
Your Weekly Horoscope Means Business, Because It’s Time To Take Your Goals Seriously

While it’s natural to want to keep the party going as the summer heats up, but your horoscope for the week of July 11 to July 17 may have other plans! As this week begins, the moon—ruler of your subconscious—will call on you to use some emotional maturity, especially when balancing work and play. And according to gravity, what goes up must come down! You’re experiencing this pressure on a cosmic level, starting on Monday as the moon forms a sextile with responsible and time-managing Saturn. Luckily, you have time for both business and pleasure, as long as you prioritize correctly.

On Tuesday, the moon will start moving through serious and driven Capricorn, forming a trine with action-packed Mars, a planet that will always tell you to just do it! This lunar energy won’t let you relax before you’ve crossed everything off your extensive to-do list. Luckily, Wednesday’s tactful trine between love goddess Venus and introspective Saturn retrograde will even you out emotionally and encourage you to ask for assistance with your most tedious tasks. Teamwork makes the dream work—or at least it saves you all the time and energy of having to do it all yourself!

As the energy gets more intense, you can blame it all on the full moon in Capricorn, which takes place on Wednesday (at 2:37 p.m. ET, to be exact). Urging you to let go of outdated, useless ways of doing things, this full moon is motivating you toward a metamorphosis as it forms a trine with transformative Pluto. Letting go of ideas and forming new plans will help you end the week with an optimistic, yet serious and future-focused vibe. As the sun in homebody Cancer joins forces with intellectual Mercury on Saturday, it will help you wind down and relax with loved ones in your sacred space. This weekend, dedicate time to recharging and getting ready for another busy week ahead!

Here’s what you can expect from the upcoming week, according to your sun and/or rising sign:

How The Planets Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign This Week

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Wednesday is a big day for you, Aries, because you finally get the recognition you deserve during the full moon in Capricorn. The moon is in your career zone that day, rewarding you for all your hard work during the lunar cycle. Bask in your glory!

While you’re celebrating your success, give your family a call when the sun conjoins Mercury in your home zone on Saturday, especially if you need to clear the air. Invite them over for tea and hash things out so you can strengthen your bond and build emotional security.

End the week on a wistful note when Venus enters Cancer and your home zone on Sunday. Singles might be reading lots of romance novels, while couples might be feeling a strong desire to light the spark of romance or longing for past affairs. Remember to stay realistic about love.

Related: Aries Horoscope For July 2022: Return To Your Roots

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After working hard over the last six months, you might find the enlightenment you’ve been seeking during the full moon in Capricorn and your expansion zone on Wednesday. Whether you’re taking a trip, ending a class or just being open to new things, everything is going to click.

If you’ve put off making an important discussion, you might have the words to speak your mind when the sun conjoins Mercury in your communication zone on Saturday. Say your piece with emotion and clarity so everyone can get on the same page, Taurus.

And get ready because you’ll be having some really deep conversations when Venus enters Cancer on Sunday. With your ruling planet in your communication zone, you’ll be able to strike up a conversation with anyone. You might even develop some romantic feelings for someone in your inner circle. Watch those fireworks fly!

Related: Taurus Horoscope For July 2022: Gaining Momentum

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Where do you come from? What are your values? Those are the questions you’ll be asking yourself when Venus in your sign trines Saturn in Aquarius on Tuesday, making it the ideal time to learn more about yourself. Do a research dive wherever your heart leads you.

Oh no, Gemini! If you borrowed money from a relative or took out a loan during the lunar cycle, you might have to pay it back during the full moon in Capricorn on Wednesday. The moon in your shared finances zone encourages you to think about where you can save money, even if it means you have to move in with someone.

It doesn’t help that you’ll have a major case of shopping fever when Venus enters Cancer and your value zone on Sunday. However, before you buy that stuff, ask yourself if you really want it or if you’re just in a bad mood.

Related: Gemini Horoscope For July 2022: Looking For Love

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The start of the week brings opportunities to come together when the full moon is in Capricorn and your partnership zone on Wednesday. Whether you’re signing a contract, forming a partnership or taking a relationship to the next level, two heads are better than one right now.

Show yourself off to everyone when the sun conjoins Mercury in your sign on Saturday. This is an ideal day to make a great first impression, dazzling everyone with your looks and wit. This is a good time to play around with your style, Cancer, so wear your favorite outfit and have fun.

Especially when it comes to romance. Venus enters your sign on Sunday, and over the next few weeks, you’ll be falling in love with yourself and the world. This is the perfect time for first dates, new situations and good vibes galore. Just remember to set some boundaries.

Related: Cancer Horoscope For July 2022: Happy Solar Return!

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If you’ve spent the last six months taking care of your health, you’ll start to see the results of your efforts when the full moon is in Capricorn and your health zone on Wednesday. However, if you haven’t been working on your health goals, you’ll see the results of that too.

Spend the weekend working on your mental and spiritual health when the sun conjoins Mercury in your subconscious zone on Saturday. As you figure out your mental headspace, this is an ideal day for art therapy, journaling or meditation.

The next few weeks will bring you increased intuition after Venus enters Cancer and your subconscious zone on Sunday. You’ll be thinking less about yourself and more about the people in your life. Sacrifices will need to be made for the people you love, but don’t give them your whole self. Don’t drown in your generosity, Leo.

