
The Phase of the Moon You Were Born Under Says a Lot About You—An Astrologer Explains

Other than it being the second brightest object in the sky after the sun, the moon remains an enigma. The ancients believed it to be a goddess, given its feminine attributes and glimmering lure, but the symbolism stems from something far greater. If you’re wondering what being born under each lunar phase says about you, consider the spirituality behind la luna’s ever-changing ways. Eternally caught between the light of the day and dark of night, the moon’s waxing and waning undulations are reflected in the sacred rhythms of the universe. It is “she” who controls the tides inside and outside of our bodies.

Change is the only thing that is constant, and similar to the cyclical energy of Mother Nature, the phases of the moon are a reflection of our human development. Let’s use the four seasons as an example: spring is birth, summer is childhood, autumn is adulthood and winter is symbolic of old age, leading to death. These seasonal shifts will reoccur throughout our entire lifetime, and reflect onto our reality as we, too, are an integral part of nature. As for the moon, on top of it being a symbol of one’s emotional world, it is also a representation of the dance between the conscious and unconscious realm. On that note, getting in touch with the lunar cycles does not only help you become grounded, but also more emotionally self-aware.

Mother moon encourages us to be present in our divine flow, in order to consciously observe the natural fluctuations occurring within and all around us. That said, whether you plan on integrating this practice into your day-to-day routine, or simply would like to become more acquainted with your lunar phase, a plethora of wisdom awaits you. In the meantime, head over to the Astro Twins’ cosmic calculator to find your natal moon phase, so you can learn more about what it means below.

The Spiritual Meaning of the Moon Phase You Were Born Under

The Meaning of Being Born on a New Moon

Photo: Getty Images.

Born on a New Moon

The beginning of the lunar cycle, if you were born under this moon phase, then your sun sign is the same as your moon sign. If you consider this to be auspicious, you’re not wrong! The sun joins forces with the moon once every month, providing us with a clean slate to start again. This means you’re not only prone to introspection and ongoing soul searching, but also deeply psychic and aware of your surroundings.

Similar to the moon’s lack of visibility during this phase, your innate versatility can make you hard to pin down, and difficult to understand. After all, you’re constantly renewing yourself, and these spontaneous moments of hiatus—where you pause and retreat into your sacred space—make you all the more intriguing. In addition to having a pioneering spirit and vivid imagination, those born under the new moon phase are gifted visionaries.

The Meaning of Being Born on a Waxing Crescent Moon

Photo: Getty Images.

Born on a Waxing Crescent Moon

If the new moon kicks off a brand-new lunar cycle, the waxing crescent phase comes directly after, putting our seeds of intention into motion. Luna becomes slightly visible at this time, but don’t let its “growing crescent” shape fool you. This lunar phase is supercharged with strength and momentum, and those of you born under its forward-moving rays are more likely to take the initiative.

Productivity and perseverance come with the turf, which is why many can’t help but admire your sheer willpower, and determination from afar. Once you commit, you’re in it for the long haul, as you are innately passionate about progress, and obtaining the results you seek. You’re a magnet for growth and opportunity. 

The Meaning of Being Born on a First Quarter Moon

Photo: Getty Images.

Born on a First Quarter Moon

Also known as the half-way point between the new and full moon phase, the tension surrounding this lunar phase is no myth. Think about it, from our view here on earth, exactly half of the moon is illuminated by sunlight while the other half remains in shadow. Luna being a symbol of our inner world is logistically split in two, which means if you were born under this moon phase, you embody both the light and the dark.

This duality, however, can be equally as powerful as it is overwhelming, as you are more likely to “walk the line,” as the late Johnny Cash would say. You might even jump to conclusions, or make impulsive and/or rash decisions you end up regretting later. Half of the moon is illuminated by the sun at this time, which reminds me of a quote by Dia Reeves: “She was like the moon—part of her was always hidden away.” 

