
Your Weekly Horoscope Features a New Moon & The Chance For a Clean Slate

Hello, sweet pea! Your weekly horoscope for December 13-19 2021 has arrived. We now find ourselves midway through the season of the Archer; blink and you’ll miss the rest! In this, the last full week of Sagittarius, the energy is crackling with change. It begins with two planets changing signs—Mars (planet of action) into Sagittarius and Mercury (planet of communication) into Capricorn.

Whereas the collective may have been enjoying the recklessness of Sagittarius, Mercury’s shift into Capricorn bids us to contemplate our words a little more. More interestingly, this week marks the final full moon of the year. Saturday finds the Full Moon in Gemini. As per usual, manifesting isn’t exactly recommended. Instead, take this time to release so that you enter the new year with a clean slate.

Finally, Venus (planet of love) in Capricorn goes retrograde on Sunday. So, if there have been bumps in the road of your relationship, expect them to get bumpier during the retrograde’s reign.

How the Planets Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign This Week



STYLECASTER | Aries Zodiac Sign

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Your week begins with a strong case of wanderlust as you yearn for action and adventure when Mars enters Sagittarius on Monday. Mars will be in your expansion zone for the rest of the year, making you fearless enough to travel the world or make important discoveries.

The weekend gets busy when the full moon is in Gemini on Saturday. The moon is in your communication zone, making it a good night to play catch-up on everything you’ve been putting off, such as running errands, paperwork, and phone calls. Take care of it now so you can have fun later.

The Sunday scaries hit you extra hard when Venus turns retrograde in Capricorn that day. With Venus moving backward in your career zone, you could experience some career drama, face issues with co-workers, or even change your employment status. Expect your goals to change as you head into 2022, Aries.



STYLECASTER | Taurus Zodiac Sign

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Monday brings opportunities for learning and personal growth when Mercury enters Capricorn and your expansion zone, where it will be for the rest of the year. If you’ve been thinking about going back to school or investing in some career training, this is the time to do it.

Finish your holiday shopping when the full moon is in Gemini, shining in your value zone on Saturday. While you’re out splurging on gifts (and getting a little treat for yourself), make sure you buy things that people actually want and not what you think they want. Sometimes the best gift is a phone call, Taurus.

However, the end of the week turns your life upside down when Venus goes into retrograde in your expansion zone on Sunday. Sudden changes in your life could shake up your personal values and beliefs. You might want to go on an adventure during this time to find yourself again.



STYLECASTER | Gemini Zodiac Sign

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Start the week by having some tough money conversations when Mercury enters Capricorn on Monday. Your ruling planet will be in your intimacy zone for the rest of the year, bringing some conversations about responsibility. Whether you’re discussing sharing resources, asking for a loan, or receiving an inheritance, things are getting serious.

Then it’s all about you when the new moon is in your sign on Saturday, making you feel like yourself a little more. However, as you walk around with your heart on your sleeve, make sure it doesn’t get broken. Remember to take care of yourself so you don’t have to depend on others, Gemini.

Sunday brings even more financial changes to your life when Venus goes into retrograde in Capricorn. Power struggles where money is concerned could form in your relationship. Be careful about who you lean on or it could come back to haunt you.



STYLECASTER | Cancer Zodiac Sign

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Compromise is the name of the game when Mercury enters Capricorn on Monday. Mercury enters your partnership zone, making it an ideal time for negotiations. While it’s important to compromise to reach a shared goal, Cancer, don’t give too much away. Being a pushover won’t get you what you desire.

As the holiday season gets busier, you might feel the need to retreat when the full moon is in Gemini on Saturday. Your ruling planet is in your privacy zone, encouraging you to take a breather and practice some self-care, especially when major secrets come out.

Old arguments come to the surface when Venus goes into retrograde in Capricorn on Sunday, making it difficult to find common ground. Your relationships will be tested over the next few weeks, and secrets could come out into the open. While conflict isn’t ideal, it might be necessary in order to move forward.



STYLECASTER | Leo Zodiac Sign

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Your week begins on a very creative note when Mars enters Sagittarius and your pleasure zone on Monday. Mars makes you feel bold and unafraid to express yourself and empowered to get to work on your dreams. Take a gamble, Leo. It just might pay off.

The holiday season is here, and you’re excited to visit your friends when the full moon is in Gemini and your social zone on Saturday. The moon here encourages you to take a short trip to visit friends or plan a winter outing with your crew to make some memories.

You’re going to need that cheer when Venus goes into retrograde in Capricorn on Sunday. Venus moves backward in your habit zone, making you the caretaker for the next few months. Habits could get out of whack as you focus your time and attention on other people. Just remember to nurture yourself.



STYLECASTER | Virgo Zodiac Sign

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Start the week with creativity and entertainment when Mercury enters Capricorn on Monday, moving into your pleasure zone. This is a great time to work on creative projects and even post them on social media. Show off your talents as you improve your skills.

