
Sorry, But Your Weekly Horoscope Kicks Off With a No Bones Day

Happy November! Your weekly horoscope for November 1-7 2021 has arrived. The first week of the month packs a punch with two major planetary movements on the same day. However, we kick things off with the new moon in Scorpio on Thursday encouraging us to dig deep within ourselves to bring out emotional transformations. While it isn’t a good day to socialize, it is great for healing.

Then on Friday, relationships and finances become a serious matter when Venus enters Capricorn for the second and final time in 2021. With this planet in disciplined Capricorn, we start valuing mature relationships that can last even if they aren’t burning with passion. We also become financially ambitious as we look ahead to 2022. Venus will be in Capricorn for the rest of the year, so make it count.

Also on Friday, Mercury enters Scorpio to cast a mysterious aura around most of our communication for the next two weeks. While we’ll have to read between the lines in most interactions, intuition will be heightened, so trust your gut.


How the Planets Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign This Week



STYLECASTER | Aries Zodiac Sign

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Go with your gut this week, Aries, because your intuition will be stronger than normal, especially on Thursday when the new moon is in Scorpio and your intimacy zone. Deeply personal transformations can begin today, and they may not be what you expected. Even the smallest changes made today can have a major impact later.

The year 2021 is almost over, so spend the rest of this year revamping your image and career when Venus enters Capricorn on Friday. Venus will be in your career zone for the rest of the year, encouraging you to use your bold attitude and social influence to further your career and take the lead.

Also on Friday, Mercury enters passionate Scorpio and your intimacy zone. For the next two weeks, be very careful about what you say and how you say it because people could read too much into a thoughtless remark. Listen rather than speak to get what you want.



STYLECASTER | Taurus Zodiac Sign

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A new moon means new opportunities to make connections when the new moon is in Scorpio and your partnership zone on Thursday. This is an ideal time to reach agreements in your romantic and business relationships. Let your intuition guide you so you can get the best deal.

Expect to do a lot of traveling as the holidays approach because Venus enters Capricorn and your travel zone on Friday and will be here for the rest of the year. Whether you’re heading home, traveling for business, or visiting a new country, just go before Venus goes into retrograde in December.

Negotiations continue on Friday as well when Mercury enters Scorpio and your partnership zone. While you might have to do a lot of compromising over the next two weeks, Taurus, keep your cards close to the vest right now. It could be difficult to take anyone’s word at face value.



STYLECASTER | Gemini Zodiac Sign

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We’re a couple months shy of 2022, but why not get started improving your life now? The Scorpio new moon is in your habit zone on Thursday, making it an ideal day to think about your goals for the new year and set them in motion—even if they’re tiny steps.

Relationships get serious when Venus enters Capricorn and your intimacy zone on Friday, where it will stay for the rest of the year. During this time, there could be plenty of possibilities for marriage proposals, moving in together, sharing finances, or even starting a business with a partner.

Also on Friday, Mercury enters Scorpio and will be in your habit zone for the next two weeks. Use this time to get all your ducks in a row before the new year begins. Start by developing better habits, but be warned, Gemini. Too much focus on self-improvement can become an obsession.



STYLECASTER | Cancer Zodiac Sign

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Spend Thursday’s new moon in Scorpio doing something that brings you pleasure to get you out of your emotional funk. Whether it’s watching your favorite comfort movie, working on a creative project, or getting romantic with your lover, do what brings you joy.

Serious relationships are the theme for the rest of the year once Venus enters Capricorn and your relationship zone on Friday, making you ready to partner up with someone to tackle 2022. Whether they’re business, romantic, or platonic, relationships become stable and reliable because you’re ready to commit.

Friday also brings a period of self-expression when Mercury enters Scorpio, and it will be in your pleasure zone for the next two weeks. Use this creative energy to dig deep into your psyche to learn more about yourself by trying journaling or art therapy. You could be surprised by how much it helps you deal with the holiday stress, Cancer.



STYLECASTER | Leo Zodiac Sign

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Stick close to home, Leo. On Thursday, the new moon in Scorpio is in your family zone, making you anxious. Focus on making your home a safe haven by filling it with comforting things or inviting a close family member to stay with you for the night to ease your mind.

However, by Friday, you might be feeling more at home at the office when Venus enters Capricorn. Venus will be in your habit zone for the rest of the year, encouraging you to be extra productive when getting your work done. At least you’ll get along great with your co-workers.

In fact, you could get along with them better than with your family when Mercury enters Scorpio on Friday. The planet of communication will be in your family zone for the next two weeks, creating possibilities for family drama right before the holidays. You could uncover a family mystery that makes dinner with kinfolk very awkward.



STYLECASTER | Virgo Zodiac Sign

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Your week starts on a very busy note when the new moon is in Scorpio and your communication zone on Thursday. Spend the day running errands, answering all your e-mails (finally), and chatting with friends. You could get to the heart of a deeper issue.

