horoscope

Design: Sasha Purdy / StyleCaster


This week, you’re making good choices.

The week begins on Sunday, April 16, with the sun in Aries and your house of home and family making a semisextile to Neptune in Pisces. Capricorn, you might have a renewed interest in your family history at this time. An older relative could be traveling to see you. Or someone might have sent you a family heirloom, and it’s now your turn to guard this treasure. It’s also possible that you’re receiving some information that gives you a genealogy clue and helps you fill in the family tree.

On Tuesday, April 18, Venus in Gemini and your house of routines makes a semisquare to Jupiter in Aries. Capricorn, it’s possible that your busy work days keep you hopping, and weekends are taken up with errands and chores. It’s time to find something that you enjoy doing and inject it into your daily life. This is a good time to return to a hobby like playing the guitar, baking artisanal sourdough, or gardening.

Read Your Full Capricorn Horoscope For April 2023

StyleCaster | Aquarius 2023 Horoscope

Design: Sasha Purdy / StyleCaster


This week, you’re receiving positive notice.

The week begins on Sunday, April 16, with the sun in Aries and your house of communication making a semisextile to Neptune in Pisces. It’s possible you’ll have to send an email twice or rewrite something because the recipient doesn’t understand it. Aquarius, it’s very easy for messages to be garbled today. So, when you’re texting, emailing, or doing any other communicating, check and double-check it just to make sure that autocorrect isn’t accidentally including a lot of swear words.

On Tuesday, April 18, Venus in Gemini and your house of fun and romance makes a semisquare to Jupiter in Aries. Someone could ask you out on a date. Or they might give you a surprise gift, nothing big, just a trinket to let you know they’re interested. Aquarius, it’s possible that someone you just met will take your hand or give you a kiss on the cheek.

Read Your Full Aquarius Horoscope For April 2023

StyleCaster | Pisces 2023 Horoscope

Design: Sasha Purdy / StyleCaster


This week, you could make a spiritual leap.

The week begins on Sunday, April 16, with the sun in Aries and your house of money making a semisextile to Neptune in your own sign of Pisces. Now you might be walking that line between being prudent with your money and having a good time. Pisces, you might enjoy a small indulgence today. You could go to a fancy restaurant that has desserts covered in edible gold. Or you might buy a trinket to add to your jewelry collection. Today, you’re treating yourself.

On Tuesday, April 18, Venus in Gemini and your house of dwellings makes a semisquare to Jupiter in Aries. Pisces, your home could be a destination now. It’s possible that you’re hosting a dinner party or child’s birthday party. The local neighborhood group could be meeting in your living room, or perhaps your book club is camped out on your sofa. Today, you could have a full house.

Read Your Full Pisces Horoscope For April 2023

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