
Signs Your Ex Is Still Not Over You, According to Their Zodiac Sign

Everyone knows the best part of breaking up is making up, but how can you be sure this love story isn’t over for good? Relationships can be incredibly complex, which is why I’m about to reveal all the tell-tale signs your ex still is not over you, according to their zodiac sign. As long as both parties are willing to put in the work and meet each other half-way, choosing to get back together with your ex can lead to a rewarding and long-lasting union that reinforces your ability to grow together. Remember, our birth charts are comprised of a series of energies that need to be considered, so be sure to read for their sun, moon and rising sign.

If you want to take it a step further, you’ll also want to read about their Mars and Venus signs, given that these two planets represent everything from our love language and seduction style to what fuels our passions, and carnal instincts. They don’t refer to Mars—planet of passion and sexual intensity—and Venus—planet of love, romance and friendship—as the “Cosmic Lovers” for nothing, so do your due diligence and make sure your astro-facts are up to par for this.

While you should never go back to a toxic relationship pattern or return to an ex lover that doesn’t respect you, a breakup can give both parties time to breathe and come to terms with what they truly want. Spending time apart reflecting on what’s come and gone can shine a light on what we didn’t see before, making you realize that perhaps you were better together than you initially thought.  Whether you’re dreaming of reuniting with your ex or you’re simply double-checking to see if they’ve moved on from the relationship before you have, here are signs they’re still definitely not over you, according to their zodiac sign:

Signs Each Zodiac Sign Is Still Not Over You

StyleCaster | Aries 2023 Horoscope

Design: Sasha Purdy / StyleCaster


You would think it’d be easy to read this cardinal fire sign when it comes to their romantic relationships, but their innate confidence and enthusiasm for the future makes them all the more flirtatious and competitive in the “moving on” department. In other words, Aries knows how to play every type of romantic game, because they play to win. So, how can we tell the difference between the overzealous Aries who revels in the petty conquest vs. a head-over-heels Aries who is genuinely still into you?

First and foremost, this fire sign is not one to settle, especially when it comes to their independence and autonomy over their desires. So, the first sign to look out for… and I dare say, the most important one to note is when your Aries love is still open to compromising with you, and holding space for your perspective without conflict, or confrontation. Second sign to look out for is when you can still make them giggle, and bring out their playful side. Aries is a big kid at heart and when they love you, they’ll stop at nothing to make you smile.

StyleCaster | Taurus 2023 Horoscope

Design: Sasha Purdy / StyleCaster


As you may know, this fixed earth sign isn’t one to change their mind, let alone revisit a chapter they’ve already closed. And though many will assume their stubborn mindset stems from a place of pride, it’s more accurate to say they’re simply well aware of what is worth their time and energy, making them unwilling to settle for less than what they deserve. Not in a cocky way whatsoever, but Taurus knows they’re the cat’s meow, and believe it or not, their sense of self-worth is part of their charm. This is one of the reasons why many can’t help but find them so attractive.

Fortunately, when Taurus commits to something, they are equally as stable as they are devoted until the end. So, if reconnecting and getting back together is the practical and wholesome thing to do, here’s how you will know this fixed earth sign isn’t over you: Firstly, they will make the time to serve, help and/or make your day better by any means necessary. Penciling you into their calendar is a compliment… because again, Taurus does not like to waste time. Secondly, and this one might be tricky, but you will sense their possessiveness if they think you’ve moved on. It also doesn’t hurt to ask, because they simply do not beat around the bush.

StyleCaster | Gemini 2023 Horoscope

Design: Sasha Purdy / StyleCaster


“I’m not a player, I just crush a lot.” To say this mutable air sign is hard to catch would be an understatement, but if there’s anyone who unapologetically basks in the foreplay and the love games, it’s your friendly neighborhood Gemini. A brilliant wordsmith who keeps the world on their toes with spontaneous facts and savvy quips, it’s already hard enough as it is to maintain Gemini’s ultra-fickle attention span, let alone commit to anything long term. However, there are a few things this mutable air sign will do when they’re still into you, and these are facts.

Gemini will shower you with an influx of messages on the regular, some of which include a series of dry-humor memes and/or geeky threads they came across on Reddit. Even if they’re short, sweet and brutally sarcastic, they will go out of their way to check-in on you, and for the mere sake of making you think. Something else to look out for is when they confront you with a worldly fact, or polarizing philosophy just to hear your thoughts on the matter. If they’re still going out of their way to mentally stimulate you, chances are they’re not over you. 

StyleCaster | Cancer 2023 Horoscope

Design: Sasha Purdy / StyleCaster


Hypersensitive and nostalgic, Cancers more often than not get a bad rep for being “needy” in the love department, but one thing’s for sure: Once this cardinal water sign gives you a piece of their heart, it will belong to you forever. However, contrary to the soft-hearted and vulnerable persona that’s usually projected onto Cancerians, there is a dark side to their love language, but it’s so evocative and mystifying that you’ll often miss the sheer passion behind their crabby claws. This water sign is ruled by the moon, so you might think you know… but, you really have no idea. 