Friday brings opportunities for romance and creativity when Venus enters Capricorn and your pleasure zone. Whether you’ve fallen head over heels for someone, or you’re indulging in some early holiday activities like decorating or baking cookies, you are taking having fun very seriously right now.

Friday also brings an extra boost of cleverness when Mercury enters Scorpio. Your ruling planet will be in your communication zone for the next two weeks, making it an ideal time to plan for 2022. Your brain is logical and sharp enough to see things from every angle. However, only focus on short-term problems, Virgo. Don’t bite off more than you can chew.



STYLECASTER | Libra Zodiac Sign

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Take a closer look at your financial situation during the Scorpio new moon on Thursday. The moon in your value zone brings the possibility of money coming to you in mysterious ways, such as an early gift, inheritance, or even a surprise bonus. Spend your money wisely.

Family traditions take on new importance when Venus enters Capricorn on Friday. Your ruling planet will be in your family zone for the rest of the year, allow you to see the value of your childhood traditions. Try recreating those memories or creating new ones over the next couple of weeks.

Think before you act during the next two weeks, especially when it comes to money. Mercury enters Scorpio on Friday, finally leaving your sign and moving into your value zone. Now is a good time to start budgeting and planning for 2022. Think over every financial decision before you act, Libra.



STYLECASTER | Scorpio Zodiac Sign

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The new year is still two months away, but why should that stop you from making changes now? On Thursday, the new moon in your sign encourages you to make some changes to your signature style. A new wardrobe or hairstyle could be a great way to greet 2022.

Your quick wit and intellect will become very important when Venus enters Capricorn on Friday and remains in your communication zone for the rest of the year. This is a great time to charm people and make some serious power moves toward important short-term goals, especially in work or business. Use your connections to get what you truly desire.

Self-expression also becomes important when Mercury enters your sign on Friday. Spend the next two weeks on a quest for self-discovery and learn more about what makes you, you! You’re more than just your mysterious aura, Scorpio.



STYLECASTER | Sagittarius Zodiac Sign

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Start the week by begin gentle with yourself, Sagittarius. You could really use a break! When the new moon is in Scorpio on Thursday, spend the night in and do a self-care session to recharge your spiritual energy. Spend the night journaling, meditating, or crystal healing to reconnect with yourself.

As the holiday season gets closer, you could be spending more money than usual when Venus enters Capricorn and your value zone on Friday. It might be tempting to spend a lot of money on expensive gifts for loved ones, but don’t break the bank to show your devotion.

Though showing your love could be difficult when Mercury enters Scorpio and your privacy zone on Friday, turning you into a hermit. Thoughts become more reflective and nostalgic as you spend more time alone. While regular means of communication could be difficult, express yourself in other ways like poetry or painting.



STYLECASTER | Capricorn Zodiac Sign

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A new moon means new opportunities to make new connections when the new moon is in Scorpio on Thursday. The moon is in your social zone, making this a perfect time to network, especially at winter-themed social gatherings. Use these contacts to fuel your ambitions, Capricorn.

Continue to socialize on Friday because you can make a great first impression when Venus enters your sign, where it will stay for the rest of the year. This is a great time to make new friends and pamper yourself before the holiday stress. Perhaps a spa day is in order?

Friday is also a good time to reflect on your goals and ambitions when Mercury enters Scorpio. What do you want to achieve before the year is over? It might be time to use a new strategy or think up new ideas to get what you want. Brainstorm with friends to find a unique solution.



STYLECASTER | Aquarius Zodiac Sign

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You’re feeling extra ambitious this week when the new moon is in Scorpio and your career zone on Thursday. There is still time to reach your goals, Aquarius. This is an ideal day to start making plans and creating new goals for yourself so you end 2021 on a high note.

However, while you have your sights set on the future, it’s easy to get nostalgic about the past when Venus enters Capricorn on Friday. Venus will be in your privacy zone, making you crave solitude for the rest of the year. However, while you’re wading in daydreams, don’t forget about the here and now.

Fortunately, you’ll have a lot to keep you busy when Mercury enters Scorpio on Friday. With the planet of communication in your career zone, it’s an ideal time to start networking and using your public image to advance your career. Try out different strategies to see what works best for you.



STYLECASTER | Pisces Zodiac Sign

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Your week begins with a quest for knowledge during the Scorpio new moon on Thursday. The moon is in your philosophy zone, encouraging you to dig deeper to find the truth in important information. Trust your intuition right now, Pisces, and don’t believe in any easy answers.

Get ready to get social starting when Venus enters Capricorn and your friendship zone on Friday. She remains here for the rest of the year, so this is an ideal time to make new friends, bond with old ones, and forge career connections that will help you later. Clean up your social media accounts so you come off as even more professional.

Friday is also a great day for discovery because Mercury enters Scorpio and your philosophy zone. If you’ve been thinking about going back to school or changing careers, now is the time to do it. Spend the next two weeks researching and planning for the new year.


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