Leo, Your March Horoscope Is All About Your Major Relationships
Your commitment to your community is what’s motivating you this month, Leo. In fact, when Mars enters your extraverted 11th house on March 3, it will increase your desire to network and strengthen your sense of teamwork! Reach out to people in your life (and introduce yourself to new people, too) and believe in your ability to socialize and charm others, because your Leo March 2021 horoscope is here to help you forge all sorts of exciting new relationships.
However, the mood is somber and serious on March 13, when the new moon radiates transformative energy throughout your eighth house of death and rebirth. It’s time to take stock of your commitments (both financial and emotional) and ask yourself whether what you’re working for is truly worth it. Invest your time and energy into something that matters to you! As the Venus-Neptune conjunction also takes place on March 13, it has the power to deepen your relationships like never before. Share secrets, get to know each other and don’t be afraid of letting down your guard with someone you trust. When Mercury enters your intuitive eighth house on March 15, your psychic senses will be fully activated. Uncover the truth like the spiritual detective you are!
Adventures begin on March 20, when Aries season activates your expansive ninth house. Let a free-spirited attitude lead everything that you do as you experience new things and learn along the way. When Venus enters your spicy ninth house on March 21, you’ll start craving something out of the ordinary in your love life. Travel far and embrace exotic opportunities and you might meet someone fascinating along the way!
Your relationships will develop in beautiful new ways by March 21. This is when Mars will form a trine with Saturn, encouraging acquaintanceships to turn into long-lasting friendships. However, when Mercury squares off with Mars on March 23, your fears of intimacy may feel challenged. However, there’s nothing wrong with taking things slow. In fact, when the full moon blasts through your third house of communication on March 28, it will be a powerful opportunity to be honest about how you think and feel. Own it!
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