
Your Weekly Horoscope Is Filled With Mind Games & Power Plays, So Make Your Next Move Wisely

If you’re already feeling argumentative, the planets might have something to do with it. After all, your horoscope for the week of July 18 to July 24 says you might be navigating some challenging terrain! Fortunately, you’re not alone, because everyone’s feeling testy together.

On the plus side, some big-time exciting Leo energy is bringing pleasure to your life this week! But first, you have to get past the relatively nasty opposition between Mercury—the planet of communication—in sensitive Cancer and revenge-minded Pluto in earthy Capricorn, which will take place on Monday. With personal betrayals resulting in hurt feelings and power plays throwing you off your professional game, the emotional struggle of this cosmic resistance is very real. However, it will also lead to some game-changing revelations, so don’t be shy—own your power!

However, quick-moving Mercury will have already left emotional Cancer for friendly, outgoing Leo by Tuesday. This will be a welcome shift, as it will bring some humor to the situation, as well as give you the courage to actually say what you mean and mean what you say. Telling a joke on a date or before a meeting can really help break the ice now! Even if it flops, your amazing charm will have everyone laughing with you instead of at you.

By Friday, the confidence-building sun also partners with the playful, spotlight-seeking cat of the zodiac, and nurturing asteroid Ceres joins the Leo party on Saturday. Life can’t possibly be boring with all this fiery energy surrounding you, and if it is, you’re doing something wrong!

Here’s what you can expect from the upcoming week, according to your sun and/or rising sign:

How The Planets Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign This Week

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The next two weeks bring plenty of confidence and creativity into your life when Mercury enters Leo and your pleasure zone on Tuesday. This is a great time to voice your ideas and opinions because any major projects you start right now can be very successful. Don’t be afraid to think big, Aries.

Continue to embrace your creative side when the sun also moves into your pleasure zone on Friday. Over the next few weeks, you’ll find new and creative ways to express yourself and enjoy your summer vacation. From dyeing your hair to creating art to having a steamy love affair, your priority is fun.

Especially as you embrace and nurture your inner child when Ceres enters Leo and your pleasure zone on Saturday. It’s summer! Allow yourself to be a little kid again. Run through sprinklers and eat ice cream for dinner. Enjoy the magic of the world.

Related: Aries Horoscope For July 2022: Return To Your Roots

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After working hard over the last six months, you might find the enlightenment you’ve been seeking during the full moon in Capricorn and your expansion zone on Wednesday. Whether you’re taking a trip, ending a class or just being open to new things, everything is going to click.

If you’ve put off making an important discussion, you might have the words to speak your mind when the sun conjoins Mercury in your communication zone on Saturday. Say your piece with emotion and clarity so everyone can get on the same page, Taurus.

And get ready because you’ll be having some really deep conversations when Venus enters Cancer on Sunday. With your ruling planet in your communication zone, you’ll be able to strike up a conversation with anyone. You might even develop some romantic feelings for someone in your inner circle. Watch those fireworks fly!

Related: Taurus Horoscope For July 2022: Gaining Momentum

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Be careful. Family issues could get heated when Mercury enters Leo and your home zone on Tuesday. If your family is coming in hot with the drama, don’t blow up and create a bigger mess. Remember, you can stand up for yourself without burning any bridges.

While you’re sorting out the drama, you might want to use this as an opportunity to decorate your home when the sun moves into your home zone on Friday. Find self-expression and individuality by creating a space that’s designed for your pleasure. Make it beautiful, Taurus, and don’t let any meddling relatives intrude.

Spend the weekend healing your inner child when Ceres enters Leo and your home zone on Saturday. Over the next few weeks, you’ll have to heal and grieve for your past wounds and family trauma. Growth can be achieved by simply taking the time to nurture yourself in a safe place.

Related: Gemini Horoscope For July 2022: Looking For Love

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While you’re enjoying the dog days of summer, don’t let the heat affect your sensibilities when Mercury enters Leo and your value zone on Tuesday. Over the next two weeks, you’ll feel more impulsive when it comes to spending, so make sure you think twice before you complete any purchase.

Your spending issue continues, especially if you plan on going out more, once the sun enters your value zone on Friday. However, remember to keep a close eye on your wallet. You might be the life of the party, but don’t break the bank to have fun.

You’d better get to work on setting a budget and sticking to it when Ceres enters Leo and your value zone on Saturday. Even making a simple change in how you spend could be a big step toward adulting. Remember, Cancer, you need to think about the future, so don’t put it off.

Related: Cancer Horoscope For July 2022: Happy Solar Return!

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It’s your time to shine with three different celestial bodies in your sign this week. Kicking things off is Mercury, which moves into your sign on Tuesday. You can move through life with confidence as you meet new people and make an excellent first impression, Leo.

Your season officially beings when the sun enters your sign on Friday, and you’re ready to be the star that you are. Over the next four weeks, you’ll be extra outgoing, charming and playful as you stride around like royalty. This is a great time to change your look and commit to having fun.

Another great time to focus on what makes you feel good is when Ceres enters your sign on Saturday. This is a period of new beginnings as you focus on nurturing yourself for the next chapter in your life, wherever that may lead you.

