
Your Weekly Horoscope Says You’re Coming Up With Brilliant Ideas, So Start Making Plans

You might be getting used to a change this week, but in the end, it all leads to beautiful things! Your horoscope for the week of July 4 to July 10 wants you to follow your intuition and listen to your heart, but it also wants you to practice patience.  However, that doesn’t mean the week doesn’t begin on a high note! On Monday, the moon in Virgo will form a trine with eccentric and innovative Uranus, urging you to look outside the box and try something different. This is definitely “dance like no one is watching” type of energy, so live it up!

The party continues onto July 5. After all this is when, Mars—planet of action—will enter stubborn, practical and patient Taurus, reminding you to take your time before coming to a decision. Mercury—planet of communication—will also head into sensitive, protective and passive aggressive Cancer, which is stirring up all kinds of emotions. Don’t expect someone to be able to read your mind, remember—sometimes, people need the truth spelled out for them.

And, if that wasn’t enough, spiritual asteroid Vesta will station retrograde in dreamy and reflective Pisces on July 7, which will inevitably contribute some wistfulness, as you take a look back at your life’s journey and wonder if maybe you could have done things a little differently. Regret can be destructive, but there might not be anything you can do to stop it from dominating your thoughts. Because this week is packed with such heavy planetary traffic, just do your best to adapt to these major universal energy shifts.

By July 9, clever Mercury will square off with expansive and open-minded Jupiter in Aries, urging you to take a step back and consider the big picture. Chances are, there’s so many reasons to be optimistic, especially if you’re willing to have faith in your biggest ideas! Just remember not to put the cart before the horse, because great things take time.

Here’s what you can expect from the upcoming week, according to your sun and/or rising sign:

How The Planets Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign This Week

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Summer is heating up, Aries, but you’re in the mood to make money when Mars enters Taurus on Monday. Especially since you’ve already spent a lot of it by making impulse purchases and trying to be the life of the party. Luckily, Mars in your value zone is encouraging you to start a side hustle so you can keep having your fun.

Or save by staying home over the next two weeks after Mercury enters Cancer and your home zone on Monday. From vacationing at your family’s house to saving money to asking for a loan, family connections can help you stay afloat.

However, those family ties can be a double-edged sword when Mercury squares Jupiter in your sign on Friday. Don’t let meddling relatives stand in the way of your success, and don’t let unkind words keep you from pursuing your dreams.

Related: Aries Horoscope For July 2022: Return To Your Roots

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As we get into the heat of summer, you’ll have more passion and energy than ever after Mars enters your sign on Monday. This is a great time to get what you want, from rocking your beach body to scoring a new lover. You have the drive, Taurus. All you need to do is make it happen. There’s nothing you can’t achieve.

Use the summer to your advantage and visit friends and relatives you haven’t seen in a while when Mercury enters Cancer and your communication zone on Monday. Take a road trip to bond with loved ones and add some extra stimulation to your life.

Your words have the power to set you free when the sun in Cancer sextiles Uranus in your sign on Sunday. If you’ve been struggling with declaring your independence, you could find the words to stand up for yourself today.

Related: Taurus Horoscope For July 2022: Gaining Momentum

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The next few weeks could be very frustrating after warrior Mars enters slow Taurus and your subconscious zone on Monday. While everyone else is having fun, you’re totally drained of energy. As you sulk in private, use this as an opportunity to look deep within to find self-acceptance and strength.

While you’re thinking of big emotions, think about your own personal safety when Mercury enters Cancer and your value zone on Monday. Over the next two weeks, you’ll be thinking about your personal values. While this isn’t the most exciting way to spend your summer, it’s important to find solid ground on which to grow.

Friday could bring potential money issues when Mercury squares Jupiter in Aries. Before you make social plans, Gemini, check your bank account to make sure you can cover any weekend fun. No one wants an audience when their card gets declined.

Related: Gemini Horoscope For July 2022: Looking For Love

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Dreams really can come true. At least that’s how it feels when Mars enters Taurus and your social zone on Monday. Over the next six weeks, getting what you desire will be easier than you imagined, especially in financial matters. Keep working hard and you could receive a sudden windfall, Cancer.

Adding to all these good vibes is Mercury moving into your sign on Monday as well, giving you an extra boost of confidence. This is an ideal time to chat with people on the beach, go on a first date or try something new. Don’t be afraid. It’ll all work out.

With all this good fortune coming in, pay it forward when the sun in your sign sextiles Uranus in Taurus on Sunday. Focus on making your community a better place by doing some volunteer work or helping a neighbor who’s struggling.Related: Cancer Horoscope For July 2022: Happy Solar Return

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Begin the week on an ambitious note when Mars enters Taurus on Monday, moving through your career zone for the next six weeks. Instead of hitting the beach, you’ll be hitting the grind as you work harder than ever to achieve your goals. Even if it takes more time than you expected, Leo, don’t give up. You’re making more progress than you realize.

Stay away from any social events right now anyway, because you’ll be deep in your feelings when Mercury enters Cancer and your privacy zone on Monday. If you want to reach your goals, you need to heal your past self.

After doing some deep soul-searching, you’re ready to make some serious changes when the sun in Cancer sextiles Uranus in Taurus on Sunday. Start by setting new goals in private that will change your life for the better without people stealing your thunder.

