
Video: Street fighter gets smashed by boxer

Watch street fighter get lit up after challenging boxing coach
Watch street fighter get lit up after challenging boxing coach | Martial Madness / YouTube

Leave these fighters alone people.

With combat sports being so mainstream today, there shouldn’t be anyone out there thinking they stand a chance against someone who earns their money inside a ring or a cage. However, there are always some who think a sloppy brawl outside a bar means they could win the The King of the Iron Fist Tournament.

So as a reminder to anyone feeling lucky, please check out this video from a few years back to see what could happen if you try and throwdown with the wrong person.

This video comes via Martial Madness on YouTube and shows the outcome of a ‘street fighter’ who thought he could challenge a boxing coach.

The video includes a little bit of chatter between the two foes, with the coach telling his opponent that he’s never accepted a challenge from a guy off the street before. The fight then starts and the rando throws his pillow fists at the coach who then informs him “that is not boxing.”

The coach then turns up the heat and lights up the novice without breaking a sweat. He scores a few knockdowns with shots to the head. He then seems to take pity and works the body for a bit. We don’t see how this all ended, but I think it’s safe to assume that the so-called ‘street fighter’ left with a sore head, a reality check and hopefully an aftertaste of humble pie.

If this post prevents one person from walking into a gym and wasting some poor fighter’s time, then I think I’ve done my job. Hopefully it might spare some brain trauma, too.

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