Your March Career Horoscope Predicts Job Changes, New Hires & Plenty of Promotions
Stay tuned, because March is one of the most game-changing months of the year! And if you were hoping to take advantage of it, your career horoscope for March 2023 will help you capitalize off of a “no retrograde season” and make the most out of your ambitions and goals!
March is jam-packed with astrological transits that are sure to shake up your work life and career trajectory. We start the month with Mercury (planet of technology and communication) entering dreamy Pisces on March 2. This transit will help us express our true goals and desires to the right people and finally make forward movement on your projects. In other words, this is the month that your vision board finally starts to come to life!
We then have a potent full moon in Virgo on March 7, which will help us organize and audit our lives and clear out any clutter that is holding us back from our fullest potential. On this same day, Saturn (planet of rules and restriction) enters Pisces, opposing the moon and asking us to keep our emotions in check so we aren’t making or breaking any promises due to temporary feelings. Just a few days later, Venus (the planet of money and beauty) enters Taurus, a placement that it feels at home in and allows us to call forth abundance and prosperity during this time. Expect the unexpected and allow yourself to surrender into windfalls and magic to spruce up your financial life! After all, you are feeling lucky these days, right?
Later in the month we have Mercury charging into fiery Aries on March 19 and the sun joining in just a day later on March 20. With two powerful and personal inner planets in bold and risk-taking Aries, what are you willing to do (or say) in order to reap the rewards later on? Remember, nothing worthwhile ever came without a little risk. Finally our new moon in Aries arrives on March 21, blessing us with an opportunity to use actionable steps in order to manifest the career that we desire. This is a great day to network, apply for a job, send an email for a new collaboration, or head to an event with influential and inspirational people. We have Pluto (planet of transformation and endings) entering Aquarius on March 23 and Mars (planet of action and aggression) entering sensitive Cancer on March 25. Remember to keep your bearings as you embark on new career quests this month, astral babe!
Now, let’s get into it: each of the twelve signs will have their career affected differently in the month of March. Read on below for both your sun sign and rising sign in order to get full clarity on what this month has in store for you!
How the Planets Will Affect Your Career This Month

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Aries, this is going to be your month in terms of career! You will be blessed with Mercury, the sun and the moon all entering into your first house of identity and image in the latter half of the month. With a solid game plan between the first and eighteenth, allow yourself to hit the ground running when the sun shifts into Aries on March 20, also bringing forth the Spring Equinox. Not only will you be called to clean out your home, but it will be a blessed time to organize your thoughts, files, projects and to-do lists so you can be your brightest self in March and beyond.
When Venus enters Taurus your second house of finances and material gain will be illuminated, bringing forth large (and potentially unexpected) financial blessings. You will either agree to a new project, role or title within work around this time that will utterly change your career path… and for the better! Others won’t be able to contain their admiration, so prepare your “thank you’s” now!
Read Your Full Aries Horoscope For March 2023

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Taurus, this month will have you battling deep seated fears and insecurities when it comes to your work as many planets transit your twelfth house of the unconscious. Make sure that you are taking time outside of your working hours to tend to your mental and emotional health through unplugging, meditation, therapy, time in nature and a hobby that you truly enjoy. It’s so easy to get caught up in the fast paced lifestyle of wake up, work, sleep, wake up and do it all over again, but you’re more aware than that Taurus! Don’t let your mind play tricks on you, this does not need to be as hard as it feels.
You will feel blessed mid-month as Venus (the planet of all things abundant and beautiful) enters Taurus and transits your first house of image and self-esteem, making you feel more vibrant and prosperous than ever before. This is a great reminder that neither the highs nor the lows are permanent, so learning to ride the wave and allow your big emotions to pass is the only way that you can truly enjoy the journey of your career path. With Mars entering your third house on March 25 as it enters the sign of Cancer, you will feel more inclined than ever before to collaborate and idea-share with inspiring folks. Take advantage of the skill sets of the people around you and be willing to give back to them just as much. Rome wasn’t built in a day, and it definitely wasn’t built by one person!
Read Your Full Taurus Horoscope For March 2023

