Your Weekly Horoscope Predicts Major Developments in Your Love Life & Financial Status
Your horoscope for the week of February 27 to March 5 says your communication skills are on point, thanks to the moon in Gemini. This is the ideal time to make witty social media posts, debate sensitive topics like politics with your parents or make a shocking confession to your bestie. Completely present one minute and totally distracted the next, you’ll love to keep people guessing during this restless moon transit!
Your love life is about as good as it gets during the conjunction between romantic Venus and indulgent Jupiter in fiercely compassionate, spontaneous Aries on Wednesday. Don’t resist your urge to have fun and enjoy yourself! The more you think about something, the more likely you are to talk yourself out of it. Hesitation is a huge turnoff during this romantic aspect.
On Thursday, big thinker Mercury leaves open-minded Aquarius for deeply sensitive Pisces, creating dreamy mental images that paint a beautiful picture but might not have any basis in reality. You’ll be at your creative best over the weekend. However, you might have trouble conveying your abstract images and ideas to other people. Try not to get so lost in your head that you can’t identify with anyone in the real world.
Here’s what you can expect from the upcoming week, according to your sun and/or rising sign (and seriously, you’re missing out if you don’t read these horoscopes for your rising sign):
How the Planets Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign This Week

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Start the month by putting yourself out there when Venus conjoins Jupiter in your sign on Wednesday. This is the best day of the year to ask someone out, go on a first date, or even hit up an old flame. It’s the perfect day to get lucky by making just the right first impression (*wink*).
Make the world a better place when Mercury conjoins Saturn in your humanitarian zone on Thursday. You have the determination to make the community better, so start organizing volunteers to help or attend a town meeting to spark change. You can do it, Aries!
Life gets a little quieter when Mercury enters Pisces on Thursday, moving into your healing zone. Over the next couple of weeks you might not be as talkative as you get deep in your feelings. Focus on reconnecting with yourself before spring truly begins.
Read Your Full Aries Horoscope For March 2023

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If a lingering love affair ended long ago, you might have the opportunity to win them back when Venus conjoins Jupiter in your healing zone on Wednesday. Old love affairs can come back from the grave today. If they’re right for you, Taurus, welcome them back, but don’t ignore any red flags.
Then it’s time to get to work when Mercury conjoins Saturn in your career zone on Thursday. This aspect can give a major boost to your professional life. It’s an ideal time to set some clear career goals, work on achievements, and balance your work and personal lives.
The new month means new opportunities to make important connections when Mercury enters Pisces on Thursday, moving into your social zone. Over the next two weeks you’ll be doing plenty of networking and making some dreamy connections. Don’t forget to help your community as well!
Read Your Full Taurus Horoscope For March 2023

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March begins on a very friendly note when Venus conjoins Jupiter in your social zone on Wednesday. It’s easy to make friends today, and new relationships can lead to windfalls. Allow yourself to be social and it can lead to success. It’s all about who you know, Gemini.
If you’ve been thinking about going back to school, now is the time to do it as Mercury conjoins Saturn in your expansion zone on Thursday. You’re ready to learn, even if it isn’t a traditional form of education. From learning a trade to enrolling in online classes, you can develop understanding in a structured setting.
Speak your dreams into existence when Mercury enters Pisces on Thursday, moving into your career zone. Over the next couple of weeks you’ll be ready to take your ambitions to the next level. Just don’t bite off more than you can chew.
Read Your Full Gemini Horoscope For March 2023

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Start a new month by doing some serious networking when Venus conjoins Jupiter in your career zone on Wednesday. This aspect makes it easy to make the connections that can lead to success. From promotions to high achievements, the contacts you make now can bring you some big wins.
Sharing is caring when Mercury conjoins Saturn in your shared resources zone on Thursday, encouraging you to split some important bills with someone to get ahead in life. Whether you decide to enter a payment plan on a debt or ask someone to move in, be smart about your financial choices.
Open your mind to new possibilities when Mercury enters Pisces on Thursday, moving into your expansion zone. This is a great time for dreamy adventures as you let your imagination take you to amazing places. You’ll listen to plenty of stories too, Cancer, so don’t believe everything you hear.
Read Your Full Cancer Horoscope For March 2023

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Start the month of March by meeting people from all walks of life when Venus conjoins Jupiter in your expansion zone on Wednesday. You’ll be able to gain a better understanding of the world by meeting new people from different backgrounds. You can have luck finding a travel buddy or forming a long-distance relationship.
Speaking of relationships, Thursday is a great day to have a serious conversation in yours when Mercury conjoins Saturn in your partnership zone. Whether you’re hammering out the details in an important contract, setting boundaries, or taking things to the next level, now is the time to hold a meeting of the minds.
Your intuition gets a major boost when Mercury enters Pisces on Thursday, moving into your transformation zone. The next couple of weeks will increase your sensitivity as every word seems to hold a deeper meaning. Keep listening to your heart, Leo.
Read Your Full Leo Horoscope For March 2023

