
The New Moon In Cancer On July 20 Will Have You All Up In Your Feels

Attention, astro fans: the New Moon in Cancer on July 20, 2020 is one part spicy and one part magical. Get excited! In case you need a reminder, a New Moon happens once a month and occurs when the Moon is at its darkest. Astronomically, the New Moon is the first of eight lunar phases and happens when the Moon and Sun are at the same ecliptic longitude and the lunar disc cannot be seen with the naked eye.

Astrologically (which is likely the angle you’re more invested in), a New Moon represents a window of time when we can plant seeds of intentions that we want to manifest during the corresponding moon cycle. In addition to being a time to start the manifestation process, each New Moon asks you to focus on a specific part of your life by introducing a person, circumstance or situation to you. It’s almost as if the universe gives us a monthly gift that, if used correctly, can help us become more active co-creators in this journey of life. 

What’s more, each New Moon comes with its own energetic signature. This New Moon will happen in the sign of Cancer and will be perfect for setting intentions around your home life, family, place of residence, roommates, emotional wellbeing, relationship with your mother, feelings about motherhood and your privacy. Since this is a water New Moon, it might have you a little caught up in your feels, but that’s OK. Just go with it.

Coupled with a pretty spicy beam from Saturn, who will be forming an opposition to the New Moon, you might encounter a new circumstance or two that feels a bit tense. Just remember that Saturn only wants you to be the best version of yourself. Whatever comes your way, don’t take it personallyjust look for the lesson and set intentions to be more diligent in the future. Plus, Neptune (planet of inspiration, dreams and intuition) will be sending glorious beams at the New Moon, so your intuition will be lit AF. Be sure to trust your gut this New Moon and take note of your dreams, as they might provide you some extra insight into your life. 

If you want to know more about how this New Moon will affect each sign, read for your Sun or Rising sign below to get a quick tip on how to handle this moment and come out of it thriving. Sending you tons of love, light and magic.

STYLECASTER | Aries zodiac sign

Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.


Family time at home is a big focus for you this New Moon, Aries. Set intentions and vow to finally make those changes that you’ve been putting off around the house. It’ll be well worth it.

STYLECASTER | taurus zodiac sign

Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.


Taurus, communication is key this New Moon. Focus on setting intentions about improving how you communicate and share information with the people you love in your life.

STYLECASTER | gemini zodiac sign

Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.


This New Moon is calling attention to your finances, Gemini. Focus on affirmations concerning budgeting, increasing self-worth and your beliefs about money. It’ll “pay” off long-term, pun intended.

STYLECASTER | cancer zodiac sign

Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.


This New Moon will shine light on how you present yourself to the world, Cancer. Focus on affirmations around developing your confidence. You’re amazing!

STYLECASTER | leo zodiac sign

Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.


You might feel like you need a break from everything this New Moon. Focus on rest and relaxation and take steps to ensure you are getting enough of both in the future. Prioritize yourself, Leo!

STYLECASTER | virgo zodiac sign

Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.


Virgo, This New Moon brings focus to your friends and social circle. Set intentions for a social life makeover, whether that involves cutting ties or reaching out to new potential friends.

STYLECASTER | libra zodiac sign

Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.


Your career has your full attention during this New Moon, Libra. This is the perfect time to make a dream career wishlist and send it out to the universe. Perfect that resume and start making moves!

STYLECASTER | scorpio zodiac sign

Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.


Travel and education are on your mind this New Moon, Scorpio. Create a bucket list of all the places you want to go and all the books you want to read. Then, get ready to start checking them off, one by one.

STYLECASTER | sagittarius zodiac sign

Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.


Finances will be a huge focus for you, Sag, especially when it comes to paying back any debt. Set intentions around proper budgeting so that you can save up for that dream investment you’ve been waiting for.

STYLECASTER | capricorn zodiac sign

Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.


This New Moon might have you focusing all your energy on a romantic or business partner, Capricorn. Set affirmations that will ensure healthy and balanced relationships in your life. 

STYLECASTER | aquarius zodiac sign

Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.


You might be busy with work this New Moon, Aquarius, so don’t let yourself get overwhelmed. Set intentions around creating habits that will make you more productive and efficient. 

STYLECASTER | pisces zodiac sign

Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.


This New Moon will highlight romance, creativity, fun and children for you, Pisces. Create intentions around expanding your creativity and bringing more joy into your life, however you see fit.

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