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Gemini, there is a powerful shift in the way you and your career are perceived by the masses this month as both Mercury and Saturn enter Pisces and transit your tenth house of purpose and status. With Saturn stationed here for around 2.5 years, you will find that the more you dedicate yourself to your work and your reputation, the more easily your goals will be met. There is a deep shift happening in your subconscious in March with Mercury, the sun and the moon all entering fiery Aries and passing through your twelfth house of secrets and solitude. You may feel inclined to spend some time alone and go back to the drawing board. Just remember, no matter how long you’ve been working at a goal, it is never too late to change your mind and direction entirely. You are capable of starting over, and truth be told: the skills and lessons you’ve learned thus far will make it impossible for you to start from square one ever again. You are powerful, and others will follow your lead as you show them how to handle you. If you show up as a boss, you will be hired as a boss. If you show up with insecurity, that is also how you will be met. Choose wisely this month, as I see many opportunities coming your way. You simply have to be ready to sell yourself once they arrive.
Read Your Full Gemini Horoscope For March 2023

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Cancer, with Mars entering your sign and passing through your first house of appearance and outward personality on March 25, you will have all eyes on you. I promise that you are ready to take center stage now! No longer will you find the value in playing small. Once you enter a room, trust yourself to work it and be willing to step outside of your comfort zone in order to be taken more seriously. You are a master of your craft and it is truly time for the next step in terms of your career. Will you be able to act out of confidence rather than cowardice?
Remember, it’s a tell-tale sign of progress for you to be invited to the table in the first place, do not doubt your deservingness of being in rooms filled with successful, inspirational and talented people. You are there because you yourself are also successful, inspirational and talented, Cancer. When Mercury, the sun and the moon all enter into the bold sign of Aries on March 19 & 20, transiting your tenth house of career and reputation, all of the wishes you’ve had about your career are going to start to materialize. I sense a transition in a very positive direction with work and finances that allows you to feel the joy and freedom you have longed for. This is going to be a big career month for you, Cancer!
Read Your Full Cancer Horoscope For March 2023

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Leo, you may be sensing a big blessing coming towards you and your work. You can expect this blessing to arrive when Venus enters Taurus on March 16 and enters your tenth house of career and reputation. With the planet of beauty and money blessing your tenth house, you can start to shoot for the stars in terms of contracts, raises and title changes. With Mercury entering your fellow fire sign Aries on March 19, be ready to speak up for yourself and get what you want when it comes to finances. If you work for yourself or are looking for work, this transit will bring a great deal of confidence in the way you sell yourself, your products or your services. March is going to be all about taking risks and shedding layers of fear and uncertainty. You are not alone on this journey, and it would benefit you to lean on others for advice or mentorship this month.
When Mars enters Cancer on March 25, your twelfth house of isolation is going to be illuminated and you may want to do some “BTS” work on yourself and your work-life balance. Take the end of the month to brainstorm on what went right and what could use a little tweaking, as March will be filled with many lessons and blessings that you can take into the remainder of the year. Remember, the only ones who truly lose are the ones who are unwilling to get back up and keep fighting!
Read Your Full Leo Horoscope For March 2023

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Virgo, the full moon in your sign will be transiting your first house of self image and outward appearance on March 7. This will be a powerful time in your career to learn when to say “no” to the wrong opportunities. Make sure you are getting the compensation and recognition that you deserve this month before agreeing to spend your precious and powerful energy on anything. This will be the same day that Saturn enters Pisces, stationing in your seventh house of partnerships and long term commitments. You could find yourself accepting a job offer or embarking on a large-scale project that will truly take your career to new heights over the next 2.5 years. Anything that has happened in the past to discourage you from shining bright, allow those things, people and situations to all be released from your life so you can make space for the blessings that are headed your way.
You would do well this month to let go of old habits and behaviors that made you feel inadequate when Mercury, the sun and the moon all enter fiery Aries and transit through your eighth house of endings and other people’s money on March 19. If you’re ready to gain a larger following, more recognition at work or even call forth a title change, now will be the time to do so. Put yourself out there and be open to receiving money and admiration from others around this time. Your future career and overall reputation in your industry will thank you!
Read Your Full Virgo Horoscope For March 2023

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Libra, you will start the month of March off with the full moon in Virgo transiting your twelfth house of isolation and self-sabotage, giving you a powerful opportunity to let go of any negative behavioral patterns that are throwing off your work performance. If you are working too much or too little, this full moon will give you the opportunity to bring balance back into your work life. With Saturn (the task-master planet) entering Pisces on March 7 and illuminating your sixth house of daily habits and routines for the next couple of years, you can get ahead of the curve by making lifestyle changes that will support your happiness and productivity now. Think about things like meal prepping, buying a planner, setting reminders on your phone to take breaks or go outside during the day… these things may seem insignificant, but over time they will make a drastic change to your mental and emotional health, and ultimately allow you the space to enjoy your work more deeply.
Venus is also entering into Taurus (your only other fellow Venus-ruled sign) which will bring beautiful blessings to your career and finances on March 16. Without allowing yourself to overspend, you will finally find a great deal of balance in your finances as well in March. This is your time to shine, Libra!
Read Your Full Libra Horoscope For March 2023