Related: Leo Horoscope For July 2022: Lovers & Friends

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Bask in the spotlight of your creative success when the full moon is in Capricorn and your pleasure zone on Wednesday. You might get the recognition you desire for your achievements, from showcasing your work to the public to getting the love you desire. Your gamble will pay off, Virgo.

Celebrate yourself with new friends when the sun conjoins Mercury in Cancer and your social zone on Saturday. Host a BBQ or party at your home and invite everyone you know (and their friends too). It might be the party of the summer. Don’t forget to have fun.

Your summer gets even busier when Venus enters Cancer and your social zone on Sunday. Over the next few weeks, friendships become even more important to you. Even new friends will feel like family right now. Use these good vibes to volunteer for humanitarian efforts.

Related: Virgo Horoscope For July 2022: Saying Goodbye

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Start the week on a romantic note when Venus in Gemini trines Saturn in Aquarius on Tuesday. As you develop your relationship, you might discover that it becomes more pleasurable with time. Don’t be afraid to have some deep conversations for maximum rewards.

You’ve been working hard the last few weeks, Libra, and you might be feeling a little burned out when the full moon is in Capricorn on Wednesday. With the moon in your home zone, spend this time getting some much-needed rest and self-care. Remember to put yourself first.

Then it’s back to the old grind when Venus enters Cancer and your career zone on Sunday. The next few weeks will bring plenty of networking opportunities to boost your reputation and help with your goals. Follow your ambitions and you’ll get all the assistance you need, especially if it’s a family business.

Related: Libra Horoscope For July 2022: Feeling Ambitious

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After a hectic few weeks, you’ll have some serious catching up to do during the full moon in Capricorn and your communication zone on Wednesday. While this might not be the most exciting day, Scorpio, it’s important to do all your important errands so you can start fresh at the end of the month.

Spend the first part of the weekend taking a deep dive into your family’s roots when the sun conjoins Mercury in your expansion zone on Saturday. This is a great day to ask your relatives questions about your ancestry and think about how you understand the world through that lens.

Then kick off some summer fun by going on an adventure when Venus enters Cancer and your travel zone on Sunday. Whether you’re connecting with long-distance relatives or visiting your ancestral homeland, you’ll meet plenty of people who will expand your horizons.

Related: Scorpio Horoscope For July 2022: Open Your Heart

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If you’ve been meaning to have a serious conversation with your partner, do it when Venus in Gemini trines Saturn in Aquarius on Tuesday because you’ll be honest about your relationship issues. By putting everything on the table, you can make your relationship even stronger.

One of the discussion topics might be about power and control because you’ll need to learn to balance both during the full moon in Capricorn and your value zone on Wednesday. You might be struggling to break free and be more independent. Find your self-esteem in your personal power, Sagittarius.

Relationships intensify starting when Venus enters Cancer and your intimacy zone on Sunday. Over the next four weeks, relationships can form deep, intimate bonds. While this can be a powerful and romantic time for lovers, it has the power to transform relationships for better or worse, especially where money is concerned.

Related: Sagittarius Horoscope For July 2022: Be Kind To Yourself

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Start the week by stepping into the spotlight and basking in your glory when the full moon is in your sign on Wednesday. After six months of hard work, you’re ready to start the next chapter of your life. Rewards are coming to you, Capricorn, so put your best foot forward to make a good impression.

It’s also a great week to pair up with another to create an unstoppable duo when the sun conjoins Mercury in your partnership zone on Saturday. Whether you’re asking someone out, forming a collaboration or getting someone to sign a contract, everything is better together.

That theme continues throughout the next few weeks after Venus enters Cancer and your partnership zone on Sunday. If you’re single, expect a new summer romance to take up most of your attention. If you’re taken, you’ll be falling deeper into love now. Enjoy!

Related: Capricorn Horoscope For July 2022: Say What You Mean

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Start the week on a romantic note when Venus in Gemini trines Saturn in your sign on Tuesday. Your love affair might help you grow and mature as a person. Your summer fling is no longer a casual romance, especially since it has helped open your mind.

However, you’ll still need your alone time during the full moon in Capricorn on Wednesday. The moon in your subconscious zone encourages you to heal your inner wounds in private. Remember that sometimes the biggest achievement is just surviving. Be kind to yourself, Aquarius.

Then teamwork really does make the dream work when Venus enters Cancer and your habit zone on Sunday. Over the next few weeks, you might have to take on the caretaking role in your life, especially if someone has fallen ill. However, don’t be afraid to ask for help to prevent major burnout.

Related: Aquarius Horoscope For July 2022: Looking Inward

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Work on your public persona during the full moon in Capricorn and your public image zone on Wednesday. If you’ve been working hard on your social media presence during the lunar cycle, something you post might go viral today. Let’s just hope it’s for the right reason.

Fortunately, the weekend brings plenty of fun when the sun conjoins Mercury in your creativity zone on Saturday. This is an ideal time to express yourself through your talents, such as painting, drawing or writing. Whatever helps you get your feelings out there and spark some joy in your life.

Summer fling season has officially begun for you when Venus enters Cancer and your pleasure zone on Sunday. Over the next few weeks, love and relationships take on a playful vibe—but be cautious. Some deep feelings are lingering under the surface, Pisces.

Related: Pisces Horoscope For July 2022: Feeling Imaginative

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