The Meaning of Being Born on a Waxing Gibbous Moon

Photo: Getty Images.

Born on a Waxing Gibbous Moon

Hours before the moon reaches its peak of fullness, if you were born under the waxing gibbous phase, then the moon was almost full the day you were born. This is equivalent to being at the precipice of an awakening and/or emotional climax, which naturally validates your innate ability to foresee the possible outcome of every situation. 

Deeply analytical and seasoned with past experiences… it’s safe to say, this isn’t your first rodeo. Those born under this hopeful yet suspenseful lunar phase know what it’s like to have something, and suddenly lose it after an unexpected curveball. Although, believe it or not, it’s because of this that your can-do attitude always knows what to do next. Some might even say you have a few tricks up your sleeve, but it’s all grit.

The Meaning of Being Born on a Full Moon

Photo: Getty Images.

Born on a Full Moon

Lights, camera, action! When the moon reaches its peak of fullness, the ocean tides and water (emotions) in our bodies rise, making the collective as emotional as ever. Feelings are heightened and truths are brought to light, and if you were born under this lunar phase, your expectations of yourself and the world are just as high.

A time of celebration, culmination and harvest, it’s no wonder the full moon has been a muse for artists and poets since the beginning of time. Similarly, full moon babies are more than often recognized for their uniqueness, and magnetic personalities. However, the sun directly opposes the moon during this time, which makes you more indecisive than most. 

The Meaning of Being Born on a Waning Gibbous Moon

Photo: Getty Images.

Born on a Waning Gibbous Moon

After an emotional climax there is always a comedown, and the waning gibbous phase is the perfect opportunity for one to reflect on their recent accomplishments and/or re-evaluate next steps. Whatever was illuminated during the full moon is usually top of mind as the moon begins to wane, making those born under this lunar phase both inspiring, and truth-seeking.

The moon begins to disappear and this time, but even still, it is highly visible in the sky. Similarly, waning gibbous babies are more than often blessed with the gift of luck and opportunity. There is a strong potential for success, and it’s all thanks to their innate gratitude and self awareness. On the darkside, those born under this moon phase can be misjudged for being a know-it-all, but not if they’re open and willing to listen. 

The Meaning of Being Born on a Last Quarter Moon

Photo: Getty Images.

Born on a Last Quarter Moon

This lunar phase is the epitome of letting go, and letting god. Hours in-between the waning gibbous and crescent, the third—or last quarter—phase marks a period of release, surrender and closure. At least 50 percent of the moon is illuminated during this time, and this is precisely what inspires those born under this phase to move forward, and leave the past where it belongs.

You can’t unsee what you know to be true, similar to the period of reflection that comes after the full moon phase. And this specifically highlights the importance of being truthful with others and ourselves, especially if you were born under this moon phase. You are not only prone to outgrowing people, places and environments quicker than most, but also deeply devoted and loyal. This isn’t always the easiest energy, so be sure to take a moment to retreat whenever needed.

What it Means to be Born on a Waning Crescent Moon

Photo: Getty Images.

Born on a Waning Crescent Moon

If you were born under the waning crescent phase, you are last but certainly not least. This is equivalent to the moon’s graduation before it renews itself, and begins another cycle. Also known as the dark moon, this is an ideal time for resting and reflecting on your recent experiences. Similarly, those born under this moon phase are more likely to enjoy their solitude, as they are a psychic sponge to their surroundings. 

Empathic and deeply aware of the emotional undercurrents, if you were born under this lunar phase, then you underestimate your gifts more often than you realize. Perhaps it’s a combination of everything you’ve unconsciously absorbed as well as the vivid memories of your emotional experiences, but if you don’t ground yourself, this  “weight” can easily cloud your sense of self-worth. This is a wise and seasoned moon phase; you are the crone.

Zodiac Signs Travel | Culture Issue 2022

Image: Unsplash, Adobe. Design: Sasha Purdy / StyleCaster

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