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Scorpio, the month of March is going to be rather focused on your daily habits and routines in order to catch the wave within your career. Your sixth house of work and self-improvement is going to be illuminated numerous times this month with several planets transiting through Aries and asking you to get determined and focused with what you’re putting out into the world. If you are unsure about what to focus on or dealing with unemployment, a loss of passion or a break from work, you will do well to shift the ways in which you show up for yourself. Start each day off with gratitude and you will see how differently you are feeling after just one month. By the time that April rolls around, you will see that so much of your suffering and uncertainty was self-inflicted.
When Saturn, the planet of dedication and restriction, enters fellow water sign Pisces on March 7 you will notice that your ability to focus becomes stronger. Your internal chaos and shortened attention span need improvement and the next couple of years with this transit will prove beneficial for your intense (and positive) shift of attention. Surround yourself this month with others who are focused and driven and you will see this energy rubbing off on you in no time at all.
Read Your Full Scorpio Horoscope For March 2023

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Sagittarius, this month will be all about reallocating your time, money and energy in order to move forward in a more effective and prosperous way. Without some planning, life can devolve into chaos quickly. Your celestial energy is pushing you to get serious about what (and who) you are spending your money on this month and make a clear and actionable change. For some of you, you would benefit from hiring help. Whether that comes in the form of an accountant, a financial advisor or an assistant, now is the time to step up and invest in your financial health. You do not need to do it all alone, my centaurs, and March is going to be the month where you realize that you don’t need to struggle so much anymore.
If you own your own company, you could benefit from looking into selling partial ownership or your inventory and starting anew. The influx of cash from this sell-off could be exactly the time and breathing room that will allow the next idea to arrive! If you are struggling to make ends meet, this month will really change the game for you. With Venus in Taurus in your sixth house on March 16, your day-to-day habits and routines must change in order to reap the benefits of this abundant transit!
Read Your Full Sagittarius Horoscope For March 2023

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Capricorn, you will find a lot of motivation through the presence and attention of others this month. With Mars entering Cancer in your seventh house of partnership and long-term commitments on March 25, be willing to say “yes” to splitting the responsibilities in order to get a bigger piece of the pie. In essence, when you can connect with the right people and opportunities, you may lose the sense of independence you so desperately seek, but you gain more income, more reach and more inspiration. You don’t have to do it all on your own anymore, Cap.
This will also be a powerful month for you to rewrite your money narratives. If you are struggling financially, start to implement helpful tools to get you from where you are to where you want to be. This could include opening financial accounts, budgeting, meeting with a financial advisor or even taking financial wellness classes online. Remember: if you feel like you are struggling with your finances you are either A. not making enough money or B. spending too much of the money that you’re making. Let it be that simple and take the emotions out of it so you can clearly see what steps you need to take this month. Use March as the springboard for abundance by upping your rates, asking for a raise, cutting back on excessive spending or all of the above! You will enter April feeling refreshed if you work on finding a way to solve or curtain the issue.
Read Your Full Capricorn Horoscope For March 2023

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Aquarius, with Mercury, the sun and the moon all transiting your third house of community and friendships this month, you will benefit from calling upon people from your past to change your future. Whether this means collaborating with friends on work projects or reaching out to your alma mater, you will realize why certain seeds were planted in the past. Your work life is about to take a powerful and bold turn if you can use discernment on whose energy is weighing you down and whose energy is lifting you up. Take space from the people who can’t think outside the box and instead surround yourself with inspiring folks that help you see your own potential. You never know what advice is waiting for you inside of the mind of an old friend or colleague.
Read Your Full Aquarius Horoscope For March 2023

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Pisces, with Mercury (the planet of communication and technology) transiting your first house of self-esteem and outward appearance, you will benefit from idea sharing, writing and performing this month. Take your skills to the podium and make your voice heard in March. You never know who’s watching or listening in the shadows. There are so many opportunities that exist on the other side of you putting yourself out on a limb, Pisces. Don’t be afraid to take up space any longer, this is truly your month to be seen, celebrated and supported by the masses.
If you feel like your career has taken a detour, just know that the Universe is conspiring to bring you to your highest potential this year and it all starts in March. With Saturn (the planet of longevity and dedication) entering your first house for the next couple of years, you will have to actively dedicate yourself to your path and purpose. Don’t get distracted by how little others are doing to get by. You will be tempted to fall off of your path again, but now is the time to put one foot in front of the other and stay on track. You will thank yourself later.
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