Speaking of skills, Saturday is a great day to highlight yours at work when the full moon is in Gemini and your career zone. If you’ve been working hard on a major project, now is the time to bask in the praise. Remember to stay modest because the rest of the year could humble you.

Especially when Venus goes retrograde in your pleasure zone for the rest of the year. This retrograde can make it difficult for you to be excited about things, even the holidays. Don’t be too hard on yourself, Virgo. Try doing activities that bring you pleasure, even if it’s minimal.



STYLECASTER | Libra Zodiac Sign

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The start of the week brings plenty of travel opportunities, especially business trips, when Mars enters Sagittarius and your communication zone on Monday. Your natural charm and great ideas can win over very important people. You might even earn a holiday bonus.

Personal beliefs get tested during the full moon in Gemini and your expansion zone on Saturday. You’re famous for looking at both sides of any issue, but you could look like you’re playing both sides when it comes to talking about important issues. Pick a side, and stand by your convictions.

Your week ends on a rather dramatic note when Venus goes into retrograde in Capricorn on Sunday, moving backward in your family zone. This might not be a smooth holiday season because your family relationships could easily be frayed, especially when childhood wounds come back to the surface. Be gentle with yourself, Libra.



STYLECASTER | Scorpio Zodiac Sign

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It’s all about the money right now, Scorpio, when Mars enters Sagittarius on Monday. Your ruling planet enters your value zone, making you extra ambitious to make money so you can buy some fancy things during the holidays. However, don’t let your drive for success make you overly materialistic.

In fact, use some of that money to pay off any debts or bills you have when the full moon is in Gemini on Saturday. The moon in your transformation zone encourages you to get your finances together before the new year or you might have to ask for some help later.

Though asking for help might be difficult when Venus goes into retrograde in Capricorn on Sunday, moving backward in your communication zone. It would be easy to be misunderstood, especially when you talk impulsively. Think before you speak so you don’t hurt someone’s feelings.



STYLECASTER | Sagittarius Zodiac Sign

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You’re ending the year strong with amazing stamina when Mars enters your sign on Monday, where it will stay for the rest of the year. This is an ideal time to start important projects, travel, and even change your look. Start crossing off some bucket list items now.

As 2021 comes to a close, it’s time to bury the hatchet concerning any lingering feuds that developed this year. The full moon in Gemini and your partnership zone on Saturday encourages you to mend fences and come to an agreement to start fresh next year.

However, you might have to develop a new relationship with your wallet when Venus goes into retrograde in Capricorn on Sunday, moving backward in your value zone. With the holidays, you could be spending much more than you typically do, even on things you don’t need. Remember, Sagittarius, you can’t buy happiness.



STYLECASTER | Capricorn Zodiac Sign

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Monday brings a slight boost in confidence when Mercury enters your sign. The planet of communication can help you express yourself better, especially in writing. You know what you want, Capricorn, you just need to think very carefully about how to get it. Let your ambition do the talking.

Start your resolutions a little early this year during the Gemini full moon on Saturday. The moon in your routine zone encourages you to give up some bad habits before the new year. By making small adjustments, you can get big results. Ask your siblings and friends to keep you accountable as you make these changes.

Sunday brings a major crush to your ego when Venus goes retrograde in your sign, throwing your life off balance. Those new beginnings you had planned might not happen the way you envisioned them. Don’t lose your temper! Instead, try to go with the flow.



STYLECASTER | Aquarius Zodiac Sign

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You’re even more driven to help those in need during the holiday season. Mars enters Sagittarius on Monday, unleashing your inner humanitarian. Over the next six weeks, take action in your community and work where you can do the most good, even if it’s just educating yourself on important issues.

Get creative during the full moon shining in Gemini and your pleasure zone on Saturday. If you’ve been working on any artistic projects, Aquarius, now is a great time to finish them or entertain yourself with an easy craft project.

You’ll need a relaxing night to prepare for Sunday, when Venus goes retrograde in Capricorn, moving backward in your privacy zone. This can be a very difficult and lonely retrograde with the possibility of breakups, isolation, and self-destruction. Learning to trust others is the key to getting through this.



STYLECASTER | Pisces Zodiac Sign

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Start the week by getting social when Mercury enters Capricorn and your friendship zone on Monday. Whether you’re connecting with your friends over video chat, social media, or in real life, you’ll be talking with the people you care about. Enjoy!

After hanging out with friends, spend time with family during the full moon in Gemini on Saturday. The cold moon is in your home zone, Pisces, encouraging you to enjoy some of your favorite holiday traditions with loved ones and make some lasting memories.

Soak in that loving feeling because relationships could turn sour when Venus goes into retrograde in Capricorn on Sunday. There’s a strong possibility of ending important friendships and fracturing your whole social circle. This is a great time to take a social media break and rethink who you let into your life. Avoid buying expensive technology now. It might not last into the new year.


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