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Start the new month by deepening your important bonds as Venus conjoins Jupiter in your transformation zone on Wednesday. If you’re looking to take an important relationship to the next level, now is the time to do it. From breathing new life into a faltering connection to getting a little naughty, you’ll get lucky in more ways than one, Virgo (*wink*).
Then focus on imposing a little discipline when Mercury conjoins Saturn in your routine zone on Thursday. This aspect is ideal for creating structure in your daily life, from planning a solid schedule with limited distractions to making your mornings more productive.
Spring into romance at the start of the month when Mercury enters Pisces on Thursday, moving into your partnership zone. This is a great time to look for your better half, whether platonic or romantic. However, take off those rose-colored glasses before you commit.
Read Your Full Virgo Horoscope For March 2023

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The start of the month is ideal for relationships of all kinds when Venus conjoins Jupiter in your partnership zone on Wednesday. This aspect helps you feel the love. From going on the perfect date to taking a relationship to the next level, it’s an ideal day to come to an agreement, sign contracts, and fall in love.
The good vibes continue when Mercury conjoins Saturn in your pleasure zone on Thursday. However, this isn’t the time to be reckless and hope for the best. If you want to be more creative or have a steady lover, you need to give it your attention. Make time for the things that make you happy, Libra.
Start by creating a routine you can stick to when Mercury enters Pisces on Thursday, moving into your habit zone. This is a great time to make your life better by balancing flexibility and structure.
Read Your Full Libra Horoscope For March 2023

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If you want to make some healthy changes to your life this month, don’t be afraid to ask for help on Wednesday. Venus conjoins Jupiter in your health zone, encouraging you to seek help to create a better life. From finding a fitness buddy to developing good relationships with your coworkers, these connections can lead to success.
While you’re creating healthy habits, don’t forget to set some ground rules at home when Mercury conjoins Saturn in your home zone on Thursday. Now is the time to settle all domestic issues as the month begins. Set boundaries for a happier home.
Get ready to have some fun when Mercury enters Pisces on Thursday, moving into your pleasure zone. Over the next couple of weeks you’ll feel extra creative as you let your imagination run wild. Let your passions take the wheel, Scorpio!
Read Your Full Scorpio Horoscope For March 2023

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March begins on a delightful note when Venus conjoins Jupiter in your pleasure zone on Wednesday. This is a great day to start a spring fling, go on a creative date, and get lucky in more ways than one. The only rule is to have as much fun as possible, Sagittarius. Enjoy!
After letting yourself play, you’ll find that you can easily solve problems when Mercury conjoins Saturn in Aquarius on Thursday. Allow yourself the mental space to think things over and come up with clever solutions that can resolve a lot of issues.
End the week by getting back to your roots when Mercury enters Pisces on Thursday, moving into your family zone. Over the next couple of weeks you’ll keep your private life private as you sort out family issues. Think about how you can turn your dream home into reality.
Read Your Full Sagittarius Horoscope For March 2023

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March begins with harmony at home as Venus conjoins Jupiter in your family zone on Wednesday. This is a great day to indulge in all the comforts of home as you spend time with your family and make some lasting memories. Enjoy yourself, Capricorn!
Then get serious about your finances when Mercury conjoins Saturn in your value zone on Thursday. Tax day will be here before you know it, so it’s a great day to balance your budget and get a handle on your spending situation so you can save more money.
End the week on an inspirational note when Mercury enters Pisces on Thursday, moving into your communication zone. Your mind will be in the clouds as you think of solutions to life’s pressing issues and unlock important secrets. Don’t ignore anything difficult. It could hurt you later. Be proactive, not reactive.
Read Your Full Capricorn Horoscope For March 2023

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Communication in your important relationships can create success when Venus conjoins Jupiter in your communication zone on Wednesday. This is a great day to talk to your neighbors and friends, do some networking, and just make connections through bantering. A few words can lead to plenty of luck.
We love that you march to the beat of your own drummer, but you might want to do some self-editing when Mercury conjoins Saturn in your sign on Thursday, especially if you’re meeting new people. Don’t tell everyone all of your thoughts, Aquarius. Leave a little mystery.
You’ll be attracted to both new ideas and new toys when Mercury enters Pisces on Thursday, moving into your value zone. Over the next couple of weeks you’ll have a strong urge to spend money, but also think about how you can earn it back. Be mindful.
Read Your Full Aquarius Horoscope For March 2023

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For you, the “m” in March stands for “money”, thanks to Venus conjoining Jupiter in your value zone on Wednesday. This is a great day to form a dream team that can help you earn some serious cash. Valued relationships can really boost your self-esteem, leading to windfalls in your life.
Continue to nurture your self-worth when Mercury conjoins Saturn in your healing zone on Thursday. This is a great day to take care of your mental health and set boundaries with the energy vampires that have been draining you.
You’ll really be feeling yourself later on Thursday when Mercury moves into your sign. Over the next couple of weeks your outlook on life can greatly improve because you have the confidence to express yourself. This is an ideal period for new beginnings, Pisces. You can speak anything into existence now.
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