Related: Leo Horoscope For July 2022: Lovers & Friends

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You’re a service-oriented sign, Virgo, but, for the next two weeks, you’ll be thinking about yourself and your feelings after Mercury enters Leo and your subconscious zone on Tuesday. Even if you feel dramatic, make time for yourself to heal. Put a “do not disturb” sign on your door and turn off your phone if you have to.

It might be a good idea to retreat into nature to find spiritual balance when the sun enters your subconscious zone on Friday. Get away from all the drama and go off the grid to heal yourself. This is a great time to practice Reiki or sound therapy and allow yourself to relax.

Especially because you’ll be dealing with some heavy emotions once Ceres enters Leo and your subconscious zone on Saturday. Over the next few weeks, you’ll confront some grief that hasn’t yet healed. Find ways to love your inner child unconditionally.

Related: Virgo Horoscope For July 2022: Saying Goodbye

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Over the next two weeks, you’ll be making a big splash on the social scene once Mercury enters Leo and your social zone on Tuesday. From making important networking connections to going viral online, you have the confidence to effortlessly move through your social circles.

Get out of your boring rut and make new friends when the sun enters Leo and your social zone on Friday. Over the next four weeks, you’ll be feeling extra outgoing because of the windfalls you receive. Get ready to be a trendsetter. Your innovative ideas will have everyone following you.

By the weekend, you’ll feel the need to save the world as you try to find self-worth in humanitarian efforts when Ceres enters Leo and your social zone on Saturday. While you’re sharing your good fortune with others, remember to do it for the right reasons, not an ego boost. Who are you trying to save, Libra?

Related: Libra Horoscope For July 2022: Feeling Ambitious

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You have some big goals to reach before summer ends, Scorpio, which means you’ll have to make some big power moves when Mercury enters Leo and your career zone on Tuesday. Use this boost of confidence to get what you desire, even if you have to do some networking.

If you want to achieve something major, it wouldn’t hurt to boost your reputation when the sun enters Leo and your career zone on Friday. Use your cunning to rebuild your public image, from editing your resume to boosting your social media profile to getting friendly with the boss. Put yourself out there and you’ll be rewarded.

End the week with an extra boost of productivity as you make your ambitions a reality when Ceres enters Leo and your career zone on Saturday. While you nurture your ambitions and grow your career, remember to do things that bring you joy, not just an ego boost.

Related: Scorpio Horoscope For July 2022: Open Your Heart

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You’ll be doing plenty of traveling over the next few weeks, which means you’ll have tons of creative stories to tell after Mercury enters Leo and your expansion zone on Tuesday. You might be very popular relating your travel adventures, but remember to separate fact from fiction to avoid any drama.

Then pack your bags, Sagittarius, because you’re going on an adventure when the sun enters Leo and your expansion zone on Friday. This is an ideal time to have fun and put yourself in new situations. You might make some discoveries that open your mind to all sorts of possibilities.

This is also a period of personal growth when Ceres enters Leo and your expansion zone on Saturday. As you travel through life, you might learn from new cultures and customs that can broaden your thinking. Your beliefs and philosophies might shift as you share your ideas with other people.

Related: Sagittarius Horoscope For July 2022: Be Kind To Yourself

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You won’t be afraid to cause a little drama over the next two weeks after Mercury enters Leo and your transformation zone on Tuesday. Mercury encourages you to stir the pot, especially if you’re trying to get to the truth of an important issue. However, don’t just bring up taboos for their shock value, Capricorn—especially as the next few weeks could bring major changes to your life once the sun enters Leo and your transformation zone on Friday.

The summer heat could have you realizing that some bridges need to be burned as you create a new life for yourself. Focus on what isn’t working and change it.

Personal growth continues on Saturday when Ceres enters Leo and your transformation zone, encouraging you to step outside your comfort zone as you grow as a person. If you wish to create a legacy you can be proud of, let go of the past and embrace the future.

Related: Capricorn Horoscope For July 2022: Say What You Mean

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Be bold, Aquarius, especially when it comes to your relationships when Mercury enters Leo and your partnership zone on Tuesday. This is a great time for declarations of love, signing contracts or just spending some one-on-one time with the people you care about most.

“Me” becomes “we” over the next four weeks once the sun enters Leo and your partnership zone on Friday. You aren’t making decisions solely for yourself but for others as well. This can lead to teamwork or a tug-of-war, depending on how flexible you can be. Learn to give and take.

The week ends on a loving note as Ceres enters Leo and your partnership zone on Saturday, bringing an abundance of unconditional love to your relationships. Allow yourself to bask in the love and go deep in your feelings. Conflict can be resolved if you avoid creating any drama. Trust us on this one.

Related: Aquarius Horoscope For July 2022: Looking Inward

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Communication with colleagues and clients becomes even easier over the next few weeks once Mercury enters Leo and your habit zone on Tuesday. However, while it might be fun goofing off with your coworkers, it could lead to a drop in productivity and an increase in drama. Look for balance at the office, Pisces.

Keep working hard and you might get the recognition you deserve when the sun enters Leo and your habit zone on Friday, especially if you’ve developed strong, healthy habits and are practicing self-discipline. Just keep minding your own business and staying out of any workplace conflict.

The weekend brings an extra boost of productivity when Ceres enters Leo and your habit zone on Saturday and you take care of both business and yourself. This is an ideal time to use your energy to improve yourself and find ways to grow as a person. Nurture yourself through hard work.

Related: Pisces Horoscope For July 2022: Feeling Imaginative

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