
These 3 Zodiac Signs Will Have the Best Week, Because They’re Ready to Own Their Power

What are you breaking free from under this week’s lunar eclipse? Change is the only thing that is constant, so the more present we are in our reality, the easier it becomes to master the ebb and flow of our lives. Don’t get it twisted—this eclipse season is intense and reverberating chaos, but these three zodiac signs will have the best week of May 1 and May 7. It may be the peak of springtime, but this is nowhere near the slow and steady Taurus energy we are used to vibing with.

This, however, doesn’t mean you can’t access the higher vibration of this fixed earth sign. On the contrary, while in the midst of a Mars-ruled eclipse season (in-between April’s solar eclipse in Aries and May’s lunar eclipse in Scorpio) this energy couldn’t be more timely. That being said, it’s important that you make your personal needs and emotional wellbeing a priority at this time. The next few days will present you with the opportunity to go inward, so try and make it a point to reflect on your growth and transformation since January 2022, when the Nodes of Destiny first entered the Taurus-Scorpio axis. A deep-seeded part of your unconscious is being eclipsed between now and the next six months, but it’s up to you to allow yourself to surrender what needs to be released.

After an enlightening Mercury retrograde cazimi (and the start of Pluto retrograde in Aquarius) on May 1, the moon will enter the penetrating sign of Scorpio. Here, in a loose conjunction with the South Node of Fate, a penumbral lunar eclipse holds the key to a truth that is powerful enough to break karmic curses, and unveil toxic patterns that no longer serve your growth as a spiritual being. Venus will meet with Jupiter in a harmonious sextile shortly after, before making its debut in soft-hearted Cancer. Talk about water works! Although, after quite the cerebral Venus transit, this is exactly what we need.

If your sun sign and/or rising sign happens to fall under any of these zodiac signs, here’s why the cosmos is nourishing your soul this week:

These 3 Zodiac Signs Will Have the Best Week

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Long time no see? A sudden and very unexpected reconnection could take place on May 1, when the sun and Mercury retrograde cazimi in Taurus, and your 11th house of community affairs and friendship circles. Whether it be a conversation or an epiphany, this more than likely revolves around your finances and value systems. Pluto will begin to retrograde in Aquarius that same day, bringing emphasis to the dynamic of your intimate unions, so pay attention to what comes up for review.

As for the lunar eclipse, it will charge up your heart-centered fifth house of love, passion and self-expression. Do you dare to venture into the dark? Confronting and reconnecting with these parts of yourself is liberating and inspiring you. Feel free to tune into your creative musings, especially with Venus entering your sign two days later. A surge of artistry and passion surrounds you this week, and it’s foreshadowing your rebirth.

Read Your Full Cancer Horoscope For May 2023

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Take a load off. Powerhouse Pluto begins its retrograde journey in Aquarius (your sixth house of due diligence and day-to-day rituals) on May 1, presenting you with the opportunity to reconnect with your power source and vibrational well being. The sun and Mercury retrograde (your celestial ruler) will also cazimi in Taurus—via your expansive ninth house of self-discovery—that same day, which can be equally as insightful as it is timely.

Fueled by Mars in Cancer in your 11th house of community, and Pluto retrograde in your sixth house of day-to-day affairs, the lunar eclipse will ignite your third house of information and immediate surroundings. The way you perceive the world around you is shifting dramatically, but surrendering an outdated mindset births a whole new world for you to explore, and wander freely. Venus joins Mars in your 11th house of social contributions on May 7, and you’re reuniting with your soul family.

Read Your Full Virgo Horoscope For May 2023

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Recognizing where you were once co-dependent, or perhaps in search of validation, liberates you this week. For starters, Pluto stations retrograde in your 12th house of closure, followed by a sun-Mercury retrograde cazimi in Taurus, via your third house of communication and inner circles. Subtle yet grounded in reality, an intuitive download (or literal message) could arrive just in time for it to make sense as it should.

The lunar eclipse energy builds throughout the week, until it peaks on May 5 via your expansive ninth house of faith, philosophy and self-discovery. Brought to you by Mars in Cancer—via your fifth house of creativity and self-expression—you are surrendering to the depths of your passions, and the longing of your heart’s most primal desires. Venus will slip into this area of your chart on May 7, befriending your muse and intoxicating your aura with sweetness.

Read Your Full Pisces Horoscope For May 2023

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