
Chiron Retrograde 2022 Will Open Old Wounds—Here’s How It Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign

In mythology, Chiron was a healer who, ironically, could not heal himself. And in astrology, Chiron reflects your deepest traumas and wounds; the insecurities that impact you on a soul-level. And when Chiron retrograde 2022 takes place, you may find some of these vulnerabilities resurfacing, giving you an opportunity to embrace your emotions and heal.

Chiron shines a light on the wounds that can take a lifetime to heal, and unfortunately, that goal is rarely achieved. After all, its your wounds that give you a stronger sense of character and a deeper understanding of empathy! Let’s not forget Chiron was also a teacher who instructed great warriors like Achilles and Heracles. After all, the greatest teachers understand how difficult learning something can feel, which means that Chiron also shines a light on the way you can learn how to heal yourself by nurturing others. In your birth chart, Chiron always reflects the area of your life that might bring you pain. It’s your innate understanding of this pain that makes you someone who can help others when they’re feeling that pain too.

Chiron is not technically a planet, but a “centaur” which is more similar to an asteroid or comet. However, that definitely doesn’t diminish its impact on you! This celestial body is currently moving through prideful and competitive Aries, which may be increasing your fear of failure. And as Chiron stations retrograde from July 19 to December 23, your emotions will likely feel more intense and awkward to process for a hot minute. Luckily, you’ll be able to use your knowledge and passion for love to transform your life for the better. Rather than focusing on taking care of others, this transformative energy is designed to help *you* evolve *your* life.

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This retrograde reveals a need to accomplish all that you’ve set out to do, which means focusing on how we—as a collective—can become the best version of ourselves. Tears will be shed, old wounds will be re-opened up and frustrations shall resurface, but it’s all in the name of mending our hearts. As Leona Lewis sang, “it’s gonna hurt when it heals, too.” It will. But don’t fret, because help is on the way, as Chiron retrograde is actively encouraging us to love ourselves more. Here is how Chiron retrograde will affect you, based on your sun sign and/or rising sign:

How Chiron Retrograde Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign:

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Because you’re the first sign in the zodiac wheel, you always put yourself first! You much prefer being way ahead of the game, Aries, but it’s been a long time since you’ve given yourself love and appreciation for all the accomplishments you’ve achieved. Relish in all of your successes and allow yourself to feel your amazingness. If needed, give yourself a big hug and pat on the back to serve as a reminder about how special you truly are. Give your inner critic a time-out, because it’s time to prioritize self-love.

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Your psychic senses are evolving at the moment, Taurus. However, these newfound spiritual downloads may also be making you second guess what’s currently coming to fruition. Instead of worrying yourself over what’s true and what isn’t, consider being direct about your feelings with others. Being upfront has its perks and it can be helpful to your mindset. It will save you a lot of time and energy, because you won’t have to overthink or over-analyze any situation. Don’t be afraid to speak up, because your voice exists for a reason!

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Being the social butterfly that you are, you often find yourself floating from group to group like various flowers worth pollinating. However, this retrograde may leave you longing for real intimacy, especially with the core group of friends. You *can* create a closer bond with people you admire and share interests with, so long as you put the effort into getting to know them on a deeper level. Just because you argued with old pals doesn’t mean it’ll happen again. Embrace the idea that some people are worth opening up to!

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Lately, I bet you’ve been hiding away at work and using it as an excuse to avoid dealing with real life. Yes, being a workaholic has allowed you to run away from situations. But, it hasn’t healed your wounds or forced you to deal with any emotional upsets and heartbreaks. When your confidence is dependent on external success, it’s not easy to rely on it. Slow down and allow yourself to be in your feelings! Once you’ve processed things, you can actually deal with the issues at hand and allow your heart to start healing.

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Look at the larger picture now. If you’re obsessing over every little detail or mistake, you’ll drive yourself mad. Stop looking at every situation on a micro level. Instead, try taking a step back and looking at everything from a distance. Don’t get caught up in situations that aren’t important in the grand scheme of things! The moment you give yourself time to gain some perspective, you will see that a lot of the petty squabbles surrounding you are nonsense. It’s time to let go and move forward in attaining a higher state of existence.

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Sex can be a super transformative and healing part of your life, Virgo. The caveat is that if you don’t want to open yourself up to exploring new positions or tactics to elevate your sexual life, you might eventually start to feel dissatisfied with what’s on the menu. Whether you perform solo or with a partner, the release you’ll receive will be transformational during this retrograde, as long as you’re willing to surrender to the beauty of intimacy. Your orgasms might even bring a tear to your eyes, so let them do you some good!

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You may have a tendency to jump from relationship-to-relationship, but during this retrograde, you may want to consider taking a little time for yourself. It’s not that you don’t want to be in a partnership, but you may be unsure of who you are as a person when your other half isn’t around. This will allow you to understand the patterns you’re involved in and make you aware of the need you have to forge your own identity outside of your current partnership. You don’t need someone to complete you, so start acknowledging how whole you already area!

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You’re at a crossroads right now, Scorpio. With a little soul-searching, you’ll be able to find your way back to yourself. The lovely weather in the summertime is a great excuse to run away to the beach—or anywhere you long to be—and have a moment of introspection by yourself. The more time you have to reflect on your actions, doubts or problems, the easier it will be to make decisions that benefit your present and future self. If you’re running on empty and sacrificing your needs, it’s time to take a step back and acknowledge that your wellness comes first. If you don’t rest now, your body will force you to rest eventually!

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It’s very common for judgmental comments or negative interactions with people to trigger repressed emotions, Sag! And during this retrograde, you may feel way more aware of the way people are communicating with you. Take note of who makes you feel less-than-stellar or ignites your insecurities through their actions. In matters like this, it’s best to confront the person in a kind way, and if they’re important to you, give them a chance to understand that their behavior is causing you harm. Chances are strong they’ll want to repair the relationship immediately and apologize. Share your feelings with others in order to repair them!

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When life gives you lemons, try to make lemonade. Stop dwelling on issues that happened forever ago and lean into your present feelings on such matters. Try to work on healing situations and relationships. The more effort you put into mending all of the personal problems that you have with your family and yourself, the more complete you will become and emotionally freer you’ll feel. Even if something dredges up pain from your past, think of it as an opportunity to finally acknowledge that the way you feel may not *really* be how you feel, but how you’ve been taught to feel. Feel your feelings the way you like feeling them, Capricorn.

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Sometimes, it’s best to hash out issues by talking them out. Consider going to therapy to discuss complex situations that have been rattling and irking you for a while. If you opt to forgo therapy, then journaling can help you come to terms and understand the way you feel about situations and people. This will benefit you greatly and allow you to connect with your heart. It will be refreshing to get your pain out, because this retrograde is encouraging you to come up with new ways to understand how you feel and process your emotions. Repressing them and ignoring them isn’t doing you any good!

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There are other ways in which you can define yourself outside of the material realm. Yes, flashy goods and luxurious items showcase your power. Having a lot of money in your bank account is always nice too! However, you don’t need these status symbols to let others know that you’re an amazing person. Rather than going on a shopping spree, spend some time soothing your soul with meditation and connecting with your true self. Remember, the best things in life are free and don’t have a price tag on them. This retrograde wants you to know that you are enough, just as you are.

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