
3 Winter Solstice Rituals to Help You Harness the Season’s Magic

Winter is coming! And it officially arrives with the Winter Solstice on December 21 in the Northern Hemisphere. If you’re not the biggest fan of cold nights and dark days, we have just the news to help you let all that go and finally embrace the magic of winter via a few tried and true Winter Solstice rituals.

The Winter Solstice (a.k.a. the shortest and darkest day of the year) falls during the peak of the holiday season, a time when you might find yourself trying to strike an appropriate balance between inward musings and external pressures to be fully present. As with most things in our reality, this timing is no accident. If anything, the experience of the Winter Solstice is just part of a larger cycle that is necessary for our personal growth.

So, let’s talk about this cycle for a bit. In astrology, the seasons, equinoxes and solstices can be tied back to our psychological processes. Just as plants, trees and flowers go through the cycles of death and rebirth throughout the year, we go through more psychological versions of these same cycles. What’s more, a Solstice represents the point in time when the Sun reaches its most northerly or southerly point in the sky, bringing the longest and shortest day of the year, while an Equinox represents the time when day and night are equal length. 

Each year, the cycle starts with the Spring Equinox in the sign of Aries, when daylight begins to grow each day and we start to see the cold ground come to life again. Psychologically, this is time for taking on new initiatives, planting new seeds for growth (Aries), watching them materialize (Taurus) and employing creative thinking/processes to ensure their sustainability (Gemini). 

Psychologically, this is a time for letting go of anything that doesn’t align with our highest purpose.

Once daylight peaks during the Summer Solstice in the sign of Cancer, it sticks around as long as it ever will. This marks a time for us to protect whatever we value (Cancer), show off the fruits of our labor (Leo) and then dutifully organize and prepare for the upcoming changes (Virgo). 

Next, with each day losing a bit more daylight until we reach Fall Equinox—when day and night are the same again—we are pushed to start our journey through darkness. And, what makes darkness most manageable? Partnership, of course. Fall Equinox comes during the sign of Libra, when partnerships are front and center in our lives. As we continue losing daylight, we partake in exploration of the murky water of our shadows (Scorpio) that might hold us back from merging with others, and put the beliefs that drive us (Sagittarius) front and center. 

A short time later, when we arrive at the Winter Solstice in the sign of Capricorn, we are encouraged to celebrate the rebirth of life. Psychologically, this is a time for letting go of anything that doesn’t align with our highest purpose, integrating all that we learned when we explored our shadows to approach our fears with determination (Capricorn), push boundaries to revolutionize our world (Aquarius) and commune with all that is, realizing fully that we are an intricate part of everything (Pisces). Then, the cycle starts again! 

Now that you know everything there is to know about the Winter Solstice and how it fits into the grander cycle of death and rebirth, it’s time to get to three rituals to help you magnify this energy.


Winter Cleaning

Do you really need four of the exact same black turtlenecks? And isn’t it time for that chipped mug to go? Only you know the answer to these questions, but if you dig deep, you’ll see that letting go of things you no longer need—or anything that no longer brings you joy—is deeply beneficial to your spirit.

This Winter Solstice, take the time to go through your space and get rid of anything that doesn’t light you up. Don’t be afraid to make it fun! Play your favorite music, invite some friends, have some wine—do whatever makes you feel good. Just don’t forget to thank every piece for its presence in your life before you let it go, Marie Kondo style.


Smudge It All

Once you’ve gone through and purged all your extra stuff, your space may feel a little different. Well, that’s great, because it’s the perfect time to double down and clear out any stagnant energy! Grab your favorite smudging incense and burn away any pesky vibes hanging around. You can use Sage, Palo Santo, Lavender, Frankincense, Copal or any other incense that resonates with your spirit.

Try to get all the windows, corners and little nooks you can, while asking anything that is not yours to leave your space. Open a window when you’re finished to clear it all away for good.


Soak A Bit

After you’ve cleared, cleaned and smudged, you’ll more than likely feel a mix of excitement and exhaustion at the same time. That’s perfect, because a nice soak in a ritual bath would be the perfect way to complete your Winter Solstice rituals! Soak yourself in some sea salt, rose petals, sage and any other herbs that make you feel light and relaxed.

While you’re in the bath, take a bit of time to imagine all of your worries, stresses and fears flowing out of you and into the water. Once you are finished, wish them well and let them complete their journey down the drain, back to the earth and far, far away from you. 


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