This could seem toxic, but if your Cancer love goes out of their way to get “revenge”—whether it be through a new romantic partner, or an Oscar-award winning ghosting act—they’re one hundred percent not over you. Cancer wants you to need them as much as they need you, but since their empathy and sensitivity is already part of their nature, it’s when this water sign goes out of their way to catch you off guard that gives their undying love away. Another way you can tell they’re not over you is by the way they keep up with traditions (birthdays, holidays, etc.) in your connection. Btw, are they still friends with your parents? If so, you’re probably already getting back together.

StyleCaster | Leo 2023 Horoscope

Design: Sasha Purdy / StyleCaster


Roll out the red carpet! If it isn’t the royal treatment, this fixed fire sign is simply uninterested. Speaking of fixed, Leo’s vivacious passions speak for themselves, but the last thing this heart-centered sign entertains are second chances. Not gonna lie, there’s definitely some pride involved, considering their ruling planet (the sun) also happens to be the center of our universe, but Leo is a leader first and foremost. This means they’re going to want all of your attention, affection and respect. They know they stand out in the crowd, and they also pride themselves on dating someone who shines just as bright. When Leo is in love, they want to share all of their experiences with you… but more importantly, they want to create new ones, and have the most fun in the process. 

One way you can immediately tell this fire sign isn’t over you is by the way they make it a point to reminisce on your best moments together. And though you would think their pride overpowers their love, Leo isn’t afraid to showcase their heartbreak, or how much they miss you. Another way you’ll know they want you back is by the groups of people they surround themselves with. Are they friends of yours? Are they suddenly all up in your socials? They’re not over you, and they know exactly what they’re doing. 

StyleCaster | Virgo 2023 Horoscope

Design: Sasha Purdy / StyleCaster


People often undermine a Virgos strength, as they are innately resourceful and incredibly modest at that. This mutable earth sign is practical and grounded in its approach, and the way they function in their romantic partnerships is no exception. Virgo aims to serve, but they’re also not about to invest their time and energy into something that doesn’t bring the results they seek. As you can imagine, this mutable earth sign’s love language is a combination of quality time and acts of service, but the last thing Virgo wants to do is lead you on, so what you see is what you (typically) get with this earth sign. 

However, if you’re having trouble reading their mysterious demeanor, you’ll want to look out for a few things. For instance, if your Virgo love is sporadically sharing some of their recent accomplishments and accolades, they’re still into you. There’s nothing they pride themselves on more than their self-mastery, and if they care, they’ll want you to witness it for yourself. Another way you’ll know they’re still into you is by their selflessness and sacrifices. Virgo knows no bounds when they’re committed, and they’ll go to great lengths to serve the ones they love.

StyleCaster | Libra 2023 Horoscope

Design: Sasha Purdy / StyleCaster


If you think water signs are hard to read, then you’ve obviously never dated an air sign, let alone a Libra! A cardinal air sign that’s ruled by none other than coquettish Venus, Libra’s innate charm and harmony-seeking nature is often mistaken for flirting, so it’s important to be discerning with this eternal heart throb. After all, in addition to being a natural at the art of seduction, Libras will go above and beyond to avoid confrontation. They have mastered the ultimate swerve, and will leave your head spinning with questions.

Libras deflect and they do it well, so if you’re wondering whether this flirtatious air sign still has feelings for you… I dare say, you’re probably not the only one! However, you’d be surprised at how much of a leader Libra actually is but, rest assured, it’s all in the name of love. Initiating conversations and exchanges with you is a major clue they’re still into you because… again, they are not going to give you the cold shoulder if you reach out. However, it’s when they take the lead that’ll give it away. Something else you’ll notice is they’ll go out of their way to maintain the friendship, and wander the same social scenes as you. 

StyleCaster | Scorpio 2023 Horoscope

Design: Sasha Purdy / StyleCaster


If you’re intrigued by subtweets, subtexts and elusive behavior, then that would explain why you’re inquiring about your Scorpio lover. Smoldering and enigmatic, when this fixed water sign mates, it mates for life, and just a taste of their passionate and Plutonian love is more than enough to haunt you for an entire lifetime. There are also no gray areas with Scorpio, which is why their persona is more than often polarizing to the people around them. This fixed water sign wants an all-consuming love, but this intensity isn’t for the faint of heart. Penetrating and psychic, Scorpio’s fixed waters hold onto emotions longer than they’re comfortable admitting, but this ride-or-die love language can be a plus for those of you entertaining the thought of getting back together with one. 