Related: Leo Horoscope For July 2022: Lovers & Friends

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Start July on an adventurous note when Mars enters Taurus on Monday. Mars will be moving through your expansion zone, motivating you to discover new things. Whether you’re planning on taking a trip or taking a culinary tour in your kitchen by trying new recipes, it’s time to break out of your comfort zone and live a little.

It’s also a great time to make new friends on your travels, because Mercury moving into Cancer on Monday will make you chattier. With your ruling planet in your social zone, you’ll easily make new friendships that quickly feel like family.

However, the week ends on an uncomfortable note when Mercury squares Jupiter in Aries on Friday, bringing some serious communication issues. Whether you’ve read the room wrong or tweeted something cringe-worthy, you’re going to be in an awkward situation. Don’t overestimate any situation, Virgo. It could backfire.

Related: Virgo Horoscope For July 2022: Saying Goodbye

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Your week begins on a very sensual note when Mars enters Taurus and your intimacy zone on Monday. There will be plenty of fireworks in the bedroom and your personal life. From forming intimate bonds in private to fighting over bills, your life is changing and you need to decide if the changes are right for you.

As your life transforms, an ideal time to think about your goals is when Mercury enters Cancer and your career zone on Monday. Your ambitions might change, which means altering your plans. Think carefully about every action, Libra, because it will affect you in the long run.

However, you could have some career challenges when Mercury squares Jupiter in Aries on Friday. Thinking about your big ambition has you realizing you’ve outgrown certain partnerships. However, consider carefully before you cut them loose. It might not be a great move.

Related: Libra Horoscope For July 2022: Feeling Ambitious

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The next six weeks will feel like a balancing act after Mars enters Taurus on Monday. With your ruling planet moving through your partnership zone, you’ll need to learn to work with others. Don’t be so stubborn that you get into fights over nothing, Scorpio. Choose your battles wisely so you can work with rather than against someone.

Fortunately, you’ll have an easier time opening your mind when Mercury enters Cancer and your expansion zone on Monday. Over the next two weeks, issues get personal as new discoveries help you develop greater understanding and empathy.

Let your moral compass be your guide when the sun in Cancer sextiles Uranus in Taurus on Sunday. Following your beliefs might help you establish important partnerships. Whether you find a creative partner or meet someone special at a volunteer event, this is a great time to team up with someone.

Related: Scorpio Horoscope For July 2022: Open Your Heart

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Summer is supposed to be lazy, but you’ll discover that you’re busier than ever when Mars enters Taurus and your productivity zone. on Monday. You need to roll up your sleeves and get to work if you want to finish some important tasks.

Your intuition also gets a major boost as Mercury enters Cancer and your intimacy zone on Monday. Over the next couple of weeks, you’ll easily be able to read between the lines of what everyone says. However, Sagittarius, try not to take things personally. It’s easy to get your feeling hurt over what you thought someone said.

It might even ruin your fun when Mercury squares Jupiter in Aries on Friday. You could take something a little too personally and ruin the mood, especially in bed. Don’t take everything to heart, at least not without asking for clarification first.

Related: Sagittarius Horoscope For July 2022: Be Kind To Yourself

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It’s all about having fun when Mars enters Taurus on Monday and moves through your pleasure zone for the next six weeks. Actually use your vacation days to chill and unwind, Capricorn. Spend some time lounging by the pool, going to a nice restaurant, enjoying art or having a steamy love affair. Why not do it all?

Or reconnect with your lover over the next two weeks after Mercury enters Cancer and your partnership zone on Monday. You’ll be extra amorous as you seek balance in every relationship. If you have any lingering issues with a loved one, solve them now so there’s nothing but love.

Especially at the end of the week when the sun in Cancer sextiles Uranus in Taurus on Sunday. It’s the perfect day to get dressed up for a hot date. You could meet someone amazing, start a relationship or just have fun!

Related: Capricorn Horoscope For July 2022: Say What You Mean

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You’ll be sticking close to home and your old ideas over the next six weeks after Mars enters Taurus and your home zone on Monday. It’ll be hard to open your mind to any new ideas, so spend your time, energy and passion fixing household issues, from making repairs to defusing drama.

You might even have to take on the family caretaker role as Mercury enters Cancer and your health zone on Monday. Use your sharp problem-solving skills to work your way through family emergencies. Try to find ways to make your life easier without getting burned out.

Organization is the key to happiness when the sun in Cancer sextiles Uranus in Taurus on Sunday. Having a solid schedule of what needs to be done (and who has to do it) will make your life much easier. Trust us on this one, Aquarius.

Related: Aquarius Horoscope For July 2022: Looking Inward

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You’ll be sticking close to home and your old ideas over the next six weeks after Mars enters Taurus and your home zone on Monday. It’ll be hard to open your mind to any new ideas, so spend your time, energy and passion fixing household issues, from making repairs to defusing drama.

You might even have to take on the family caretaker role as Mercury enters Cancer and your health zone on Monday. Use your sharp problem-solving skills to work your way through family emergencies. Try to find ways to make your life easier without getting burned out.

Organization is the key to happiness when the sun in Cancer sextiles Uranus in Taurus on Sunday. Having a solid schedule of what needs to be done (and who has to do it) will make your life much easier. Trust us on this one, Aquarius.

Related: Pisces Horoscope For July 2022: Feeling Imaginative

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