Then again, this would also depend on how your love story ended to begin with, as they are not one to forget past hurts and betrayals. Nevertheless, one way you’ll know Scorpio isn’t over you is by their artistic expression, and choice in music. This water sign will intuitively know the perfect time and place to share a song, in hopes of it getting back to you. Whether it be a lyric used on one of their social media captions, or an Instagram story with a Spotify track, Scorpios are notorious for dropping hints. Another way you’ll know they’re still into you is by the way they make it a point to titillate your senses. Maybe it’s an unexpected hug or the intoxicating scent they wear in your presence, you’ll know this buffet of sensuality has your name on it.  

StyleCaster | Sagittarius 2023 Horoscope

Design: Sasha Purdy / StyleCaster


Nothing against Sagittarians, but it isn’t hard to tell when this mutable fire sign is really interested in you. See, in addition to being notorious for their brutally honest statements and audacious questioning, Sagittarius’ fire can escalate just as fast as it can fizzle out. For those of you wondering if this Jupiter-ruled sign is easily bored, the answer is absolutely. Although, it’s not everyday Sagittarius meets their match… so when they do, it won’t be easy for them to forget. A truth seeker on an endless quest, this fire sign tends to act on impulse when it comes to love. 

They usually know exactly what they want, but if they don’t, they’re not afraid to venture into the unknown to find whatever it is they’re looking for (or to let it find them first). On that note, if you’re wondering whether you still make your Sagittarius lover’s heart skip a beat, you’ll instantly know by their rowdy, playful and rambunctious behavior. This includes silly inquisitions and cheesy knock-knock jokes, of course, but they’ll act like a big kid whenever you’re around. Sagittarius is also competitive when they’re crushing, so that’s something else that’ll give it away.

StyleCaster | Capricorn 2023 Horoscope

Design: Sasha Purdy / StyleCaster


Everyone knows that success is a Capricorn’s first love,  and for the record, this goes beyond the desire to be recognized and celebrated. For this cardinal earth sign, self-mastery is the ultimate goal, and this happens to come with notoriety and accolades from time to time. Traditional and sophisticated, Capricorns are typically “old school” with their romantic approach, and general courtship. Sure, they’re totally classy… but more importantly, they’re not instant gratifiers. Ruled by taskmaster Saturn, Capricorns really revel in the “blood, sweat and tears” of their hard work because in their eyes, a job well done is a job that was earned. 

Similarly, this cardinal earth sign will stop at nothing to work on their relationship when they’re committed for the long term, but they also have no problem parting ways with those who no longer share the same values. One way you’ll know they’re not over you is by loyalty and dependability. Capricorn will still show up for you and keep their word, but only if they’re still interested in pursuing this connection. This may surprise you—given their serious and pragmatic nature—but their emotional receptivity towards you is also a major sign they’re not over you.

StyleCaster | Aquarius 2023 Horoscope

Design: Sasha Purdy / StyleCaster


Air signs aren’t typically emotional let alone obvious about their romantic feelings, so reading their intentions in love is easier said than done. This is especially true for intellectual Aquarius, as they are often notorious for being emotionally detached in their approach. This fixed air sign deeply resonates with their modality in the sense that they’re incredibly fixed in their ways, because once they’ve made a decision about something or someone, it is unlikely they’ll change their mind.

Sarcastic and innately eccentric in their ways, Aquarius prefers to keep things interesting and progressive, as opposed to traditional. In other words, when it comes to your conversations and games of mental tennis, they will blatantly test your knowledge around a topic, and possibly even play the role of the contrarian just for fun. For instance, Aquarius isn’t over you if they still entertain conversations regarding your topics of interest, and partake in mindless bickering for the sake of being right. They are curious about their love interests, so if it feels like you’re being interviewed, it’s a good sign.

StyleCaster | Pisces 2023 Horoscope

Design: Sasha Purdy / StyleCaster


Despite being one of the most enigmatic signs in the zodiac, it isn’t hard to tell when your Pisces lover has feelings for you. Truth be told, in addition to being artistic and deeply in tune with the emotional undercurrents of their surroundings, this mutable water sign makes love not war. And though they’re more than often caught up in the dazzling and dizzying world of their subconscious mind, their empathy and undying devotion is out of this world. Speaking of their otherworldly persona, this mutable water sign longs for the fantasy just as much as they expect loyalty, and devotion from their significant others.

They are innately sensitive to the needs of others, but even more so when romantically involved. With that said, one way you’ll know they’re not over you is by their trust, and emotionality. For instance, if you feel like they’re keeping something from you and yet deny it when you ask, then you’ve likely lost their trust. Otherwise, Pisces will comfortably express their emotions when around you, which is a good sign they’re not over you. They will also find a way to include you in their day-to-day routine, even if it’s something as simple as a quick phone call to see how you’re doing. They will also reassure you of their love, and express their affections via acts of service.

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